Via Jack Liberty, the Sunshine State News has footage:

  1. this blog is the real porn says:

    looking at porn, Jesus help us all.

  2. damontsar says:

    The GOP is truly the American Taliban. Get over it……

  3. Personality says:

    How dare you? Do you know how religious Utah is?? Those people would NEVER look at such smut. This is clearly faked by the liberal (hitler) agenda!

  4. amodedoma says:

    Hey I’m thinking about naked young women all the time. Is it possible there may be photos of naked young women in my computer? Absolutely! So that makes me what? Male, no more, no less. That said, with the shiftless and ineffective fame of our congressmen, one would think they’d at least make an effort to not get distracted.

  5. Killer Duck says:

    I’m just glad an old politician like him is at least learning how valuable the internet can be.

  6. Morbo says:

    He was warned. It said No Senator Found Working.

  7. deowll says:

    I’m not actually sure the guy more than glanced at the picture. The video starts with the picture up and he glances away then looks back and moves on.

    Drop the story already because there isn’t one. He was more interested in the dog.

  8. Guyver says:

    Good grief! Whoever did the censoring did a poor job of covering up the fact that these women are not topless.

  9. The0ne says:

    This I can laugh at this morning hahahaha

  10. hhopper says:

    That’s about as far away from porn as you can get. I sense a lawsuit.

  11. Mark Baars says:

    LOL If this is “Real News”, things aren’t that bad… was my first reaction. But hey, nobody worries about what’s going on in Nashville?

    In The Morning Everybody!!

  12. doodoo says:

    Crackpot Theory: I find it interesting that an individual with a camera is purposely filming his computer while he is checking his mail during an ongoing debate… (obviously the cameraman/woman thought his computer was more interesting than the debate). It is an easy way to do a hit piece on an individual you want out. Send him an e-mail from an anonymous account and make sure you film it.. then send it to news media.

  13. Buzz says:

    Let he, who has never opened up an eMail with something …erm… unexpected in it, cast the first stone.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    You mean there’s actually a middle-aged Republican man who actually likes to stare at naked women?

  15. Rick Cain says:

    reddit fan?


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