On 9/11 Jerry Falwell declared that god was punishing us for abortionists, gays and feminists. Muslim clerics have declared that recent earthquakes is God punishing us for women dressing immodestly. Pat Robertson said that the Haiti earthquake was God punishing the Haitians for making a “pact with the Devil.” So I just can’t wait to hear what God is punishing us for now!

As an Atheist I feel like I should be able to have an opinion as to what God is punishing us for that is based on our cultural perspective and belief system. So, speaking on behalf of the Atheist community, the oil spill in the Gulf is because God is punishing us for not having a working shutoff valve at the oil well head. That’s our opinion, and we’re sticking with it.

  1. Camacho for President says:

    # 59 Camacho for President said,

    Second world war was started because Kaiser’s men were trying to Beat the allies in the race to exploit Middle east oil.

    I meant the First World War. The area was properly divided up in the second round.

  2. bobbo, we think with words says:

    Just for the record, you “mostly” did not respond to my post–just went off on tangentials or substitute issues.

    If that was on purpose==weak.

    If not one purpose, that kind of laziness leads to bad thinking. You think you are engaging the real world, but in fact its only your own.

    Try again. I’ll come back should you give it a try. I sense the good humor and balance.

  3. Camacho for President says:

    # 62 bobbo, we think with words said,

    Just for the record, you “mostly” did not respond to my post–just went off on tangentials or substitute issues.

    I don’t know what I missed. My point is that organized religion requires a lot of money and fools. There is no shortage of fools to spread it or absorb it. Money is difficult to come by. The elite ensures that corporate America subsidizes Christian groups and their agenda. So, attacking Christ or the religion will only hurt Christians, not the agenda of organized religion.

    If you miss the kind or the level of social engineering that goes to mislead Americans, it is your fault.

    I enjoy a good joke anyday. Marc’s response to the issue hurts the wrong people. It wasn’t funny either.

  4. Camacho for President says:

    # 57 bobbo, dogma so deep, I gotta wear waders said,
    Free speech trumps your delicate sensibilities.

    Are you familiar with US Censor Board a.k.a Anti-Defamation League?

    Your anti-Jewish screed make everything you say suspect

    If Christians act stupid, it is funny for you. If I find Jews do something similar, it stops being funny?

  5. Glenn E. says:

    I believe that everything happens for a reason. And very possibly it’s God’s reasons. This oil spill isn’t punishment. It’s a warning or wakeup call, to not so cavalierly drill for oil in the oceans. The Exxon Valdez spill improved shipping safety (hopefully), in the Alaska region. No more drunks at the helms of oil tankers. Gee you’d think that was a given. But God gave up a wake up call, before thing got even worse. Now this oil rig (actually not the first to be lost), is serious enough to finally get our attention. And when the weather finally blows some of this oil to the Texas or Florida coast. Then you know they’ll get really serious about. But the future results will be fewer and safer oil rigs. We hope.


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