This Episode’s Executive Producers: Matthew Greensmith, Adam Miller
PR Associate: Pat Wilson and Weezer!!! On George Lopez Monday Night
Artwork by: Sir Paul T.
Knighthood: Sir Adam Miller
Knights Noir: Sir Aaron Jones, Sir Phlip Evans, Sir Roland Ruth, Sir Kelly Spongberg, Dame Maragret George, Sir Todd Symmons
Special Thanks to NerdyDude for saving us with the stream recording!

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  1. pcsmith says:

    As we said in Wallon BE, Talk about Frommage Et Rice. Or as we say in Morgantown. WV. Jesus couching rice!

  2. McCullough says:

    Like John said, Zombies are yesterday, it’s Vampires that have cycled back into vogue.

  3. tGill says:

    holy crap Weezer with a No Agenda callout! (with Trump of all people LOL)

  4. deowll says:

    Somebody reversed the names on the Zombies. How could anybody make a mistake like that?

    John down load a free copy of open office and use it to open the excel documents. It often works on files that causes office to have issues and it is free.

    Zombies, what’s not to love? I don’t think the craze is over though the “real” zombies weren’t into eating human flesh and were maybe a little smarter as in maybe a little bit more dangerous at least potentially though the truth is nearly all of them were slaves after being made in zombies.

    If they had a brain they might get to the bottom of it. Programmed traders playing games? Could be. They are the ones with the brains and the money.

    The EU has pretty much run out of other people’s money. They can raise taxes but its regressive on the economy and they already have staggering tax loads so revenues aren’t going to do much. It’s going under. We’re going under next.

    Cap and trade. How to scam the public and get rich. Congress on the take at its best. Turns out most of the hardware is being imported so it will create jobs mostly in other countries. The utilities will make out like a pack of ogres. The customers are going to get reamed when the price of power goes through the roof.

    Not to worry middle and blue collar class, the elite think you need to be sterilized anyway and the sooner you die the better off the planet will be. Of course you can count on these people to take care of you.

    People are getting really weird.

  5. Sea Lawyer says:

    Long-haul trucking is far less efficient than rail freight is. It costs about a third less per ton mile to use rail, there is no extra cost to taxpayer to do highway maintenance when using rail (which should be considered a huge subsidy to trucking), and there is much less pollution.

    For long haul shipment of goods, trains are the way to go. Screw the Teamsters.

  6. TooManyPuppies says:

    Awe, C’mon guys! Supernatural has the best soundtrack in television history. PERIOD!

  7. P says:

    Deowll (#4), it was intentional. The zombies of wallstreet could not see the difference between a “M” and a “B”, neither would zombies know where to sit when taken a picture of; it’s part of the “humor”. I did the mistake once after having the two switch sides in one of my earlier cover art, which i fixed, but this one was intentional. 🙂

  8. Lou Minatti says:

    Woah. That is pretty cool. Weezer does listen to No Agenda.

  9. jmsiowa says:

    adam shooting be talking about his machine gun. hope he has papers for Kalifornia. they don’t like large magazines for their firearms.

  10. Rich says:

    That zombie pic is reaaaaally distressing! Thanks!

  11. IAmZombieMan says:

    Zombie films are far from over. Matter of fact, George Romero (the father of Zombie films) just released “Survival of the Dead” in the UK and it’s due out in the US in the next month or so. He did Diary of the Dead in ’07 and Land of the Dead in ’05. And that’s just Romero. A remake of Day of the Dead was released in ’08, Flight of the Living Dead in ’07, Zombie Strippers in ’08, Zombieland in ’09 (and sequel coming next year) – the list goes on and on.

    John, believe it or not, the Zombie ‘franchise’ (so-to-speak) is alive (sorta) and well and thriving…

    Yes, before you say or think it, I’m a zombie film nerd, can’t help it.

  12. deowll says:

    #7 got it.

    #5 you can move a lot more cargo a lot more miles for the same money using a train however if your load of fresh produce/cut flowers doesn’t get to market and sold before it spoils you just lost a lot of money.

    With just on time manufacturing even a load of parts can be time sensitive.

  13. ECA says:

    Lets see,
    Choice of RAIL or Plane..
    HOW to make RAIL worth the price?
    Rail is used for distribution to more locations then AIR. With AIR, you send to a major city then TRUCK it, then send to a location.

    How much Fuel is needed for the same amount of WEIGHT.


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