CNet News

Apple on Monday said it sold its 1 millionth iPad last Friday with the introduction of the iPad 3G model.

The company didn’t say how many iPads of each model were sold, but we do know that on April 8 during the iPhone OS 4 event, Apple CEO Steve Jobs said the company had sold 450,000 iPads, so sales have remained brisk. The first model of the iPad, known as the Wi-Fi-only model for its most notable difference from the new 3G version, hit the market April 3.

  1. sargasso says:

    Who guessed?

  2. sungkyu says:

    Didn’t Dvorak bet Leo Laporte that Apple would NOT sell 5 million iPads in a year? Anyone think Leo will win?

  3. wetback says:

    Who cares, they’ll probably sell more. I wish microsoft had actually brought the currier to the market.

  4. qb says:

    My wife tried one then sent me an email and said she wants one. I got one for her and she loves it.

    Mail, web, games, vids, etc is what she wants. She’s not a trendoid either. She has an ancient Motorola cell phone and tossed her old Dell/Windows 2000 laptop when she got the iPad.

    My son likes it but doesn’t think it’s worth the money. However he’s spoiled since I gave him my gently used Alienware. My daughter covets one, but she’s 20 and truly is a trendoid.

  5. Improbus says:

    Amazing … not for me though. I loath Steve Jobs and the stylish white iHorse he road in on.

  6. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    #5 – Can’t afford one, huh?

  7. Improbus says:

    #6 – Not worth the money. I want something useful for my hard earned cash.

  8. qb says:

    Improbus, I’m sure you’ll see Android and eventually Windows devices in various configurations over the next two years.

  9. Killer Duck says:

    #5 You probably don’t even know Steve Jobs. You’re going to base your opinion on a person on crap you read in the “news”.
    Whatever. A product is either useful or its not, its either worth what it costs or its not. That’s what value is all about.

  10. Improbus says:


    Oh, I agree. I want something that is not locked down. I will wait to see what Google comes up with.

  11. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    Instant on appeals to me the most and have fast access to any of my information. It looks like Microsoft and HP gave up already. I am also interested in seeing what Google comes up with.

  12. jescott418 says:

    Yes, I tried one out at a Best Buy. Thought I wanted one. But decided against it. Really not worth $500 plus. My wife thinks its a bit heavy to hold for example when reading. I tend to agree. I don’t want to be tied to Applications from Apple’s store either.

  13. ECA says:

    not worth the contracts/Eula you have to have.
    and forget about itunes..

  14. Killer Duck says:

    #13 oh really, and there are no EULA on Android oe WinMobile? Welcome to the 21st century dude, the lawyers rule your life. If you honestly think you are more free on an “open” platform think again.

  15. UncDon says:


    You actually read the EULA’s? I just click “I agree” and forge ahead.

    And what’s wrong with iTunes? Lotsa nice FREE podcasts and iTunes university stuff to listen to.

  16. Killer Duck says:

    #13 What planet are you on.

  17. Benjamin says:

    What are the details of the bet between John and Leo again? How many iPads does Apple need to sell?

  18. qb says:

    Jean Louis Gassee on the shift in the computing business.

    “Apple makes $3B of profit from its iPhone while HP takes in a mere $500M on its PCs—that’s a 6x difference. The Center of Money has shifted.”

  19. SimonSez says:

    Running the IT department at my office my work bought me one and they want me to try out running Google Apps on the iPad. They want everyone at the office to have their own iPad and running Google Apps. I’ve been using the 3G iPad since Friday and it’s a neat “toy”. I say “toy” because of the lack of printing capability which I think is a MAJOR drawback. Also the Google Apps application for iPad isn’t that great… yet. Apple’s built-in apps are much easier to use.

  20. Dallas says:

    I’m definitely getting a tablet but there are at least 15 tables coming out within 6 months that suggests a wait makes sense. Pedro should wait before jumping in and buying an iPad.

    As a consumption device, Windows, Chrome, MeeGo or Android based tablets may be a fine alternative to iPAD.

    Still, Apple is the design and application store to beat.

  21. Suck it up, M$. You lose!

  22. Mextli says:

    I just don’t see a use for it and I can’t stand Apple’s proprietary stance on everything.

    Guess I’m just too old.

  23. deowll says:

    Yep Apple still has a huge profit margin per item sold. To me this is still pretty much a toy that would not meet my needs.

    If you want to surf the web, do email, do the social networks, read ebooks, look at pictures, and download from Itunes, or play some kinds of games, it may meet your needs.

    I wouldn’t care to do much keyboarding on it nor is it going to run any data base, spread sheet, or word processer I know anything about nor presentation software.

    My bad, you could log into Google docs and use it or whatever Apple has on it so you might be able to do your homework on it then email it to your teacher? I still couldn’t stick my home videos, my picture collection, and music collection on one.

    Of course there can be real reasons why some companies get a premium or a bad name. I just checked out several software packages for working with video and the words _crap ware_ come strongly to mind.

    The customer reviews suggest that all of it was poorly written XP legacy with a face lift. Don’t get me wrong, a simple basic package would meet my needs but this stuff was clearly beta ware at best and some features and packages didn’t support 64 only 32 nor had it occurred to these people that they really needed to fully support HD. Almost everything being sold now is HD but did these people who are trying to sell video editing software care? Apparently not. Not even Nero 10 which got the best non user review fully supported 64. At best it would run on 64 and users were quick to explain what it didn’t do and that it was buggy.

    What the companies were doing was sticking it in new packaging and shoving it out the door with an ad campaign. Clearly when it comes to this kind of software “buyer beware” is still the rule.

    My problem is I didn’t find an exception. I know this should be a big market but nobody is producing decent basic software. I think what people are being forced to do is just play home video as is on their computers or share the video as is.

  24. eighthnote says:

    I want something that isn’t walled up by someone’s ego (are you listening Jobs)?

  25. Dallas says:

    Seems like the perfect porn viewer that wipes pretty clean.

  26. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    Hmm… I guess there’s a big opportunity here for a meek, modest entreperneur with a tablet that prints and takes pictures, to make a big entrance.

    EVERYONE knows it’s the meekest entrepreneurs that put all the best features into a gizmo and sell it for the lowest profit… who will rule the lead. Jobs is an anomaly.

  27. steelcobra says:

    I have an iPhone 3G, an iPod 5g, and an iPod Classic 160GB. After the iPad released, I bought a Nook. I have everything I need and have no use for an iPad.

  28. Benjamin says:

    Is there a way to get text off of it into a computer or something?

  29. I like apple computers a lot. I don’t think they’re perfect, just better than most. Unfortunately this is not a computer or at least not a general purpose one.

    Here’s an interesting take on the iPad (no, not yet another iMaxi reference).

  30. SomedudeinPAUSA says:

    my dad got the 3g 64gb on the 30th and we have been loving it! So much so that before I even got myself one I picked one up for my sister as a belated wedding present. Needless to say I am currently her favorite sibling.


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