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I discovered that nothing kills a friendly dinnertime conversation with non-geek folk like revealing Facebook’s shady operations.

  1. JimD says:

    Facebook: A Fool and his Personal Data are soon parted – and sold on the open market !!!

  2. Grandpa says:

    I have already solved the issue with privacy on Face-book. I canceled my account over a year ago. Now I have no concerns. Let them do as they wish.

  3. deowll says:

    I don’t think most users know and most of the rest don’t care enough to do anything about it.

    I still think that when you combine their choices with the fact the minors use face book they are cruising for some major pain. I don’t know if they would do jail time but I’m pretty sure they could end up doing some staggering cash transfers.

  4. Likes2LOL says:

    Should have been titled,
    “The Devolution of Facebook Privacy.”

    Power corrupts absolutely once again.

  5. jescott418 says:

    Facebook is the social search equivalant to Google. They mine information and sell it.
    This will become even more of a problem down the road. You know the real question is what really becomes of your personal data when you close your Facebook account? Somehow I just do not trust them.

  6. qb says:

    I say we take off, and nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

  7. Hmeyers says:

    Online social networks are gay and a major time wasting activity.

    Congrats to Facebook, Farmville, Twitter and all the other companies that are unscrupulously exploiting this frivolous activity for profit.

    I’ll shoehorn Google in there too, at least a bit.

    The behavior of Facebook is amusingly corrupt, amusing because it is apathetically consensual on the part of users.

    But take into account it isn’t so easy to “monetize” a free service. Hats off to Facebook — not that I’d touch that with a ten foot pole.

  8. tcc3 says:

    I’m shocked, shocked! that information I put up on the internet is visible to others.

  9. The0ne says:

    I don’t get this myspace and facebook thing, honestly. I can’t be too old because Granny Betty just voted? to host SNL? I’m barely getting use to blogging, like here on DU, as it is.

    *goes back to this tinkering, shaking his head*

  10. Gazbo says:

    And to think – the Stasi used to have to torture and extort to get this information. A little statistical work and some help from ChoicePoint and Google and you could shut down any political movement you found irritating in 24 hours or less.

  11. ok says:

    Me never had any social network profile. But what amazes me is how people react when they find out you dont have a facebook profile.

    Its quite amusing to say they least.

    There is a Soutpark episode that sums up the whole facebook thing so well.

  12. Rick Cain says:

    Lucky for me everything on my facebook profile is fake.


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