ORCHARD, Texas – A third-grader at Brazos Elementary was given a week’s detention for possessing a Jolly Rancher.

School officials in western Fort Bend County are defending the seemingly harsh sentence. The school’s principal and superintendent said they were simply complying with a state law that limits junk food in schools.

But the girl’s parents say it’s a huge overreaction.

“I think it’s stupid to give a kid a week’s worth of detention for a piece of candy,” said Amber Brazda, the girl’s mother. “The whole thing was just ridiculous to me.”

Leighann Adair, 10, was eating lunch Monday when a teacher confiscated the candy. Her parents said she was in tears when she arrived home later that afternoon and handed them the detention notice.

BTW this is not “State Law.” Here are the guidelines linked here. So these are just malicious school dipshits doing their own thing.

Related links. Apparently the Principal, Jeanne Brazos is an egomaniac as she has the schools website “blink” her name here. The Principal rationalizes that another child gave her the candy, not her mom, so she was found guilty of taking a gift from a friend. Good lessons this woman teaches, huh? And who was the teacher who busted the little tyke? What a scumbag.

Found by Keith Ray.

  1. don quixote says:

    That candy is obviously made by a consortium of Adobe and Microsoft, so Jobes has not authorized it to be eaten by anyone of his subjects while in possession of an iCrapolla device.

    Isn’t that where we are heading?

  2. TThor says:

    Good old too stupid to fathom; or USSA… too regulated and too much state running even common sense. This is the recipe of ‘how to create tea baggers’ at early age…
    The home of the proud and the free? what joke – poor country!

  3. bobbo, why all this hatin' says:

    Maybe worse?–watching report on school celebrating Chinko DeMayo and banning the wearing of American Flag symbols which is allowed on other days of the year.

    Imagine that. Celebrating the flag that unites us all is banned on Chinko deMayo?

    Well, I don’t like flag worship—-but still.

  4. Mud Dauber says:

    Take a look at the chubby mother and dad!!! They haven’t got enough sense to help their own from getting OBESE from eating candy. These are the same kind of people that brought these laws about.
    We are now a legalistic society and the law leaves less leeway to the state and government in these regards.
    They will still be saying it is unfair when their daughter gets fat and can’t get on the cheerleading squad.

  5. Floyd says:

    #26: That lunch menu is just full of starch, as opposed to food. There’s probably more nutrition in the Jolly Rancher the girl had than those lunches.
    Then, that principal put that little girl on detention because she ate one piece of candy. That’s the way to encourage love of education.

  6. Bud says:

    I have one question, what’s a 10 year old doing in grade 3? At that age she should be in grade 5.

  7. Toadfarmer says:

    The Ranchers aren’t jolly at this Texas town. Jeez..Cant they just take the candy, and warn the child? Noo. Three strikes, and we will catcha! What did they do to the student that gave her the candy?

  8. lynn says:

    Geez. I went to Catholic school and we had to swallow contraband candy/gum whole. I might have preferred detention to choking to death. But guess what. I knew it was against the rules so I didn’t eat candy or chew gum during class.

  9. RSweeney says:

    Back in the day, it seemed that those high school classmates who looked to be on the low end of the bell curve were considering careers in education.

    Looks like they really did it.

    In retrospect, this may not have been a good idea for society.

  10. ECA says:

    K=6 year old
    3=9 year old.

    I have a funny feeling.
    It sounds like we are becoming as bad as the Muslims…When is the nest beheading/stoning/rape gang??

  11. Timuchin says:

    Taking the candy from a friend and not the State is private enterprise — bad example to youth. Leftists can be prudes!

  12. RicoSauve says:

    ECA, around here the K is 5, 1 is 6 and so on…

    Lynn, this wasn’t during class, it was in the lunch room. Was candy banned from the lunch room in your school?

    I’d like to know what the ‘friend’ that gave her the candy had happen.. Was she suspended for trafficking?

  13. Aidan Cole says:

    I’m sure FOX will continue to provide us with Fair And Balanced coverage of the events, and maybe even what flavor Jolly Rancher it was.

  14. chrisbryon says:

    Texas has to keep a good separation from the fattest state of Mississippi….


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