On 9/11 Jerry Falwell declared that god was punishing us for abortionists, gays and feminists. Muslim clerics have declared that recent earthquakes is God punishing us for women dressing immodestly. Pat Robertson said that the Haiti earthquake was God punishing the Haitians for making a “pact with the Devil.” So I just can’t wait to hear what God is punishing us for now!

As an Atheist I feel like I should be able to have an opinion as to what God is punishing us for that is based on our cultural perspective and belief system. So, speaking on behalf of the Atheist community, the oil spill in the Gulf is because God is punishing us for not having a working shutoff valve at the oil well head. That’s our opinion, and we’re sticking with it.

  1. Winston says:

    No, God is punishing us with an oil spill because we are polluting his planet! And he put that gorgeous redhead atheist here just to torture me with her cuteness while providing no telephone number or address.

  2. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Pearls before swine.

  3. denacron says:

    When Phuket was hit by a tsunami, a local loco explained it was “Gods wrath!”. She further explained that the organization she was involved with would spread the good word so they would not taste another salty wave.

    Another amazing phenomenon is the hoovermatic “Rapture-is-about-here!” construction crowd. They can and do justify cutting corners because “It wont be more than (insert what ever delusional time period here)”.

  4. Zeus says:

    Release the Kraken

  5. Eric Morris says:

    I don’t like the post (at all) nor care for most of the comments but @Zeus saying “Release the Kraken” made my day.

  6. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    BTW–Marc Perkel==that is funny. The “naturalistic god at work.”

    Some here post they don’t believe/understand/accept coincidence in a universe wherein God controls the spin of every electron. It must follow then that actual causation is the direct hand of god as well.

    #20–Commoncho–you flit all over the place but can you give a good example of atheists harassing believers? If true to form, it will consist of atheists, or event true believers of a different faith/or even a different god, merely defending themselves from the harassment of the religious types.

    And thats the ultimate evil of religion. They feel they are being repressed when others are allowed to be free.

  7. Sombody says:

    “As an Atheist I feel like I should be able to have an opinion as to what God is punishing us for…”

    Uh, … no.

  8. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Somebody–thanks for demonstrating my point.

    ((Are they all retarded and so self unaware?))

  9. Jim W. says:

    an interesting read from American Thinker

    Succinctly put: Western civilization’s survival, including the survival of open secular thought (Atheism), depends on the continuance within our society of the Judeo-Christian tradition.

    () mine.

  10. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    Praise our God, Lord Jesus Bastard Dumbass.

    Let us Pray…

    Thank our Lord and God Bastard Dumbass for the Oscar. Praise thy talents bestowed upon them. Praise the silver spoon in their mouth. Praise wealth and happiness and all the stuff thy will could ever bestow.

    Thank our lord and god Bastard Dumbass for the destitute. Praise thy impoverishment bestowed upon them. Praise the flies in their mouth and eyes, and thy wondrous and complete hopelessness.

    Thank our Lord and God Bastard Dumbass for the food we are about to receive. Praise for thy mashed potatoes with gravy, tenderloin steak with mushrooms and onions, and the nice cutlery.

    Thank our Lord and God Bastard Dumbass for the gift of starvation. Praise for their extended stomach and other deformities due to thy miraculous undernourishment and thy slow torturous death by 2 years of age.

    Thank our Lord and God Bastard Dumbass for plate tectonics, for without them we would be deprived of many forms of death and destruction at the hands of thy intelligence.

    And finally, thank our Lord and God Bastard Dumbass for stupidity, for it is thy brain design that allows us to destroy the most beautiful things around us and never learn from our mistakes. We will continue to honor thy stupidity bestowed upon us here on earth as it is in heaven.


  11. GRtak says:

    As an atheist, I just want God to do like he has with everything else, leave us the hell alone.

    But the oil spilling in the Gulf is proof that Republicans are wrong, regulation and oversite are needed, ecspecially when they are invloved.

  12. Erik Blazynski says:


  13. Mextli says:

    #41 “But the oil spilling in the Gulf is proof that Republicans are wrong, regulation and oversite are needed, ecspecially when they are invloved.”

    What does the oil spill have to do with Republicans? Do you really think the oil spill was due to lack of regulation or are you just parroting talking points?

  14. Floyd says:

    The oil spill is an example of what happens when shortcuts are taken when building an oil rig (or building, bridge, or whatever).

    If the engineers were forced to take shortcuts because some slimy manager (Repub or Demo) demanded it, then if he’s not dead, that manager needs to be in jail. His company needs to be put out of business.

  15. ECA says:

    God is upset with us, over listening to ALL the idiots trying to tell THE REST OF US, what god is mad about.

  16. Cursor_ says:

    # 17

    Yea all those great choices made by atheists like Stalin, Tse-Tung, Castro, Pot. Yeah no one has to clean those up or suffer the consequences. The big ol’ Atheist intelligentsia will simply re-write history.

    No difference between an atheist and a deist. They are both human and both prone to walk on four legs not on two.

    Both can BELIEVE they are more correct than the other, But when it comes down to the final analysis, they just a bunch of freakin’ monkeys with cell phones.


  17. Wakka Wakka says:

    Marc please take a trip to Iran, stand in the streets and scream “I am an atheist”. If they don’t kill you, have sex with a woman in a car, and see if that works.

  18. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    ECA, are you saying God is upset with us for wondering? You’d think he would be above that. You’d think he would have EMPATHY of godly extremes. But you say he doesn’t? Read the prayer again, and at the end of each passage say “I’m a sucker for this”.

    Praise our God, our Lord Bastard Dumbass. Amen.

  19. bobbo, best I have ever found says:

    Gods Song by Randy Newman

    Cain slew Abel Seth knew not why
    For if the children of Israel were to multiply
    Why must any of the children die?
    So he asked the Lord
    And the Lord said:

    Man means nothing he means less to me
    Than the lowliest cactus flower
    Or the humblest Yucca tree
    He chases round this desert
    ‘Cause he thinks that’s where I’ll be
    That’s why I love mankind

    I recoil in horror fro the foulness of thee
    >From the squalor and the filth and the misery
    How we laugh up here in heaven at the prayers you offer me
    That’s why I love mankind

    The Christians and the Jews were having a jamboree
    The Buddhists and the Hindus joined on satellite TV
    They picked their four greatest priests
    And they began to speak
    They said, “Lord, a plague is on the world
    Lord, no man is free
    The temples that we built to you
    Have tumbled into the sea
    Lord, if you won’t take care of us
    Won’t you please, please let us be?”
    And the Lord said
    And the Lord said

    I burn down your cities-how blind you must be
    I take from you your children and you say how blessed are we
    You all must be crazy to put your faith in me
    That’s why I love mankind
    You really need me
    That’s why I love mankind

  20. The0ne says:

    off topic: Love redheads! 🙂 She is so cute!

  21. amodedoma says:

    Actually I kind of envy the atheists. I just don’t have the kind of confidence it takes to take such a stand. To actually know, without a doubt, that there is no god. That’s a pretty big thing. I mean, maybe there is a god and I’m too ignorant to understand what it means. Takes a lot of intellectual confidence to come out with such a broad sweeeping stance. Maybe that’s what faith is all about, and I don’t have any, cause I can’t find myself believing in a god according to the current possible human definitions, either. I like to think about it though, it feels like an asian swamp eel is eating away at my brain.

  22. Dallas says:

    #51 I’m guessing most self proclaimed atheists are more so characterized as being “skeptical” rather than completely “non-believing”.

    The problem with organized religion (where most people are part of) is that they have a “you’re either with me (us) or against me (us)” philosophy.

    In that regard, all rational conversation goes away. I’m not sure if I described that sentiment right but that’s what I think.

  23. ECA says:

    I believe that the truth was spread across this planet. NOT to “This” group, or “THAT” group.
    Then MAN got ahold of it and wrote it down.
    Then edited it..
    Then FIXED IT..
    Then censored it..
    Then fed it ‘Piece by piece’ to those that could not read. Even when the pieces wouldnt FIT.

  24. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Don’t ever call me skeptical.

    Whatever I turn out to be god designed in billions of years ago. Its his fault not mine. If after I die and my soul does whatever it does, thats another story again all together.

    Thinking monolithically, that all “X group” think the same, is such a waste of what small brain power we have. I don’t even think that of dumbass Christians. Still lots of variations within a theme.

  25. Comacho for President says:

    bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist said

    #20–Commoncho–you flit all over the place but can you give a good example of atheists harassing believers

    I am not a Christian. However, I defend the right of Christians to be left alone and not be insulted.

    Chritianity and Christians are mocked all over the US media and popular entertainment. When Israel claims that they have a right for a homeland in Palestine because the Bible says so, it does not raise any laughs. (Most Israelis are ex-communists and are not religious.) However, if anyone identifies himself as a devout Christian, he/she is made to look very foolish.

    I must however say that almost all Christian sects and institutions including the Vatican have been infiltrated and corrupted. Christian evangelists are either fraudsters or just anti-Christian sabouteurs or both.

  26. SomedudeinPAUSA says:

    why would you need to identify yourself as an atheist to begin with. I certainly don’t think any thing is watching over us (judging or not) but I would not want to be part of any group based around the belief that others are wrong. It just seems weird and kind of dickish.

  27. bobbo, dogma so deep, I gotta wear waders says:

    #55–Comacho==I’d love to meet you half way but when you got nothing, the journey ends pretty quickly.

    You say: “However, I defend the right of Christians to be left alone and not be insulted.” /// Left alone?–Yes, even though you don’t give a single example to back up that concern. What you really mean is “not be insulted.”===and on that point you are simply wrong. Idiots always need to be revealed as such. What “respectful silence” do good conservative Christians warrant trying to remove Darwin from school books in Texas while debating the size of a saddle Jebus would need to ride the same dinosaur? Free speech trumps your delicate sensibilities.

    “Chritianity and Christians are mocked all over the US media and popular entertainment.” /// Too general to be true. Only when doing mockable stuff. I’ve never seen them mocked for running soup lines, providing shelter etc.

    Your anti-Jewish screed make everything you say suspect. 9 out of 10 times I’ve heard Jewish leaders say they deserve their Homeland because it was guaranteed to them by the Balfour Convention and they fought a war to occupy it. Some idiots will always claim some devine right. I guess we listen to whom we listen to?

    I also disagree with your concluding thought. One gross set of over-generalizations that are mostly not true, are not balanced by another set of the same quality.

    President????—Whats your platform?

  28. Stevea says:

    I honestly don’t remember an atheist EVER knocking on my door to tell me the wonders of atheism. Or leaving a pamphlet under my windshield wiper. Or yelling at me from a soapbox on the sidewalk. Don’t tell me atheists evangelize just as much as Christians. That’s utter BS.

  29. Camacho for President says:

    # 57 bobbo, dogma so deep, I gotta wear waders said,

    You say: “However, I defend the right of Christians to be left alone and not be insulted.” /// Left alone?–Yes, even though you don’t give a single example to back up that concern. What you really mean is “not be insulted.”===and on that point you are simply wrong. Idiots always need to be revealed as such. What “respectful silence” do good conservative Christians warrant trying to remove Darwin from school books in Texas while debating the size of a saddle Jebus would need to ride the same dinosaur? Free speech trumps your delicate sensibilities.

    The anti-science crusade is launched by evangelical christian groups. Most of them are subsidized by corporate America. Corporate America is very careful about they money. You usually lobbies lawmakers to reduce social spending on medical care or education. But how come they spend so much money on religion. Because it helps in dumbing down America. A tame stupid population is in the interests of the elite.

    “Chritianity and Christians are mocked all over the US media and popular entertainment.” /// Too general to be true. Only when doing mockable stuff. I’ve never seen them mocked for running soup lines, providing shelter etc.

    Just see TV or the movies.

    Your anti-Jewish screed make everything you say suspect.

    I made a mistake there. I meant to say Israelis were mostly ex-communist and secular, not all Jews.

    9 out of 10 times I’ve heard Jewish leaders say they deserve their Homeland because it was guaranteed to them by the Balfour Convention and they fought a war to occupy it.
    It is called the Balfour Declaration. It was a private commitment between Rothschilds and the British government. It has no legal validity like the Geneva convention or the sea-s convention. In the second world war, Rothschilds and their allies in Europe and neutral America were supporting the Germans. (Second world war was started because Kaiser’s men were trying to Beat the allies in the race to exploit Middle east oil.) Nazis were making life difficult for Jews. Zionists were trying to a Jewish state near the oil-rich Gulf. Jewish groups in Europe and America lobbied their governments to close their borders to Jewish emigration so that suffering Jews could go only to Palestine. Just when Germany was poised to take Britain, Rothschilds made a deal with Britain and got support for the Jewish state in return for their backing for Allies.

    Some idiots will always claim some devine right.

    These guys seems to always represent Israel in the United Nations. On news channels when Israel and their place in Palestine is discussed.

    President????—Whats your platform?

    From the movie Idiocracy. For the people who elected village fool Bush and robo man Obama, wrestling champ Camacho would make a good president.

  30. deowll says:

    As a theist, agnostic, or atheist you can take it as a given that if you don’t use your brain you are going to hurt.

    Is God punishing use for not having a working shut off valve? I doubt it but God isn’t cutting us any slack for stupidity either.


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