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Totally appropriate during a debate concerning the dignity of women.
Nothing pornographic about topless women either.
Call off your old Taliban ethics.
Um so he was checking his email and the topless females showed up? Anything can show up in email so was it email or not? Okay a closer look makes it clear at least one of the females had her top on. The black bar means the rest may have also had tops on. It does look like he was checking his email.
Why is watching a video of a dog running out of the water inappropriate or reading your email? We already knew these guys weren’t hanging on every word some other speaker said.
How about reading the funny papers?
I thought this might have been a story but now I’m not sure this amounts to anything.
I think the point is that he’s not paying attention.
Typical ReTHUGlican hypocrite. The GOP is truly the American Taliban.
These women are NOT TOPLESS!
I looked really close at the 720p version and I could see bikini string running to the blacked out area. I am assuming the black out was from the news station either either deciding the bikinis were too revealing or trying to make the story juicier.
I will attempt to locate the source image the senator is looking at and report back.
Is that considered to be porn? Wow.
In that case, what I’ve seen is then considered as medical literature.
“I think the point is that he’s not paying attention.”
eh, maybe.
He claimed he thought the email was from a staffer about the debate. If that’s true, it’s like being handed a relevant physical document during a hearing, which happens all the time.
Porn or not, I am sure his wife disapproves of friends sending him emails like this.
The point is can you do this at work, on a work computer? No. What makes this douchebag so different? Poor taste, wrong place and in a condition of extreme stupidity. Remove him from office, label him a sex offender and make him live under that bridge in Miami with the rest of them.
What I think is that if those females are private citizens in good standing and they do all have tops on the way the short one with the blue top does somebody is asking to pay for college tuition for all of them. That’s how you teach people real respect for women in these United States.
Porn? Really? They all had tops on anyway. Who added the censor strip and why?
Not to mention they’re all 15.
OK, if he’s wasting his time “reading email” when the senate is in session, how is he wasting his time in his private office? Boy I’d like to see the logs off their proxy server. I bet we’d have good excuse to censure half the congress. Bastards.
If I were king, I wouldn’t allow laptops (or iPads or etc) in the chambers. Rather I’d install fixed Wyse terminals, and monitor every last frakkin’ packet that came across them.
re#5, Sysfin:”I will attempt to locate the source image the senator is looking at and report back.”
It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it.
I think he just wanted to see an example of what girls that might get an abortion look like.
/rolls eyes
fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap
So essentially he was f’ing around on the computer during an “abortion debate”. because for him there was no debate. His mind was made up already. Dallas I think you and I have seen the same website, this wasn’t it.
There is no source cited for this video, just a youtube clip. The computer monitor is static while it is in view. This scene could easily have been edited to put any image on the screen. I would hope someone would review the video from the actual Senate tapes
During Australian federal parliament sittings it isn’t unusual for some politicians to fall asleep
He’s obviously not guilty since no Cheetos are involved.
This guy appears to be a state senator. Who cares? There is a Mike Bennet of Colorado, but he is a separate person.
iWood… vote for him.
republican hypocrisy. Who would have ever thought it possible?
It just proves the mindwash job that the repugs have been able to pull off the last 2 decades on those unable to put together two coherent thoughts in a row. The defenders of the repugs are to be pitied. Small minds, small ideas, no future.
more of the naked = porn meme.
or in this case, bikini = porn.
I’m sure conservatives are breathing a sigh of relief. At least it was young females in bikinis. It could have been much worse.
Nothing to see here. He was obviously doing research on the abortion debate. Of all things, he did it on a Thinkpad T500. Thank you Lenovo for making efficient porn-viewing devices.
The video didn’t play for me. Which Senator is it?
The point is…these self-righteous bastards are in no position to dictate to the rest of us how we should live our lives. Abortion is nobody’s business except for the female who’s pregnant, and second, the male who impregnated her. I don’t care what the stinky politician does on his free time. I do care what he does when he’s getting paid for it with money that was stolen from me. (Not him specifically, but you get my drift)
Republicans should be playing this up. For the first time in awhile now, a Republican was caught doing something with a women! No ‘wide stance’ on this senator.
He’s a Republican, so he’s obviously surfing for porn. Were he a Dem, it could possibly have been a mistake or an email…also Democrats multitasking shows how effective and efficient they are. Republicans multitasking is a sign of their laziness and inattention.
Got to get the memes right if you’re to be an effective Dem stooge..