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This is good. They should be able to find Geithner with this (imaginary) technology.
Yes, very Orwellian, very effective. Hard to believe a State Government is being both.
Its usually the case that a dollar spent on fraud prevention results in multiple dollars in return. Why the government does NOT ENFORCE so many laws is beyond me.
The old saying that the best way to get a law reformed is to fully enforce it has application here.
Meanwhile, the entire Fed Gov is all about letting the Corporations continue to flout all manner of laws, loot the treasury, and have their welfare thought of as free enterprise.
We need Orwell.
Maybe they could use the same technology to stop illegal immigration.
I got no worries. My name is not Tom.
I’m in Times Square
“We need Orwell.”
Yes, we do. Because, If you know anything about Orwell, you’d know that Orwell was a crusader against this type of tactic. But, I’m sure that’s wasted on crazy LIEberals who have no problem throwing more money at theives.
LIEberals==you mean those in Congress now trying to pass a weak financial reform bill being opposed by the CONservative/LIEberTARDS who don’t want any reform at all?
Yes, tricky how Orwell and Orwellian have opposite meanings.
PA budget crisis/shortfalls >>> Scare tactics to maximize tax revenues. I wonder how much $$ this 30sec. spot cost to make?
Look for alot more of this as local governments become really strapped for funds.
I was reading another article the other day, all about keeping your home in shape, no weeds etc, as cash strapped municipalities are starting to dust off, and enforce old regs etc never enforced before.
Gave some examples of cities where hiring of more “Code Enforcement Officers” has now become all the rage.
My local town. Traffic enforcement is way up, plus out of the blue the city tacked on a 75 dollar surcharge for each ticket.
North Carolina had an ad showing bloodhounds baying and straining at leashes in 1992, saying that non-payment of state taxes was a felony.
They can pry my money out of my cold dead hands.
#2 You don’t get it. You think the government works for you. You don’t have enough money to buy it so it doesn’t.
What part of voluntary tax do you all not understand?
Maybe people would be more upfront with their payment of taxes if so goddamn much of them wasn’t wasted or spent on debt service.
What truly pisses me off is that the tax revenues never seem to be enough to satiate the hunger of government for more money. Government then goes out and borrows money that the taxpayers are obliged to repay with interest, for years and years and years. Eventually, taxes no longer go for government services, but instead are payed as interest on debt for which nothing is received.
I’d like to know how much of Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms’ portfolios is comprised of Government Debt. While it may be considered “safe” for now, just look what is happening in Greece and Spain. Their debt has now been lowered to junk status.
This house of cards is about to collapse.
Run Tom run!
how come this isnt being done to bill???
“We are everywhere”
“Jump, Jerry, Jump!”
Funny, they can find Tom with all this technology, but cannot find Osama Bin Laden???? Oh wait, Osama does not own PA taxes.
Pennsylvania. RIAA.
Anyone else see a similarity in tactics?
They know who Tom is…..do they know who Jose is????
This was made by The Onion right? Very very funny. Government can’t even keep illegal drugs out of jails, how do you expect them to do anything else efficiently?
“Tom’s birthday is in June.”
Sounds like GlaDOS!