In a decision that could mean sweeping changes to file sharing in the United States, a federal court has found the company that operates file-sharing service LimeWire liable for copyright infringement, according to court records reviewed by CNET.

U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood, for the Southern District of New York, on Tuesday granted summary judgment in favor of the music industry’s claims that Lime Group, parent of LimeWire software maker Lime Wire, and founder Mark Gorton committed copyright infringement, engaged in unfair competition, and induced copyright infringement.

“The evidence demonstrates that [Lime Wire] optimized LimeWire’s features to ensure that users can download digital recordings, the majority of which are protected by copyright,” Wood said in her 59-page decision. “And that [Lime Wire] assisted users in committing infringement.”

In other news, shotgun induces murder, crowbar induces robbery and knowledge induces terrorism.

  1. Nope says:

    I find this wrong 100% WRONG

    Limewire Doesn’t deserve this,It doens’t mean if all ADULTS or like 25+ Dont like Those free stuff,That u should Sue it!
    Around 70% of the Peopple that Downloaded Limewire
    Are Age 9-18 And now the fun for all of those childs is DONE?!
    I hope The Judge learns a nice Lesson and bring back Limewire!!! Because this is just WRONG!!!!


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