“That’s a lot of TJ Hooker impersonators! What? Oh…”

Arguably, the soccer World Cup is to the sex industry what the holiday season is to candy shops. A temporary surge of excited people feeling collectively festive, willing to pay for a bit of extra indulgence.

South Africa’s Drug Central Authority estimates 40,000 sex workers will trickle in for the event from as far as Russia, the Congo and Nigeria to cater to the wide taste spectrum of some 400,000, mostly male, visitors and their apres-soccer needs.

Henry Africa, 49, drives a taxi in Cape Town and, aside from the usual airport pickups and winery tours, he also operates the “Bright Red Tour,” which he expects to be a hit among soccer fans. For the equivalent of 500 dollars, he’ll shuttle customers from strip bar to strip bar all night and even bring them over to a safe-sex practicing prostitute, a relevant selling point in a country where one in five adults are estimated to be HIV positive.
Even President Jacob Zuma — himself a polygamist, father of at least 20 children and an infamous condom skeptic — isn’t taking any frivolous chances with the World Cup. During his official visit to the United Kingdom in March, he asked the government to supply 1 billion extra condoms to South Africa before the upcoming tournament.

  1. bobbo, junior star wanderer says:

    1 hooker for every 10 visitors? Seems like overkill to me. Stay home, put your feet up on the kitchen table.

  2. Maricopa says:

    I’ve been to two World Cup matches.

    Seems more like the HIV World’s Fair. If your team wins, you apparently have license to fornicate in the streets. If your team loses, you are expected to get drunk and have sex in a dark alley. Oh, well.

    What’s worse is that this will undoubtedly draw a lot of criminals down from Jo’burg. Cape Town has pretty much escaped the chaos of Jo’burg but I assume this will end. Too bad.

  3. qb says:

    What would we do without free trade?

  4. chuck says:

    “Authority estimates 40,000 sex workers will trickle in for the event…”

    They charge extra if you want them to trickle on you.

  5. Hmeyers says:

    Tiger Woods is shameful because he did what he did and is ashamed.

    Someone with integrity either would have retained their pride either by not doing what he did or being unashamed by what he did.

    Either you get it or you don’t.

  6. fATTY says:

    Let’s run the numbers.

    1,000,000,000 condoms / 400,000 visitors / 30 days = ~83 sexual encounters per person per day.

    ($1300 plane ticket from Russia to Jo’burg + ($100 flea bag motel * 30 days)) / $50 per sexual act = 2.8 sexual encounters per day to break even

    I’m going to go ahead and call bullshit.

  7. seanb says:

    Just google “Lolly Jackson” and you will get the full details.

  8. Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho says:

    Uncle Dave, your mind blank? Just girl???

  9. Glenn E. says:

    Why do I get this impression that the world is in some kind of hurry to hit the “7 Billion” mark (total human population), as soon as possible? Condom use, notwithstanding. It’s like they keep inventing occasions to put them to the test. I remember not too long ago, the number was only 6.1 billion. Now it’s past 6.8 billion. Sometimes such growth can be a bit frightening. Though I’m sure the religious fanatics, who take “be fruitful and multiple” way too seriously, think it’s grand out-strip the food supply.


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