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Today’s Guests:
Sebastian Rupley, Co-Crank
Chris DiBona, Open Source Program Manager, Google
Dan Goodin, Reporter, The Register

The Topics:
Is Apple Building Its Own Flash?
University Snubs Gmail Over Privacy Concerns
Can You Really Trust Facebook?
Will the iPad Take Down the Kindle?
The Porn Domain Debate Returns

Download this Episode:
iPod/iPhone/PSP: 111MB
Quicktime H.264: 137MB
Windows Media Player: 133MB
Mobile 3GP: 38MB
MP3 (Audio Only): 14MB

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  1. tdkyo says:

    Sebastian’s last appearance on CrankyGeeks as the co-crank made a hole in my heart.

  2. chainhimdown says:

    Crap! Don’t let Sebastian go! Can’t he at least tele-confrence from where he is going to.

  3. terryb99 says:

    mmm… I always thought he talked way too much. Did not give enough time to the guests!


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