ORCHARD, Texas – A third-grader at Brazos Elementary was given a week’s detention for possessing a Jolly Rancher.

School officials in western Fort Bend County are defending the seemingly harsh sentence. The school’s principal and superintendent said they were simply complying with a state law that limits junk food in schools.

But the girl’s parents say it’s a huge overreaction.

“I think it’s stupid to give a kid a week’s worth of detention for a piece of candy,” said Amber Brazda, the girl’s mother. “The whole thing was just ridiculous to me.”

Leighann Adair, 10, was eating lunch Monday when a teacher confiscated the candy. Her parents said she was in tears when she arrived home later that afternoon and handed them the detention notice.

BTW this is not “State Law.” Here are the guidelines linked here. So these are just malicious school dipshits doing their own thing.

Related links. Apparently the Principal, Jeanne Brazos is an egomaniac as she has the schools website “blink” her name here. The Principal rationalizes that another child gave her the candy, not her mom, so she was found guilty of taking a gift from a friend. Good lessons this woman teaches, huh? And who was the teacher who busted the little tyke? What a scumbag.

Found by Keith Ray.

  1. mjanosko says:

    Pasted from her bio, the awful background feels burned into my eyes after reading this.

    “Jeanne Young, principal of Brazos Elementary, is the wife of John Young and the mother of Allyssa Katherine and Logan Jeffery. She is a 1990 graduate of Sul Ross State University with a Bachelor of Science and a 1999 graduate of University of Houston-Victoria with a Masters in Education. She holds certifications in Elementary Biology (Grades 1-8) Elementary General (Grades 1-8) English as a Second Language (All level), Generic Special Education (All level), a Mid-management Certification, and the courses necessary to teach Gifted and Talented.

    As an educator, she feels that it is her responsibility to sow and cultivate the qualities and traits which she hopes to harvest from the students that she works with. She realizes that self confidence is the most important gift that educators can give to students. In working with teachers, she feels that this confidence stems from the faculty and staff at Brazos Elementary providing numerous opportunities for students to build on past knowledge and experience through present situations and activities. Mrs. Young truly believes the words of Woodrow Wilson when he said, “The business of teaching is carried forward…because some individuals of extraordinary vitality and strength of personality engage in it and the fire that helps to guide them kindles the spirits of the young people whose lives they touch.” It is Mrs. Young’s goal to truly make a difference in the lives of the students at Brazos Elementary.”

  2. Greymoon says:

    If the schools website is representative of the education quality available, then I wouldn’t expect any rational decisions from the staff.

  3. Beaugeste says:

    This principal’s email is jyoung@brazosisd.net

  4. wadenick says:

    The prosecution in “Common Sense vs. Brazos Elementary” would now like to present and enter Exhibit A, the school’s lunch menu: http://www.brazosisd.net/BES%20Lunch/Elem%20%20Menu%20April%2010.pdf

  5. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    Perhaps you would like to comment on how Mrs. Young has handled the situation.

    Here is a link to her emai:

    You might want to mention where you are from, and how her reputation for extinguishing the spirit in children at Bozo Elementary has spread worldwide.

  6. tmitsss says:

    My theory is that in most instances of the use of the term “zero tolerance” you can substitute “stupid” without changing the effect of the words.

  7. stopher2475 says:

    You gotta love these people who have to satisfy their fragile egos by getting tough with 10 year olds.

  8. BmoreBadBoy says:

    Just another example of why public schools should be done away with. This would severely cut property taxes, which would put more money in people’s pockets, who could then afford to pay for private schools, which would drop in price without government interference. Besides, most kids could learn at home with the internet and distance learning and not have to put up with this crap. And they can learn to be social at church (not catholic!!!), boy scouts (not of america!!!), pee-wee football, or countless other social organizations.

  9. Alt173 says:

    “when a teacher confiscated the candy”
    — Note to teacher: Candy != grenade. Mind your own business.

    More evidence that formal, institutionalized schooling is not designed to actually educate, rather to socialize (and provide power-trip opportunities for maniac administrators). Anything written by J.T. Gatto is recommended further reading on this topic.

  10. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    Re: #3, Mrs. Young serves pop tarts for breakfast? What a hypocrite!

  11. 2ndmile says:

    With the crap schools serve at lunch how can they call a jolly rancher “junk food”?

  12. hhopper says:

    There is no limit to stupidity.

  13. Benjamin says:

    Idiot. They need to test teachers in teaching school with an appropriate punishment test. They agree with something like this then they should not get a teaching cert,

  14. jescott418 says:

    I guess public education hires some real winners these days. You have perverts for teachers and nut job administrators looking to feel important.
    WOW and its no wonder our kids hate going to school.

  15. sargasso says:

    Child obesity, diabetes, hypertension and ADD are at record levels in many states in the USA, which in context might explain in some small way the “over” reaction by the teachers.

  16. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    Sargasso, have a look at the school breakfast menu. Sugar and fat, with vegetables for show.

  17. Dallas says:

    Guys, the little porker needs to eat healthier and it best come from another porker.

    Also, Texas has to keep a good separation from the fattest state of Mississippi. We are all competing for tourism and great place to live recognition.

  18. sargasso says:

    #16. yes, I forgot that US schools still feed the kids. Here in New Zealand they do not, children take packed lunches or money to buy sandwiches. Which is often spent on sweets and soda.

  19. clancys_daddy says:

    I was trying to think if something witty. But you know what? this is just stupid and now I have a craving for Jolly Rancher candy.

  20. david says:

    meta name=”GENERATOR” content=”Microsoft FrontPage 6.0″

    and the favicon link is a LOCAL href=”file:///C:/Documents…

    Its depressing and aggravating to see schools using such outdated technology and unqualified web designers with the mission of “her responsibility to sow and cultivate the qualities and traits which she hopes to harvest from the students that she works with.” Clearly that “English as a Second Language (All level)” didn’t cover second grade English where we learned not to end a sentence with a preposition.

  21. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and desert gourmand says:

    “You know” hard candy like Jolly Ranger is nothing but melted sugar, vitamin C, and flavor chemicals. Easy to make at home, a fun family affair.

    It saves money and dramatically demonstrates====its all sugar.

    Two fatties for parents, fat as a child herself, existing in Texas.

    I pity the Kiddies.

  22. eighthnote says:

    1996 called – they want their web design back!

  23. nolimit662 says:

    I sent the principal a nasty letter with a direct link to this story so they can see just what the public at large thinks of this kind of crap!!

  24. Sea Lawyer says:

    Haha, the wallpaper on that site has alternating “cougars” and “cougarettes,” I’m pretty sure the second one is redundant.

  25. Brock says:

    What an embarassment
    – For Texas
    – For the school district
    – For the parents who have no choice but to send their kids to an idiotic school like this.

    Power hungry wench out to micro-manage the rug rats in her domain. I’ll bet she’s in a Union….

  26. fletchrrr says:

    Keep your jew nose out of Texas and concentrate on your dumocratic left coast, you moron.

  27. ECA says:

    I love the thought..
    that most people dont know that can Carry a Gun/knife, openly, in most states.
    That kids are only looking for TRUTH and Basic common sense in what is Taught to them.

    When I heard that HOME EC, was a college course, that wasnt in High school..I LAUGHED..

  28. Rich says:

    So what’s a “cougarette”? A new sports car? A female cougar? A midget cougar?

  29. KissMyAss says:

    OK smartasses, you have no room to judge anyone. Who’s state is bankrupt? Who’s laying off teachers? Who elected Arnold? YOU ARE THE DIPSHITS.


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