This is clearly a horrific health crisis that could spread across the land like… hold on… Yeah, pass that over here… Umm… Now, where was I?

It’s a routine declaration of the Oakland City Council, but yeah, it’s kind of funny too. The City of Oakland is set to renew its declaration of a “local public health emergency” stemming from a local lack of medicinal cannabis.

Oakland official Barbara Parker says the proclamation was originally issued in 1998. It effectively means nothing, but it does buttress Oakland city policies like permitting medical cannabis dispensaries, and ordering Oakland Police to effectively ignore pot offenses.

Parker said the city originally issued the declaration because federal and state law enforcers were busting local growers and cancer patients. That threat of imprisonment persists to this day. The declaration says people could die due to lack of cannabis, so it’s cause for Oakland to continue the declaration.

  1. BmoreBadBoy says:

    The final recourse of a defeated man – insult, with no retort.

  2. bobbo, we think with words says:

    Well, I did come back to finish the thought. Makes us both idiots.

    YOU are an idiot I picture much like the skit characters that when hearing information they don’t agree with put their fingers in their ears and sing “La, la, la . . . . ” except your tune is “My ideology DEPENDS on people acting in self-interest.” REPEAT until adversaries call you an idiot which is your signal you have won.

    You responded to NONE of the specific questions posed to you.

    You agree with one over-arching reality that people are not pure but then ((blindly, hypocritically, stupidly, fingers in your ears)) base your philosophy on people acting in their self interest.

    If Big Business acts in violation of law, in their own self interest, to steal money from other people, why wouldn’t they steal in a market/society with only free market “no rules” in play. Can’t you see the self-conflicting, incoherent, nonsense you regurgitate???

    And the answer is no which is how dogma blinds you.

    Ok–I only posted for the few who might be following the thread.

    Absolutist positions like yours offer no interest once their rigidity is confirmed. Took me a while to conclude just how retarded you are. My apologies.

  3. BmoreBadBoy says:

    @bobbo, #33

    Wow, you are truly retarded. First of all, I took both of your questions and answered them thoroughly. How does people not being pure contradict with people acting in their own self interest? Big Business doesn’t steal from anyone without using the government. Only government can steal from people without recourse. If government, and their laws, didn’t exist, then big business couldn’t use it to steal from people or to hide behind those laws. How dense are you? In a free market voluntary society, businesses would have to steal from people the old-fashioned way, with a gun to your face, instead of letting the government do it for them. In a free market society, people would avoid businesses who stuck guns in their faces, and patronize those who work their hardest trying to please the customer so they get repeat business. You know, the way things work now with most things except for where the government has stuck it’s big ugly nose!

    The only rigidity in my argument is I think it’s wrong for one group of people (the government) to steal from another (its serfs, erm, I mean, citizens). And you think it’s okay to steal from others, as long as the ends justify the means.


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