Ladies and gentlemen, we have two new contenders for the dumbest TSA workers of the year award. An airport cop and TSA worker both showed up at a Hartland Township, MI gas station to buy some booze in order to continue their buzz (which means they drove there drunk already). The two paid for the booze, then Renee Zima, the TSA officer, is accused of stealing two pieces of pizza, and leaving the store.

When the store clerk approached them demanding payment for the items, Zima flashed her TSA badge, claiming she was with Homeland Security. When the clerk tried to get their plate number, these two idiots bent the plate, then stood in front of it, blocking his view. When the clerk went back outside, Zima’s partner in crime (and off duty airport police officer) Richard Frederick punched him in the face.

Seriously, she doesn’t look like she needs that pizza. Might I suggest a Slim-Fast?

  1. Bob says:

    Little late on the news, but still funny. Thats not even the latest TSA infraction. What about the TSA guy who beat up his coworker after a Nude-o-Scope incident?

  2. McCullough says:

    #1. Posted yesterday.

  3. Dallas says:

    Like I’ve said – disband the TSA and outsource airport security to Israeli experts and allow for prerequisite heavy profiling.

    Most of the TSA people are undereducated morons with government credentials. This is bad.

  4. McCullough says:

    #3. Sure, just turn over Homeland Security to a foreign gov’t. That’s brilliant Dallas.

  5. RTaylor says:

    I would never fly commercial again. Since I have no access to a private jet, I’m grounded. Bring back the horse and buggy. When was the last time you heard someone attempt to blow up a horse and buggy? Before you comment, yes I’m on extra oxycodone for my back today, served with a twist of xanax.

  6. BWJunior says:

    Wow, an agency employing over 40,000 people at bargain basement wages has a thief among their ranks, call the breaking news hotline!

    And #3 when Israel has to try and implement their security techniques on 35-40,000 flights day all while pleasing passengers who do nothing but bitch about every security procedure in place, then you might have a point.

  7. BmoreBadBoy says:

    These are the type of people you want protecting you from “terrorists”. Jesus christ. When will people learn the government isn’t interested in your protection. It is only interested in its own protection and interests.

  8. Bob says:

    #2: Oops! I guess I can’t blame everyone for not following my own personal timeline.

  9. hhopper says:

    There is no limit to stupidity.

  10. bobbo, who wants a job in law enforcement says:

    More evidence the main difference between criminals and the law is the badge.

  11. Improbus says:

    I am more afraid of the man with “The State” behind him.

  12. jay says:

    Straight out of ” My name is earl”

  13. xjonx says:

    Any wonder why no one likes cops? You have to be an asshole to even consider legal bullying as a career path.

  14. Rufus says:

    In a police state, only the police are free (to take pizza).

  15. BmoreBadBoy says:

    Looks like most people on this post agree, the police are scum. Why? Because even when caught red-handed, they are protected by the “Thin Blue Line”. How disgusting. Most of the time, these cops are punished with time off with pay. There’s no corrective measure! Why isn’t there a corrective measure? Because no matter how poorly the police act, they will continue to get paid because good little citizens continue to pay taxes which fund them. That means there will continue to be incidents like this, just pray to god it doesn’t happen to you…

  16. Buzz says:

    What’s the percentage of good cops to bad cops? Really?

  17. yourmaster says:

    Why is she dumb? She’s not likely to lose more than a few days pay…even if she gets fired, she can just apply again at another airport. TSA is unlikely to check up on her….they’ve employed people on the no-fly lists.

    Shut up slaves, and erase that video before we arrest you for …something we’ll make up later that says you can’t video us.

  18. Becky says:

    a Flickr contact just told me about
    Looks like it could be useful.


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