You have to give her credit on some level. She has to be approaching a Guinness record level of stupidity to think anyone would believe her. She’d clinch it if after her husband divorces her, she tries to sue the black actor for child support.

The wife of a US Army Soldier, Jennifer Stweart, claims she got pregnant by watching a 3D adult film while visiting friends in New York.

38-year-old Jennifer Stweart used the bizarre claims to explain to her husband why their child was black, despite the lovers being very much white skinned.

Jennifer Stweart said her child looks just like a black actor in the adult movie she watched in 3D with her east coast pals.
Stweart also admits her marriage to the US military man who serves overseas could be in trouble: “Even though my husband believed in me, my marriage could be at risk. But he knows I’m faithful” she said.

  1. DieFundie says:

    It worked for Mary.

  2. Improbus says:

    Its a miracle!

  3. bobbo, we think with words says:

    Rufus believes it.

  4. Jetfire says:

    Does her husband watch too much “Me, Myself and Irene”?

  5. The0ne says:

    Just simply wow. This ranks right up there for the Darwin Award along with Bobbo (for doing something he knows but thinks he does it unconsciously LMAO).

    I’m not sure who’ll win, someone who is actually stupid or someone who’s smart but wants to be stupid? Hmmm, tough choice 😀

  6. Dallas says:

    This excuse trumps George Rekers “I hired a hot, hung male to help me with my luggage”

  7. The DON says:

    Wait a minute.
    I think everyone is missing the point here.

    When did they start making adult films in 3D?
    What is the name of the film?
    Where can I get it?

  8. bobbo, we think with words says:

    More detail here:

    The source appears to the the Brazilian version of the Onion Magazine? How deep could this rabbit hole go?

  9. Benjamin says:

    Not surprised. I’ve seen a lot of women get pregnant while their husbands are on deployment. Her excuse/lie is just easier to see through though.

  10. qb says:

    Maybe this is Jesus’ younger brother? He needs a name. Hank? Carlos? Mohammed?

  11. MacBandit says:

    This came from an Onion News style news site.

  12. Animby says:

    Genetically, it is entirely possible for two “pure” white people to have a negroid infant. It’s simply … … … sorry. I can’t do it. I’m laughing too hard. Besides I keep getting this image of her bent over on her knees, red and blue glasses on her butt – which is “facing” the TV – and a slightly out of focus penis squirting…

    Forget about suing the actor. I didn’t see this warning on Samsung’s label. Sue Samsung!

    I feel 3-D dirty.

  13. Nobody says:

    Are we going to see a rash of blue infants when Dances-with-Smurfs hits HBO?

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    I’m glad she didn’t see Avatar.

  15. spsffan says:

    Maybe the husband joined the service to get away from the filthy slut?

  16. Benjamin says:

    Strangely when the ships deployed, the e-club would fill up with women.

  17. Cephus says:

    It always amazes me how many people fall for this kind of nonsense. Critical thinking seems to be going the way of the dodo. Nobody bothers to go looking for credible sources for the story and had anyone done a search for “Jennifer Stewart” they would find out it’s a porn actress.

    Come on people, you can’t be that dumb!

  18. hhopper says:

    There is no limit to stupidity.

  19. clancys_daddy says:

    And where can I get one of those tv’s?

  20. sargasso says:

    See what happens when you watch adult movies!

  21. Uncle Dave says:

    #17: On the other hand, if you spelled this woman’s name correctly you would find that she isn’t the porn actress.

  22. Canuck says:

    After watching your politics in the last few years, someone has to be dumb enough to vote either Democrat or Republican. This couple seems to fit the Democrat mould. Since they’re not smart enough to claim God did it, they’re not Republicans.

  23. AC_in_Mich says:

    “Yeah, Jennifer, its just a movie. Yes, with 3-D it seems so real, doesn’t it? And we even have the special “feelie” version that makes it seem like he is actually , errr, “touching” you. But it’s just a movie …”

  24. Semantics says:

    She should of claimed it was Tiger Wood’s baby

  25. Jeff says:

    She would have been better off claiming that it was his. Even if they are both “white,” there still is a very small genetic probability that it could be explained away with family lineage. It does make things a bit difficult though when their is no history of recent bi-racial heritage.

    This further seems like the type of story that would be seen in the Enquirer and, or Onion.

  26. Chad says:

    Dude, I would’ve thought that this would’ve broken the bullshit meter.

  27. irakiguy says:

    The little boy’s face looks like someone from Irak. This is very ironic. Meanwhile the guy was killing these people, one of them was doing his job with his wife….

  28. Mo says:

    @iraqiguy Are you a fucking moron? This kid doesn’t look anything like someone from Iraq. You probably have never seen any Iraqi people in your life! Google “Iraqi kid” you retard

  29. Paul says:

    She MIGHT be able to explain a very small genetic probability except HER HUSBAND WAS OVERSEAS WHEN SHE CONCEIVED the child! You have to love it when people piss on your head and tell you that it’s just a warm summer shower and then the person being pissed on says “oh ya it is a warm summer shower.”

  30. Maria Müller says:

    Well, it is pretty clear that it is a fake but funny new 🙂


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