MYFOXNY.COM – How much are you willing to pay for a cup of joe? A gourmet coffee chain is betting you’ll pay up to $12 for a fine brew.

Cafe Grumpy has Brooklyn locations in Greenpoint and Park Slope. It also has a Manhattan location in Chelsea. It is part of a small, but growing, movement of coffee shops roasting their own beans. The company defends the steep prices, saying they are higher end coffees and take much longer to develop and process.

The cafes offer a changing selection of coffees. One current offering is called Nekisse. It is described as a “very clean, sweet, complex cup with tropical fruit notes of pineapple, kiwi and key lime.” Cafe Grumpy also offers specialty teas.

Huh, maybe your paying for the ambiance.

  1. GregAllen says:

    >> bobbo,
    >> Can’t really tell the difference.

    Has anyone tried the “Foldgers switch” on you?

    I’m with you… I can’t really tell the difference between premium and ultra-premium or whatever.

    I can tell the difference between cheaper brands that come in the big cans and the better beans they sell in bulk. But that’s about it.

    (The same for beer and sodas. I can usually tell the cheap from the premium but that’s it.)

    That being said, I once had an international coffee buyer as our house guest for about week. (Not Starbucks) I expected him to say the same thing about coffee all being the same but Starbucks was his clear favorite!

    It PO’d him because Starbucks would buy-up the best beans before he could get to them!

  2. GregAllen says:

    >> spsffan said, on May 4th, 2010 at 11:13 am
    >> McDonald’s has better coffee than most of these places. And, it’s cheap.

    Maybe it’s regional. The McDonald’s standard drip coffee here in Portland is only a little cheaper than the Starbucks “tall” and not nearly as good, IMHO. The “tall” here is usually well under $2.

  3. Buzz says:

    Of course the lap dance is free.

  4. BigBoyBC says:

    Gone is that good ol’ 50 cent bottomless cup of coffee, served by a big busty waitress named Doris, at the counter of a little roadside diner. Now that was real coffee…

    I have speculated, from time to time, that perhaps some people have forgotten what good coffee tastes like…

  5. flyingroach says:

    gorilla coffee, Milk or others in BK in the article listed charge basically the same as sbucks for normal big fresh cup of coffee.

    I never notice the exact price but know it can’t be more that $5 for the scone and joe they hand me change.

    Rip yes. BUT must say Sat AM when i feels like a truck is on my face due to Friday night… gorilla works. It must be spiked. I practically can skip coffee Sunday!

  6. don quixote says:

    Maxwell House had a sale on the south seas blend. . Six bucks for the big can. . Two cups from my Bund and the rest went in the trash. . Just proves some people have more money than brains. . . or taste buds.

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    Ah, New York City, where thousands and thousands of financial industry swindlers, er, I mean “hard workers” have to have _something_ to spend their multi-million dollar bonuses on. And in the true American spirit, thousands of people & businesses rise to the challenge! In “the town so nice they named it twice,” I’m sure you can spend any amount you can name on about anything. For example, want to spend $6000 for a hotel room for a single night? You have your choice of dozens, if not hundreds. And so on.


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