CNet News

Apple on Monday said it sold its 1 millionth iPad last Friday with the introduction of the iPad 3G model.

The company didn’t say how many iPads of each model were sold, but we do know that on April 8 during the iPhone OS 4 event, Apple CEO Steve Jobs said the company had sold 450,000 iPads, so sales have remained brisk. The first model of the iPad, known as the Wi-Fi-only model for its most notable difference from the new 3G version, hit the market April 3.

  1. #22 – Mextli,

    … I can’t stand Apple’s proprietary stance on everything.

    I agree with your opinion on that. However, I keep looking at high end machines and finding that even given this issue, the macbook pros are just better boxes than similarly configured non-macs. And, at the high end, I don’t even find apple to be significantly more expensive.

    I often feel alone when I say that. Then I note the percentage of the high end computer market that apple has commandeered and realize that I’m not at all alone.

  2. hhopper says:

    I’m no Apple fanboy… I have all PCs, but I bought an iPad and love it. I had to buy my wife one too. It’s not a computer replacement but a handy addition that is easy to carry around the house and use everywhere. Whenever I want to look something up on the net or check email, it turns on instantly. It’s a great device to have in addition to a regular computer.

    John will lose his bet.

  3. Floyd says:

    Just an observation: My wife has had a Macbook for about 2 years. She says it’s pretty, but the next laptop she plans to get will be a (wait for it) Windows laptop instead of a Mac.

    Her Internet friends all have Windows computers that they use for downloading legal music (her favorite singer has a website that allows fans to do legal music downloads), and her Mac somehow makes those downloads difficult.

    On the iPad: tablet computers have been around for at least 10 years, and are mostly used for prosaic but important stuff like recording vital information in hospitals and clinics, taking inventory, and similar purposes. iPads wouldn’t cut the mustard simply because they don’t have a built in USB port to transfer data.
    I don’t know if they can store data for later download the way the older tablets can, and I don’t know if iPads have a built in barcode reader. All of this is important if the iPad is to be used in the real world.

  4. Dr. B. says:

    A useless gadget from Apple, your favorite fascist electronics manufacturer. I’ve got more brains than cash so no thank you. Seriously who buys this stuff? It’s a “large print” version of the iPod Touch.

    I’m almost certain Steve Jobs could get up on stage, take a dump in a bucket and the entire audience would want to walk by and smell it.

  5. allan says:

    Some of us Apple fanboys simply finance our gadgets with Apple stock. Buying shares at a split-adjusted $7 means I just have to sell 3 shares of AAPL to get my iPad.

  6. Uncle Patso says:

    IIRC, Laporte bet Dvorak that Apple would sell five million iPads the first year.


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