Hugo Chavez, president of the socialist utopia Venezuela, has announced that a team of 200 workers would help him manage his new Twitter account. Chavez said of the new hire: “I’m creating a team due to the avalanche of requests, and some grievances”.

Socialism: worse products and services, 200 times more expensive. And I bet he’s telling his subjects “in America, they don’t even hire hundreds of people to manage social media”.

Not sure Liberty is right about the last part: I bet Obama and top U.S. companies have 200+ people on social media… not that it’s doing them any good.

  1. Civengine says:

    Is he purposely trying to look like il duce?

  2. fulanoche says:


    Douche is more like it. He’s a mosquito that needs to be swatted.

  3. qb says:

    Is that a “manly” boy scout uniform.

  4. sargasso says:

    Venezuelan battle camouflage. For hiding inside Carmen Miranda.

  5. Somebody says:


    Nothing sets off “Bobbo” like the word Liberty.

    He hates that shit.

  6. Oliver Stone will soon release a movie on his social virtues and on his 1077 narrow escapes from assassination plotted by the “yanqui” Imperialists.

    Sean Penn will star as Hugo Chavez.

    Sounds like a Fidel Castro remake.

  7. Mextli says:

    #9 Bruno It’s a regular feature now, the Liberty rebroadcast.

  8. RTaylor says:

    Pedro is correct, most of us needs a lesson in modern geography. One of the most common complaints I would hear about Americans wasn’t about politics, but how ignorant the average American was, and what type of crappy schools we ran. Perhaps if more of America were educated in history, sociology, and regional culture, we might not get in some of the messes we do. You have to have respect for another culture. Showing respect and understanding is all most people want. People can deal with a bit of ignorance, but not disdain.

  9. joaoPT says:

    Pedro, you’re right!
    Also I failed to state that Brazil by itself has a lot of different European and African influences as well. By the way we Portuguese colonized Brazil, it was not a undivisible entity. There were several different colonies all reported back to the kingdom by them selves. Also we were in dispute with the Dutch for the control of went to become Rio de Janeiro. Also a lot of German influence in the southern States near Argentina.
    It was only when the Peninsula came under the French Napoleonic Invasions, and the King fled to Brazil, that, by His influence, Brazil came to be. Not only because of his unifying influence, but also because after the British defeated the French the King went back, but left His son, that had great interest for the colonies, as the regent, and with prospects to become King of Brazil.
    I know it’s wikipedia, but it’s fairly accurate:

  10. joaoPT says:

    Pedro, even that sometimes we don’t see eye to eye, I got to hand it to you: You’re a Gentleman.

    And yes, Venezuela is in a sad pit.
    And also half of Latin America, and that’s a shame.

    Neither Cultural and Economical colonies of the USA nor the stage for Operetta dictators either from the Left or the Right.

  11. Rick Cain says:

    Chavez has a weekly call in show where people can ask the president questions, it usually lasts 4 hours.

    The man’s got stamina.


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