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Neat. You can see the MKAD clearly. Does anyone know the current MKAD record time?
(If you don’t know what I’m talking about type ‘moscow mkad’ into a YouTube search)
Looks like a lit up anus.
Like most solar systems, wouldn’t a lit up anus still have a dark hole in the center?
I think just about everything I remember about being in Moscow actually happened in St Petersburg. Irritating.
I’ve always loved the Russians and Irish. You might beat them down, but they always staggered to their feet. That struggle makes good poets also.
The text at the link site says..
“17,500 mph and nearly 220 miles above Moscow at the time, likely making the city a tricky target”
I’ve seen videos from the ISS/Shuttle. The earth in the background seems to be going by a quit a leisurely pace.
The highways have an efficient appearance. It is a common theme in some large cities around the world. Highways were originally designed for military transport after rush-hour.
Reminds me of the city in Final Fantasy VII.
6 – Realize that military transport when Moscow was laid out for the modern era was horse-drawn.
Looks like a huge target.
Fire the missiles!
>>bobbo, why all this hatin’ said, on May 9th, 2010 at 10:11 am
>>Like most solar systems, wouldn’t a lit up anus still have a dark hole in the center?
Well, most solar systems have a bright star in the center, and many ancient solar systems where the star has evolved into a black hole (ie., > 8 solar masses) are somewhat dark in the center. Not totally, since rotating black holes eject bright matter in the form of jets from their north and south poles of rotation.
Extremely old solar systems with stars like our Sun are dark at the center in visible light (but not infrared), since after fusing their fuel they’ve turned into inactive balls of iron after becoming a planetary nebula, then a white dwarf.
Just setting the record straight. I know, boring.
My grandpa had a eye that looked something like that.
Thanks Bubba–Yep, I shouda said “galaxies?”
I can even remember as a kiddie being taught that galaxies rotated around the common gravitational point of all the mass in the galaxy. I accepted that without question but I must say the black hole center galaxy seems to make more sense now==but is the thinking a standard rotating disk/arm galaxy could NOT have a black hole at the center—ie, can a bunch of stuff really rotate around a common gravitational point?
Also, if you are in the mood: I note how the different tv shows use various different objects to say what size our sun or earth would be if it was shrunk to a black hole–sometimes a golf ball, sometimes an orange. Is the calculation that imprecise or are the shows just being poetic and only mean to say black holes can be “real small?” or is it the degree of compression? And then, why aren’t all black holes just singularities?
I got about 15 more equally ignorant questions, ut I’ll play them out slowly for other relevant threads.
(((Imagine==the universe from a singularity?==I can’t.)))
Moskovites have a lot of balls with that bull’s eye design.
“One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them.”
– J. R. R. Tolkien
#4: “I’ve always loved the Russians and Irish. You might beat them down, but they always staggered to their feet. That struggle makes good poets also.”
Yeah, the Russians are the only ones that can outdo an Irishman in giving a motivating toast before downing a shot of vodka.
What about the American capitol?
What wonderfully nutty links! I find your take on Israel to be simply stunning and incredibly wrong. For all of this, Camacho would pimp-slap you from his chopper.
Relax. That ain’t my web page. I found it last week. I just thought the Moscow looks less sinister compared to Washington.
#4 Look how many the Nazis killed and they still kept coming.
#19 No problem. “Idiocracy” was the best baby!