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Exclusive close-up photos reveal the dramatic demise of the Deepwater Horizon, the BP-managed oil rig responsible for the huge oil slick that now threatens the Gulf Coast. Obtained by BNET Technology blogger Erik Sherman from a confidential source, the photos include a timestamped series in which the rig goes from listing heavily to sunk beneath the waves in just four minutes.
Wow, that’s all I can say.
Way to go Cheney, you and Haliburton have pulled off another doozey. Now you should charge the taxpayers of the United States a Billion dollars to cap the blowout you caused. It’s like Iraq, just off the coast of the US.
#2 Yep. Taxpayers should not be burdened with this disaster cleanup.
I appeal to the Tea Baggers to march on Washington and demand that tax payers should not have to subsidize this or any oil cleanup nor use tax dollars to pay for our military presence in the Persian Gulf to protect the oil fields.
Tea Baggers should demand that the true cost of oil be reflected at the gas pump.
#3 – What makes you think the tax-payers won’t pay? You think BP will pay? Where do you think BP gets it’s money from – the consumers.
Did Union Carbide pay for Bhopal?
Wow is right. I think 11 people died and maybe a hundred million or more tied up in the rig itself. Could be as much as a billion. Deep sea rigs aren’t cheap. Then the oil had value and the clean up is going to cost.
In the end the consumer will pay for it but so will the local environment. Looks like the US won’t be putting in any new offshore wells for some time.
My last information was that most of the victims of Bhopal were never compensated in any way. I think the plant was closed.
Damn terrorists! Yet another 9/11.
Rush blames eco-terrorists.
Man, the photo that’s time-stamped 22 14:51, in which the massive super-structure is being engulfed in smoke and flames, looks like a screen capture from some James Cameron blockbuster. Surreal.
The MODU (mobile offshore drilling unit) Deepwater Horizon, owned by Transocean, exploded last Tuesday. Many experts are now saying that the explosion or series of explosions and ultimate sinking of the vessel was caused by a faulty, damaged, or defective blowout preventer. A blowout preventer (BOP) is a large valve at the top of an oil drilling well that may be closed by the drilling crew. By closing this valve (usually operated remotely via hydraulic actuators), the crew can avoid overpressure from fluids entering the wellbore and threatening the rig. By closing the BOP, the drilling crew usually regains control of the reservoir, preventing explosive pressure release, and procedures can then be initiated to increase the mud density until it is possible to open the BOP and retain pressure control. “Mud” is a term familiar to those of us who work consistently in offshore settings or on vessels. Mud refers to the drilling fluid used in drilling operations. The invention and use of BOPs were instrumental in the end of oil gushers, which were dangerous and costly.
#9 Thank you! That is a reasonable explanation and hope this recent disaster can be root caused and prevented to happen again.
Rush Limbaugh had accused Dolphins as the real culprits in that explosion. I was personally offended because Dolphins are widely recognized as gay sharks.