Click here for non-Flash version.

Today’s Guests:
Sebastian Rupley, Co-Crank
Carlos Rodela, CEO,
Tom Merritt, Executive Editor, CNET

The Topics:
Palm Going to HP For $1.2 Billion
iAds and the iPad
YouTube Store Struggles
Steve Jobs Slams Flash
Police Raid Gizmodo Editor’s House

Download this Episode:
iPod/iPhone/PSP: 111MB
Quicktime H.264: 137MB
Windows Media Player: 133MB
Mobile 3GP: 38MB
MP3 (Audio Only): 14MB

Right click and choose “save target as” or “save as” to download videos.

  1. Lou Minatti says:

    Does Steve want us to pull his finger?

  2. Lou Minatti says:

    Steve may be on to something. I clicked to watch the show and a commercial for Resolve started up. The ad ran, then everything crashed. I should have clicked the non-Flash version.

  3. Same problem. Crash after the first ad. Will try again. (I’m having the same issue with our Ustream shows. Maybe Steve Jobs is on to something regarding flash?)

  4. Alex says:

    Never had any issues with flash streaming.
    Few days I had installed flash 10.1 RC2 again I can see everything without any problems..

    Steve get a life!

  5. hhopper says:

    Flash on Facebook causes Firefox to crash three or four times a day. It has it’s problems.

  6. TwistedGeek says:

    Great job on the audio on #217 Adam!

    Geesh! What the hell happened? Asleep at the switch or zoned out?

    Blood coming from my ears from the mic scratching.

    Don’t know if you were really running the board but you did take “credit” for it. Congratu-freaking-lations Sparks!


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