1. bob onthis says:

    quite juvenille.

  2. UncDon says:

    FRINGE-munks, not FUDGE-munks.

  3. jescott418 says:

    Funny I wonder if iPad user can see it? No Flash?

  4. FRAGaLOT says:

    good to know that Dave and the chipmunks are still around.

  5. Jobs says:

    #3 Yes we can it. Pretty much all the big video hosting sites now are using HTML5.

  6. qb says:

    So why didn’t free enterprise and more open markets win this one?

  7. qb says:

    Hah, forehead slap. Two tabs open.

  8. Father says:


    You’re trapped in your own reality distortion field (RDF, wiki it).

    Any Youtube video is viewable on an idevice, but the bulk of this website’s videos, that weren’t sourced from Youtube, are not viewable on any idevice.

  9. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    I had no idea Pedro sounded so funky. A little rodent-like… but that boy can sing!

  10. RLF says:

    Nearly 2 Million sold.

    I guess I’d be cringing to.

  11. deowll says:

    I’m sure it will be a bigger success than the Macbook air.

  12. UncDon says:


  13. McCullough says:

    #12. You said Fudge, actually like that better.

  14. Awake says:

    #11 deowil.

    MacBook Air? Where have I heard that name??? Oh yeah, that ultra lightweight device with no built in ports? That overpriced and impractical except for the most basic functions, like browsing the web while sipping a latte? Why do you even mention that antique device that nobody cares about…. what has it been … two years since that came out??? You old dinosaur, get out of the middle ages and get yourself one of these new iPads… they are revolutionary… you hear me? They are REVOLUTIONARY!

  15. David Seville says:


  16. Mike Coogan says:

    Ok having watched the video I can point out more than one flaw:

    The iPad 3G has a GPS chip built in that works without a data plan.

    The iPad 3G’s data plan is NOT a contract item. You can turn it off whenever you want so you’re not locked into a 2 year contract.

    Coming soon the iPad will be able to multi-task when they release the 4.0 update for it.

    Cute idea for a video but some research should have been done for it.


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