1. Very Cheeky says:

    Terror and horror at the end.. NOT FUNNY. You may to check yourself, You may not have had good parents that told you when people get hurt its not funny.. You just may be out of touch with most of us..

  2. Jonesing says:

    Gave me a chuckle, time to go have a smoke.

  3. dogday says:

    Ok, John, I guess you have to make your money some how. Under the guise of ??, you get people to watch commercials, clever.

    I guess that all your fans are good for.

  4. qb says:

    Very funny, especially if you’ve ever quit smoking. Bug Bunny violence is always the best.

  5. Skippy says:

    I’ve always said that funny commercials are the best way of keeping my attention. I remember them longer, too.

  6. MacBandit says:

    I saw this commercial on TV about a week ago and it’s the first commercial I’ve actually watched (Tivo) on TV in a few months. I even rewound it to watch it a second time. It’s not hilarious but it was definitely worth a chuckle which puts it worlds ahead of most of tripe they put out for commercials.

  7. LostInDenver says:

    I first saw this commercial during the Lost episode last Tuesday when two main characters had just drowned in the ocean. Interesting placement….


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