![]() Army called in to guard torpedos that missed target |
A grim report circulating in the Kremlin today written by Russia’s Northern Fleet is reporting that the United States has ordered a complete media blackout over North Korea’s torpedoing of the giant Deepwater Horizon oil platform owned by the World’s largest offshore drilling contractor Transocean that was built and financed by South Korea’s Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., that has caused great loss of life, untold billions in economic damage to the South Korean economy, and an environmental catastrophe to the United States…
On the night of April 20th the North Korean Mini Submarine manned by…“suicidal” 17th Sniper Corps soldiers attacked the Deepwater Horizon with what are believed to be 2 incendiary torpedoes causing a massive explosion and resulting in 11 workers on this giant oil rig being killed outright. Barely 48 hours later, on April 22nd , this North Korean Mini Submarine committed its final atrocity by exploding itself directly beneath the Deepwater Horizon causing this $1 Billion oil rig to sink beneath the seas and marking 2010’s celebration of Earth Day with one of the largest environmental catastrophes our World has ever seen.
To the reason for North Korea attacking the Deepwater Horizon, these reports say, was to present US President Obama with an “impossible dilemma” prior to the opening of the United Nations Review Conference of the Parties to the Treat on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) set to begin May 3rd in New York.
This “impossible dilemma” facing Obama is indeed real as the decision he is faced with is either to allow the continuation of this massive oil leak catastrophe to continue for months, or immediately stop it by the only known and proven means possible, the detonation of a thermonuclear device.
Every nutball west of Bill-O has joined in on this one. Here’s your chance!
I’m going to select “none of the above” and instead choose the following:
International corporations including the US news media. Their lock on the political system has managed to create new low standards for our political system that mere old skool corruption could never touch.
So you know more than the US Census Bureau??
I just have to say it…
Nobody, how about doing a little research before posting.
The numbers I quoted were AFTER all your issues were taken into account!
Here is the fixed link.
Meh, why do I have to use a proxy to even view wral.com? What are they afraid of – that people outside of the US will realize how moronic they are?
“North Korea, Obama or right-wing Nutballs – who do you really fear the most?”
I’m going with secret answer 4: Both Right & Left wing Nutballs.
Easy. I fear the government here more than any government abroad. It’s the government here that is oppressing me on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter who’s president or in congress.
Why can’t the title have left wing dipshits in it too?
Actually the US trade deficit with China peaked in 2007, reversed direction and is dropping rapidly…. 15% in 2008-2009. When things get too far out of whack, they tend to balance out.
# 37 BmoreBadBoy, R: “Easy. I fear the government here more than any government abroad.”
ANY government abroad? Then why are you living in the US? Move to Iran where you don’t have to live in such terrible fear.
I think he means that governments abroad are less of a domestic threat than our own. That doesn’t mean he wants to actually live under those foreign governments.
FFS boys, first big science, then North Korea and now you guys. Isn’t it about time we give the oil companies a break? I mean fair is fair but you guys are just piling on.
#41, brm… what is your point?
if you are living under a domestic threat from your government, more so than any other country in the world, and you were free to move elsewhere… why wouldn’t you?
“That doesn’t mean he wants to actually live under those foreign governments.”
No it means that he doesn’t believe a word he said. Duh.
“Why can’t the title have left wing dipshits in it too?”
Because Eideard posted the comments, which would make it redundant.
I think you put the BS Meter on the wrong article !!! Should be on this one !!! BP was exempted from safety monitoring and had DAMAGES LIMITS AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW AMOUNTS – so why would they SPEND ANYTHING ON SAFETY ??? Might cut into PROFITS AND BONUSES, you know !!!
My choice would be option 4:
People who waste their time and energy being fearful like good chicken littles.
@bobbo- A majority of the 911 Commisioners have gone on record recently doubting the official 911 fairy tale Bush told you. Yet you’re still on board with the Bush admin BS. I’d link to it, but I won’t waste my time on this anymore. Stoopid Americans deserve their fate.
JimD, “so why would they SPEND ANYTHING ON SAFETY ??? Might cut into PROFITS AND BONUSES, you know !!!”
They have lost $32 billion in share value so far (18%), they probably lost billions in potential contracts, and they screwed the whole offshore oil industry at least for 6 months to a year until people forget and drilling starts up near shore again.
I think the lack of that special valve had more to do with hubris, and hubris cool-aid for many Americans. Drill baby, drill! Wasn’t that a Republican slogan? Funny… the chanting seems to have stopped.
#47–Osama==I did a short google and do see a number of blogs complaining about one thing or another but not actual commissioners doubting the reports conclusions.
You want to link me to your own blog so I can run your logic thru the machine?
BTW–I am actually totally insulted you claim I think Bush is capable of pulling anything off competently. We have an 8 year record of one f*ck up after another, why would 911 be the one thing he got “right?” I have to take that back—-ha, ha. He did screw up everything he touched but like 911 if he did it, the goal was totally fubar.
Let’s not give Georgie more credit than he is due, hmmmmkay?
@skeptic, #40
Ha, ha silly. My answer would be any government under which I was living, duh. Government by its very nature is oppressive. Some are less oppressive than others. It’s like saying, oh, my master is great because he only beats me twice a day, and yours beats you four times a day.
@brm, #41
Can you believe I wrote my retort before reading yours? I guess free minds do think alike…
@skeptic, #43
Refer to @skeptic, #40
I don’t believe one way or the other whether terrorists committed 9/11, it was a government conspiracy, or some combination. But let’s say it was a conspiracy, wouldn’t it be a great idea to toss this government aside, instead of begging them to provide documents they won’t give up until 3 generations pass, and redacted ones at that? The very fact that the government COULD pull of this kind of atrocity would make me distrustful of the government and work the rest of my life trying to convince people it was not only unnecessary (my position) but downright a detriment to all humankind (your position) by not paying taxes and by getting together with other like-minded folks who oppose government rule.
@skeptic, #48
We’ll see. I want to know how much gas prices will rise between now and when they can drill near shore again. If it goes above $5-$6/gallon, I’m sure they will recoup their losses and then some. They’ve got us over a barrel, pun intended! And they won’t waste any oil for lube either!
“why would 911 be the one thing he got “right?””
Made my day.
Bush pulled off nothing. It’s really not that simple. Whether you believed it or not means nothing to me. Until you see the BIG PICTURE…you won’t get it.
Your personal problem is that you have fallen into the left / right paradigm fight. Until you get over that, you are useless. Personally, I think you can overcome this. I think you are highly intelligent and creative enough to see above this. I hope we do not lose you as an intelligent warrior. We (I) believe you are intelligent enough to see above this an act accordingly.
So, where’s the link?
Without a link, my personal problem will lead me to believe you don’t have one.
That’s just the way I roll.
Possible North Korea target: Deepwater Horizon oil platform
With citations.
The most amazing thing about Dvorák’s blog is the number of nut cases who actually believe crap like this. The must be to busy on their crippled iPhones to read the news on their crippled iPads about how it really happened.
The greatest fear is reserved for the social discord spread by commenetators to blogs.
That’s where society is breaking down.
The spreading of anonymous, unthinking bullshit is destroying the character of the country. Of the world.
re: #50, first to said:
“I fear the government here more than any government abroad.”
then you said:
“My answer would be any government under which I was living”
So basically, you can’t live anywhere without feeling oppressed. That indicates that you have a problem, not the country where you reside. Get thee to a psychiatrist.
I worry most about the right wing nutballs, and for that matter, left wing nutballs,looking for conspiracies under every rock.
North Korea is most worrisome because they’re apparently all left wing nutballs, are totally divorced from reality, and seem to be trying to develop a nuke and means to deploy. Iran is in second place in the unreality sweepstakes.
I do worry about the average people who aren’t necessarily nutballs, but get misinformed by the real nutballs on both left and right wings.
The Buffalo Springfield put it well about wingnuts.
“Paranoia strikes deep,
Into your life it will creep.
It starts when you’re always afraid.
You step out of line, the Man come and take you away.”
Please people, use some thought.
By the way, Obama isn’t perfect, but he’s way better than Dubya was.
Which is worse for humanity: Hello Kitty, Tele Tubbies or Mr. Rogers?
Which spells the end of civilization the most: Iraqi WMDs, Falun Gong or the Republican Manifesto?
Which signals the end of life on earth earliest: Global Warming, cow farts or political hot air?
Which is deadlist: Universal Health Care, Sarah Palin or insurance companies?
Why limit choices? Pick any three. A dartboard might help.
Buzz–good thinking requires the ability to prioritize concepts by any number of characterizations. Fear is becoming the meme of choice these days as the power structure has concluded fear, closely followed by hate, is one of the few things that will reliably motivate their potential base to vote.
Fear and Hate trumping personal self interest. Who’d a thunk it?
Finding a reporter that ASKS the questions NEEDED and reports everything he has heard..
Over those being TOLD what to report is very rare.
A little random THOUGHT provoking, is a good thing, as well as lets many exercise a few brain cells.
NEVER look at things from 1 side. There will always be 2 or more sides to a Question/problem, and MOST times there will be at LEAST 3-10 or more.