Bank of America in Albuquerque Targeted by Protesting Vandals, 6 Locations Trashed
By McCullough Monday May 3, 2010
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A minor example of how the tea baggers are merely riling up the “unhinged” segment of the population.
Terrorism going mainstream.
Dallas, what exactly about this vandalism do you find so terrifying ? You always struck as me as having a bit more pluck than that.
The graffiti removal company did it. He seemed to know a little too much about paint and super soakers.
#1 Dallas said – “A minor example of how the tea baggers are merely riling up the “unhinged” segment of the population.”
Way to go, Dallas!
1)Using absolutely zero facts, blame a crime on someone you hate (conservatives).
2)Call the folks you hate a disparaging name.
3)Ignore the fact that it was probably some anti-corporatist/anti-capitalist group that was responsible.
A hat trick!
I sure hope this isn’t leading toward some group or another trying to bring back sedition laws.
It sort of looks like it is, though. Kiss the first amendment goodbye.
I bet B of A tagged itself in order to get attention and gain sympathy. It’s a false flag operation.
Protesting Vandals??
Kids with water based Paint??
This sounds MORE like fun, then anything..
get a HOSE and wash it off.
I’ve been waiting for this to happen and you will see more and more of this. The banks took advantage of people and kicked them when down, not everyone is a sheep and will take it.
Some will strike back, revenge is a natural feeling and the more you sit on a lawn chair in your tent for a home you tend to get angry, when you have nothing to lose and all.
wow, way to blow kids playing, out of proportion
#1 Dallas said, “A minor example of how the tea baggers are merely riling up the “unhinged” segment of the population.”
It is more likely that ACORN did it than the Tea Partiers. ACORN was against B of A forclosing on people.
However, we don’t know who did it, but you go half cocked suggesting it was the Tea Party because you dislike the Tea Party. [sarc]Hey Obama must have done it.[/sarc]
Now guys don’t be so tough on Dallas he is Dvoraks crazy uncle in the basement. So take his lunatic rantings with a grain of salt, shake your head and go on to real substance, otherwise your just egging him on
Water based paint? Thats “almost” free speech.
Dallas–you riled up some people yourself. Where were you at the time of this incident, and are you now, or have you ever been, a teabagger? (hee, hee!!)
I do have to wonder how active the teabaggers would be had McCain got into office and much worse than Obama. IE–I can see anger taking 8 years to fully develop, but as much as I hate to say it, the timing does seem suspicious.
If the group doing this got caught–I’d say it should be a misdemeanor crime, community service for a few weekends. I view it more as “feedback to the overlords” than an actual crime. Waterbased paint being the key.
#10, Benjamin,
It is more likely that ACORN did it than the Tea Partiers. ACORN was against B of A forclosing on people.
So the tea baggers are for foreclosure? In case you didn’t know, you are a sarcastic blind person, ACORN in fact is against foreclosure. They worked with people to help them get back on track. It is in everyone’s best interest when the banks don’t foreclose.
Dallas = the ultimate troll
JBenson–I also find Dallas to be a totally objectionable fellow. But when good people like you come out against him, I gotta line up on his side.
Big D, challenging small minds one peanut at a time. Funny too.
Wait a damned minute. Why in the F are (taxpayer paid) city crews cleaning private property?!
That’s bullshit.
I’m not offended!
I’m merely pointing out that vandalism, death threats on politicians and other forms of expression from the ‘unhinged minority’ is fueled by tea bagger rhetoric.
All that outrage created by the tea baggers creates a form of energy that needs to be dissipated.
I’m sure we all agree that tea baggers are drawing in unfair and disproportionately large share of the unhinged segment of the public..
Those wacky, Albuquerququerqubugoans.
#10 Benji, the Tea Baggers get all the press for the riling up the masses. Surely you’ve seen this.
Encouraging guns at rallies, suggesting assassinations to elected officials, veiled references to minority invasion of our white nation.
All that anger that gets cooked up in those
Klanpublic rallies need to be dissipated by the unhinged. Merely carrying a sign does not do it for many.No experience with other B of A banks outside Albuquerque, but the Albuquerque branches charge huge fees for transactions other than standard withdrawals and deposits. Getting a copy of a canceled check costs $3 per check. Other banks and credit unions in the Abq. area charge $1.00 or no fee. Those fees are probably what riled up the taggers.
Definitely premature to claim either the extreme left or extreme right are responsible. Of course some on here, are prone to prematurity.
I’m with A #16.
Why is the city cleaning up private property? If someone paints graffiti on a private home, will the city crews rush right over to help the homeowners? So BofA is too big to fail AND too big to wash their own walls?
Attacking B of A in this way is pointless. If anything, tax money will pay for any renovations.
If somebody was handing you free money whenever you messed up, you’d take it too.
Blame government handing bail outs left and right and all the b.s. regulation they don’t and couldn’t possibly enforce for the risks all these big financial institutions are taking. All the bail outs did was allow to big to fail banks to get bigger.
So what’s the answer? If you’re bold enough to vandalize a building, you should be bold enough to stop paying taxes.
Good grief! The tea baggers are now responsible for the vandalism done by pro-illegal immigration demonstrators?
I’m not surprised. Liberals always try to find fault with others rather than the individuals who did the acts.
I’ll donate…anonymously of course 😮
While I agree with you, BOFA is not entirely clean. They are shady as is with most banks, but they do take you for one hell of a ride though.
Here’s a tip. Instead of trashing banks, take your money OUT of the bank, and put it in a nonprofit credit union.
The banks don’t care if you spraypaint their walls, they will start caring when people close accounts en masse.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer institution…
# 16 A:
Wait a damned minute. Why in the F are (taxpayer paid) city crews cleaning private property?!
I bet they charge big time for the “service.”