![]() Hi there. My name is Faisal. I’m a nutball! |
Authorities hunting for the suspect in the botched Times Square bombing dramatically beat the clock overnight, seizing a Pakistani-American citizen moments before he was set to begin a long trip to his strife-torn homeland.
Faisal Shahzad, 30, was arrested around 11:45 p.m. ET Monday at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport, said Attorney General Eric Holder…
Shahzad was on board Emirates Airlines Flight 202 to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and the jetway had been pulled back when the plane was called to return to the gate, a law enforcement source said. Shahzad was booked through to Islamabad, Pakistan, via Dubai, a senior airline official confirmed.
“They just caught him at the last second,” a law enforcement source said…
The Nissan Pathfinder had its vehicle identification number removed from the dashboard. Police climbed under the SUV and retrieved the VIN from the bottom of its engine block.
This breakthrough led investigators to the vehicle’s registered owner and then to Shahzad, who purchased the SUV, an official said.
The Nissan Pathfinder had been sold three weeks ago in a cash deal with no paperwork exchanged, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation said Monday. The $1,800 deal was closed at a Connecticut shopping mall, where the buyer handed over the money and drove off, the source said…
The cash deal is perfectly ordinary in Connecticut. Some folks earn a year-round living buying and selling cars off the books. An easy way to avoid taxes.
Hours after the arrest, police were seen at a house in a Bridgeport, Connecticut, working-class neighborhood as part of the investigation. Agents with the FBI and local police, including members of a bomb squad, conducted a search…
While police continued to piece together information about Shahzad, they learned he traveled to Dubai before, most recently in June 2009 and returned to the United States in early February, a law enforcement official said…
Shahzad became a U.S. citizen on April 17, 2009.
Fulfilling all requirements, no doubt.
I’m no fan of the TSA, but I fail to see how your headline applies to this story. He is a naturalized US Citizen with no prior ties to terrorism. If they had done something, some of you here would have claimed that he was profiled. The bigger problem here is the cash sale of the vehicle without any paperwork.
this whole thing is fishy as hell.
what kind of bomb was he making? why was it leaking black smoke? ug, this sounds like the cia hired him to do this
It does seem odd how many of these believers don’t know how to make a bomb that works.
On the other hand the guy at fort hood didn’t seem to have any problems. We aren’t hearing jack about him because Obama has turned of the information and neither the lame media nor congress will risk offending their god by causing a stink.
What about the trial in NY? Nothing?
The “local” embarrassing bit will turn out to be the license plates – which were supposed to be turned in to MVD – from a junked pickup truck.
There’s a significant Mafia presence in the junkyards of southern New England. It’s where they get VIN tags and titles to use for stolen cars. Only someone in Bridgeport got greedy and moved a set of license plates.
Everything else seems to have passed straight over the heads of the first couple of commenters.
Seems to me the point of the headline is – the TSA was about as useful as it ever is, e.g., not at all.
And conspiracy hangups? Well, that’s to be expected here, too – I guess.
“Times Square Bomber walked through TSA without a hitch”
And that famous movie dog is always saved just hours from being put down in the pound.
Hmmmm, Major Hasan, the Christmas Day Bomber, and now the Times Square Bomber. If there’s a trend the Liberals won’t see it because it’s not politically correct. 🙂
I’m sure the MSM were hoping the latter was a Tea Party activist. Afterall, the President needed riot police in Quincy, IL even though there is no documented case of violence amongst the Tea Party. However, not so with the pro-Illegal immigration demonstrators violently protesting in Arizona.
I am just glad they caught him and do some investigating because it’s just a bit fishy was this guy was scheming.
My, my. Seems like all the folks who miss George W – are equally upset over a terrorist getting caught.
Though, not really a contradiction I suppose.
TSA didn’t do anything, because, by all accounts, there wasn’t anything to do. The illegal sale of the vehicle seems to be an afterthought. Why is that?? And as was stated above, if something was done to this suspect and it turns out he was guilty of nothing, it would have been profiling! The bottom line is this…the bomber was an idiot, he was caught, the system worked, maybe in a convoluted manner, but nevertheless, it worked.
Now, what is the name of the guy who sold the vehicle for cash…I want him/her prosecuted!
I agree the TSA reference is silly and shoehorned here only to water down what is great news.
The Obama administration and homeland security team once again averted a terrorist act and nabbed this creep.
I Faisal finds himself occupied with an eel up his ass.
Nothing illegal about selling a vehicle for cash. You keep (and turn in the plates), fill out the transfer info on the title, take the cash and hand him the keys, tile and Bill of Sale. The rest is on him to get it properly registered and pay the sales tax.
Two words: Dry. Run.
I suspect he’s got buddies who want to see our response times and levels before they conduct a full-scale attack.
Sick fucks.
Here in michigan you can sell a car like that, you’re just stuck paying taxes when you go to register it. Technically you are supposed to fill the buyers name in the title before giving it to them, but it doesn’t always happen.
Dallas–normally acute in your thinking, puts up a fail.
This TERRORIST ATTACK was NOT AVERTED. It failed all on its own with no help from USA. The guy had gone to Pakistan where “I Assume” he hooked up with the terrorists and should have received training. They got the explosive part down (evidently) but the trigger device is eluding them. I understand that is somewhat of a buggaboo with Nukes as well. Very precise thing the trigger on a Nuke. We can only hope for continued failures, but hope is not a “plan.”
Also heard reported that the “Hero” if you will was a street vendor in Times Square who alerted the cops. Seems he is a Vietnam Vet or maybe a War Vet who by NYC Law are allowed to vend on the street. That social engineering provision is of interest to me.
Some even more tangential issues capture my attention, but caution prevents me from encouraging nutballs by posting them.
There is everything wrong with TSA. They should not profile somebody, because of their race, but they should do behavioral profiling. Chances are the guy was pretty nervous when going through the airport etc., yet none of TSA people picked up on this and question him at all… Anyway our very expensive airport security system is simply useless ’cause is based on random (checks, etc.)…
#15–a==can you define “profiling” so that using it does make sense. If not, you are just regurgitating dogma. If so, why post as if you can’t?
Race identification certainly IS and therefore should be part of any security program.
Societies always have problems when captured by illogical/anti-truth/politically religiously incorrect ideas and platitudes.
Racing profiling is such an issue.
another young middle east male===ad naseum==but lets not target them for closer review.
@15 “another young middle east male===ad naseum==but lets not target them for closer review.”
Uh …
Terrorism is almost exclusively committed by males. The vast majority of violent crime too.
So is profiling on gender ok? It should be.
Ethnicity doesn’t matter so much, but country of origin and travel patterns sure as hell matter.
Anyone with relatives or who has recently travelled in a country involved in US operations or in the neighboring area (Iran, Iraq, Aghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, etc.) should certainly be given extra scrutiny.
The race doesn’t explicitly matter but national origin and travel patterns sure as hell do.
Funny to see how terrorist can become residents and us citizens with ease and come try to destroy the country. Now latinos ( who actually have help build it ) are getting the door slam in the face, profiled ( every latino its a mexican now) and deported.
#18 I agree…we should use profiling on middle easterners too.
#14 I agree. Good point it was a failure and not foiled by DHS. I would still recognize law enforcement for tracking this guy down after he fact.
… and if he had stolen the car or bought an untraceable car.. what then? RTFA… this guy wasn’t a nut… he’s been systematically screwing America since 2006, playing on the idiotic mortgage crisis that brought America to it’s knees. He bilked you out of 100’s of thousands of dollars moving from foreclosure to foreclosure.
“Here’s another house sir. You want a $300,000 mortgage? No problemo. I won’t even ask you how many times you’ve been foreclosed on in the past 5 years. I won’t even check out your ability to pay. This is America where privacy and political correctness mean more than life itself. Just sign here, and have a wonderful day. Oh, by the way there’s a sale on fertilizer just down the street.”
“Times Square Bomber walked through TSA without a hitch” – has Dvorak Uncensored been bought by Gawker?
A nut?…. he wasn’t building another crotch bomb, and he realized at the last minute that his pants were too small.
can you define “profiling” so that using it does make sense. If not, you are just regurgitating dogma. If so, why post as if you can’t?
Why don’t you do your own research on behavioral profiling and Israel’s airport security, and see how it works out for them.
#20–Dallas==what does “recognize” mean? Leaving the vin on the engine block is as smart as a failed triggering device. Stupid at the basics.
The VIN was like a typed note: here is my name and address, come get me.
I think it draws attention to the computer networks actually working. Once the guys name was put in the computer, his name popped up on the passenger list at the airport and they got there after the jet ramp had been closed. That close. THAT actually gives me some hope that the TSA can be of some help rather than a hinderance to our national safety.
#24–a==If I initiated a post that said profiling was good or bad, I would. But I didn’t==you did.
Not up to 3 sentences to give us your thoughts huh?
Hee, hee. Can’t argue your way out of an open paper bag. Good job.
Dallas, the reason he was tracked down was easy-peasy. The car was registered. It’s just another slap in the face for freedom… like the video cameras in Times Square and computer chips in your car.
[rhetoric off.]
Skeptic–I see we are in a foot race to point out the obvious. When is your lunch break?
Bloomberg had it right.
Just looking at this guy, I can sense his displeasure with the federal healthcare takeover.
Yep, that’s the beef.
As usual, our liberal leaders are right on top of the situation.
Re#28 bobbo, funny you should ask. I just sat down with a bowl of noong… just spelling it like it sounds. It’s the toasted rice at the bottom of the pot when you cook long grain rice. After you remove the moist cooked rice from the pot, leave the toasted crust in the bottom. Turn up the heat for a few minutes, then add a few cups of water (instant steam) turn off the heat, cover and let sit for a few minutes. Makes a toasted rice soup that is nutty and sweet. It’s traditional peasant Chinese that you can’t get in a restaurant. Mmmmm.
Terrorists don’t like noong.