Found by Mark McCullough

  1. sargasso says:

    Troll bait.

  2. McCullough says:

    You have to admit…it’s funny.

  3. Greg Allen says:

    >> McCullough said, on May 2nd, 2010 at 5:11 pm
    >> You have to admit…it’s funny.

    Sorry… didn’t even get a chuckle from me. I’m so sick of these racist birthers, even their idiocy no longer amuses me.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    If Arizonan where THINKERS, instead of CONSERVATIVES, they would have written a law seriously punishing people who hire illegal workers.

    THAT would have actually done something to solve this mess.

  5. ECA says:

    thats NOT the problem.
    its NOT illegal workers..ITS the gangs running the border. Entering the USA, that DONT want a JOB.

  6. Lou Minatti says:

    thats NOT the problem.
    its NOT illegal workers..”

    Tell that to the millions of Americans without high school diplomas. Such people used to be able to make a living. The jobs weren’t great, but the wages were decent. Fact is, Democrats and Republicans have declared war on the poor in America by allowing an unlimited number of illegals in to drive down the wages of US workers. Dems are happy because it pads their voter rolls, Reps are happy because it drives down labor costs.

    You people who think this resentment of illegals is due solely to racism need to have your heads examined.

  7. bobbo, vote all encumbents OUT of office says:

    I must say, as much as we all hate the Kenyan, he doesn’t look Mexican to me. I think such a stop would violate the Arizona guidelines.

    But yes==”Its the Jobs”===something our Congress and State Leaders care not a whit about while we are happy to accept their lies.

    Its been war on the Middle and Lower Classes for 30 years, and we have lost. Just look at the stratification of wealth in our society==starting to approach medieval levels. And indeed, you can see the Castles behind the gated communities with their private guards.

    Travesty, and the Repugs plan to run on it.

  8. Maricopa says:

    Those of you who think the new Az law is about racism or even jobs, need to read the news once in a while. It’s about the crime rate.

    I do agree with Mr Allen in #4, though. Employers need to prove they made a good faith effort to establish a right to work in the US or face severe sanctions.

    Where I disagree is that this should be a Federal statute so employers can do a quick confirmation with the Social Security Admin.

    As for the Az law, I see no problem in that state exercising it’s sovereignty to protect it’s borders. Abuses of this police power should be dealt with quickly and harshly (as should other abuses of police powers).

    The US gov SHOULD be protecting the borders but seems unable or unwilling (or both) to do so. So, go for it, Az. If the program is sucessful, it won’t be long before New Mex and Texas follow suit. Then with California providing the only real sanctuary, watch their new Governor scramble.

  9. nolimit662 says:

    These illegals should have been rounded up at the protests. They have no right to protest ANYTHING in this country seeing as they’re not citizens. Jeez, when is the rest of this country going to grow some balls and make them follow OUR LAWS!! I’m disgusted at how relaxed and cavalier everyone in gov’t is when it comes to enforcing these laws. Profiling, damn right. When most illegals are mexican, profile them. When most terrorists are arabs, profile them. Why do most people have to act like castrated buffoons these days?!

  10. Greg Allen says:

    >> Maricopa said, on May 2nd, 2010 at 6:43 pm
    >> Those of you who think the new Az law is about racism or even jobs, need to read the news once in a while. It’s about the crime rate.

    If that’s the case, then these Arizonans need to turn off the conservative media!

    Well, here’s the reality:

    Crime rates in Arizona at lowest point in decades. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), the violent crime rate in Arizona was lower in 2006, 2007, and 2008 — the most recent year from which data are available — than any year since 1983. The property crime rate in Arizona was lower in 2006, 2007, and 2008 than any year since 1968. In addition, in Arizona, the violent crime rate dropped from 577.9 per 100,000 population in 1998 to 447 per 100,000 population in 2008; the property crime rate dropped from 5,997 to 4,291 during the same period. During the same decade, Arizona’s undocumented immigrant population grew rapidly….

  11. Greg Allen says:

    >> ECA said, on May 2nd, 2010 at 5:53 pm
    >> Greg,
    >> thats NOT the problem.

    Illegal immigrants primarily come here for the work. Can anyone dispute that?

    >> its NOT illegal workers..ITS the gangs running the border. Entering the USA, that DONT want a JOB.

    I totally agree that the gangs are a problem. I’ve lived in gang territory and they are nasty. — and, I might add, very American as well.

    If the problem is gangs — why give the government massive new rights to ask for papers from ANYBODY?

  12. Greg Allen says:

    >> Lou Minatti said, on May 2nd, 2010 at 6:07 pm
    >> Dems are happy because it pads their voter rolls, Reps are happy because it drives down labor costs.

    I would certainly agree about the labor costs — that’s the main reason we have not solved this problem.

    As for the Dems — I’ll give you half a point. Illegal immigrants aren’t voting, so there’s no “padding.”

    However, the Hispanic vote is important to Democrats and most Hispanics have someone they know who is here without papers.

    Since you believe this is about voting, you make want to read this article:

    “Behind the Arizona Immigration Law:
    GOP Game to Swipe the November Election”

    The author makes a pretty good argument that the ultimate end-game of the Arizona law is to suppress the LEGAL Hispanic vote.

  13. Greg Allen says:

    >> nolimit662 said, on May 2nd, 2010 at 6:46 pm
    >> These illegals should have been rounded up at the protests. They have no right to protest ANYTHING in this country seeing as they’re not citizens.

    No offense, but people like you are the reason we can’t give the government this much power.

    You see brown people protesting and want to round them all up as illegals.

    Lots of brown people are actually real Americans!

    (I know this is a shock, Birthers, but it’s true. ;-0 )

  14. nolimit662 says:

    Greg Allen said: No offense, but people like you are the reason we can’t give the government this much power.

    You see brown people protesting and want to round them all up as illegals.

    Lots of brown people are actually real Americans!

    (I know this is a shock, Birthers, but it’s true. ;-0 )


  15. Mextli says:

    #11 Greg Allen
    “Illegal immigrants primarily come here for the work. Can anyone dispute that?”

    What difference does this make? This looks like an attempt to cast them in the sympathetic role of poor honest hardworking people just trying to care for family.

    “I’ve lived in gang territory and they are nasty. — and, I might add, very American as well. ”

    What does gangs are very American mean?
    Here is the latest gang, or cartel if you will, activity I know

    Mexican drug violence claims 24 lives in 24 hours

    I have no idea how many illegals are in the country now but I believe it’s only a matter of time until they are granted amnesty.

    Does anyone think there should be a limit? How about increased immigration allowances for PHDs and less for farm workers?

  16. nolimit662 says:

    And seeing that it was mostly all mexicans at these rallies, that just confirms that illegals are mostly MEXICANS!! Any other group of people know that you can’t just break laws and expect to have everything just handed to you.

  17. Faxon says:

    I have an ARIZONA Wildcats sweatshirt which I have enjoyed wearing the last few days, especially here in the screwed up San Francisco Gulag.
    Speaking of racism, since most people from Mexico are MEXICANS, I guess the immigration laws themselves target MEXICANS in Arizona. Gee. Whoda thunk it? Now, in Washington State, it would be the Mexicans with sweaters, I imagine. Funny thing, they don’t seem to be swarming into Washington and taking over the place.

  18. nolimit662 says:

    And while we’re at it why don’t we establish ENGLISH as the official language of this country. I’m so sick and tired of trying to find english on the packages of products I buy. And I’m also sick of answering systems and atm’s asking me what language to use. This is America and ENGLISH is spoken here. Keep your damn spanish in MEXICO!!

  19. Faxon says:

    #7 – “I must say, as much as we all hate the Kenyan,……”

    Can this really be YOU saying this? If so, I have to completely adjust my world view…..

  20. BubbaRay says:

    >>nolimit662 said, on May 2nd, 2010 at 7:56 pm

    >>And while we’re at it why don’t we establish ENGLISH as the official language of this country.

    Darned right. This isn’t Mexico. I’d like to punish whatever idiot recorded, “Press 1 for English, press 2 for Spanish.” If you want to live here, learn to speak, read and write.

    Is there another country on this Earth that bends over backwards to accommodate illegal aliens, or even non-citizens that don’t speak the language?

    At least ATC (air traffic control) has mandated that pilots wordwide speak English.

  21. GF says:

    Love the law.
    Love E-verify.
    The citizens of Arizona cut in state college tuition and other state benefits for illegals over 2 years ago and mandated R-verify with the Legal Arizona Workers Act. The Mexicans had their protest marches waving the Mexican flag and chanting Si Se Puede – yeah, that lets me know you want to be an American citizen. They had their day without a Mexican, at first most of us didn’t notice. But then as the day went om we realized service was better, service workers understood English and no one was copping a attitude about doing their job. I wonder what New York would do if it had 500,000 illegal French Canadians coming over every year and demanding you speak French and marching down Broadway carrying Quebecer flags while chanting Oui, nous pouvons?

  22. Glenn E. says:

    I think this whole thing is an over-reaction. And perhaps that’s deliberately planned. It makes a good distraction for other issues, the politicians don’t what to touch.

    I think the news and concerned citizens are over-reacting, because I very much doubt the AZ cops are going to be hassling every Latino they see on the street. Half of AZ must be Latino or Mexican. More likely the cops will just hassle some percentage of newcomers. People they’ve not seen before. That look like they don’t have a dime to their name. And certainly the troublemakers that they have seen before. Regardless of how much bling they’re sporting.

    I think the Latinos, legal and not, are just coming to the defense of their own. The same way the Italian immigrants defended their own, years ago, when a growing US Mafia was the common concern. A lot of Italians idolized the crime families. And if cable’s Sopranos is any indication. They still do. As long as they were fairly decent to their own. And didn’t feed on them, to too great excess. They were willing to overlook the crimes perpetrated against non-Italians. Not a very responsible citizen-like attitude.

    And I’m thinking the same situation exists in AZ. The Latinos are willing to overlook the criminal class of their kind. Because they have such strong racial and family ties. That they’re willing to forgive their criminal brothers, of almost anything.

    The news reporters ought to be pointing this out. But they prefer to make it a hot button issue, of racial profiling. When it’s actually the reverse. Law abiding Latinos, ignoring what other non-law-abiding Latinos are doing to screw things up for us all. Citizens of any race or nationality have got to stop writing blank checks for the bad behavior of a small portion of their own kind. This shouldn’t be an “us against them” issue, all the time.

    If anyone is being racist, it’s the Latino Americans, who choose to defend their own kind regardless of what crimes they’ve committed. And don’t care about the non-Latino victims. As if the rest of us are all fantastically wealthy, and can afford to be screwed over now and then.

  23. Glenn E. says:

    A number of years ago, some cultural researcher made this observation about South Americans (in general, anyway). When we drop something, we say “Oops. I dropped that”. But when they drop something they tend to say “It fell from my hand”. As if to blame the object, for leaving their grasp. Rather than owning up to being clumsy. And much of how these South American nations function, is that way too. They don’t see themselves as responsible for their problems. Stuff just magically happens. Or God didn’t like them. Whatever. And it’s beyond them to rectify.

    So they’re basically resigned to live with all their county’s problems. And rarely take action to change things for the better. Put with these nations having a history of petty military dictatorships, in charge. One can hardly blame them. Between the military and crime bosses, most of their educated, honest and effective statesmen, don’t stand a chance.

    And and so many of them feel the need to escape to the relative utopia of the US. However, if we’re not careful. The same thing could happen in the US too. So we should be very careful not to allow a Police/Para-military State to exist in the US. Not even to protect us from terrorists, communists, or lawless illegal immigrants. It’s better that AZ passes it’s own laws, to deal with its own problems, as they see fit. Than to have a Federal gov. solution to such problems, that ends up being overkill. And endangers all our freedoms.

    Give the US authorities, to round us all up, whenever they feel the need to. And they will. With the excuse that it’s all about protecting us. But really, it will be about protecting the wealthy 1%, from the rest of the hungry, out of work, 99%. Just as Bobbo said. Back to a Medieval economy.

  24. BubbaRay says:

    >>Animby said, on May 2nd, 2010 at 11:28 pm edit

    >># 20 BubbaRay said, “or even non-citizens that don’t speak the language?”

    Thanks for the info, I didn’t know. My travels have been limited to Europe, where although many speak English, you’re tortured if you don’t speak their native tongue. I only speak German as a second language and tried to punish the French every chance I got since they rarely admitted speaking English and tried to shove that up my ears. At least I can order food or buy things in almost any European country.

    In no country did one hear “press 2 for English” when making a phone call.

  25. bobbo, words have a context says:

    I think after you go back and forth and flush out the pros and cons, “most” people would agree that “English as the Official Language” means ballots should be in English Only. If you can’t read English, you shouldn’t be voting.

    Whatever “support” anyone wants after that is fine with all the usual exceptions including paying for it.

    Other countries including English means nothing as English is the international language.

    Look at History–countries and can multi-racial but they cannot be multi-cultural especially when supported by multi-lingualism. When a country as white bread as Canada has the French Separatist Movement, the danger should be self evident. THAT applies to the number of Mexicans in the USA.

    Just hard reality–separate and apart from jingoism or racism.

  26. moss says:

    Always worth a chuckle watching libertarians supporting law and politics that guarantee a national ID program..

    Conservative libertarians may outstrip Christians and Republicans at sophistry.

  27. Hmeyers says:

    History will record that the world would be a better place if people like Bobbo and Greg Allen could take the final step and remove the partisan binoculars.

    They see so clearly (almost) but reading their points of view ultimately end with a groan.

    The train wreck called our immigration policy is borne witness by symptoms like what is happening in Arizona. A complex stew with a great many cooks, not all or even most begin with an (R) by their name.

  28. Benjamin says:

    #7 bobbo said, “I must say, as much as we all hate the Kenyan…”

    Who said we hate Barak Obama. I hate the leftist decisions he made as President and I hate the fact that he is in office, but I do not hate the man.

    I am doing everything in my power to get opposing party members elected and I am on working for the opposing party at the precinct county and district level.

    Oh, BTW, he was probably born in Hawaii. I’m not sure because I never saw the birth certificate.

  29. The0ne says:

    I’m in the same boat as you. While I can understand others might get a good laugh at it I surely don’t. Like you, I’m sick of the racist BS.

  30. MikeN says:

    Well English proficiency is required for citizenship, so if someone speaks poor English, that should be good reason to suspect they are not a citizen, at which point it should be OK to ask for proof of legal residency.


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