Artist’s interpretation

Wow! Who could have predicted this?

To make a long story short: this is all reported to be a fake. The photos were reputed to have been taken off site near the Black Sea, but the film footage the Chinese now have was shot on location on Mt. Ararat. In the late summer of 2008 ten Kurdish workers hired by Parasut, the guide used by the Chinese, are said to have planted large wood beams taken from an old structure in the Black Sea area (where the photos were originally taken) at the Mt. Ararat site. In the winter of 2008 a Chinese climber taken by Parasut’s men to the site saw the wood, but couldn’t get inside because of the severe weather conditions. During the summer of 2009 more wood was planted inside a cave at the site.


THE remains of Noah’s Ark have been discovered 13,000ft up a Turkish mountain, it has been claimed. A group of Chinese and Turkish evangelical explorers say they have found wooden remains on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey. They claim carbon dating proves the relics are 4,800 years old — around the same time the ark was said to be afloat. Yeung Wing-Cheung, from the Noah’s Ark Ministries International research team, said: “It’s not 100 per cent that it is Noah’s Ark, but we think it is 99.9 per cent that this is it.”

He said the structure contained several compartments, some with wooden beams, that they believe were used to house animals.

The group of evangelical archaeologists ruled out an established human settlement on the grounds none have ever been found above 11,000ft in the vicinity, Yeung said. Local Turkish officials will ask the central government in Ankara to apply for UNESCO World Heritage status so the site can be protected while a major archaeological dig is conducted.

The biblical story says that God decided to flood the Earth after seeing how corrupt it was.

Huh, I thought they found that boat long ago.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    Yay! Evangelicals are NEVER wrong!

  2. Mac Guy says:

    Pffft… I found it years ago.

  3. jescott418 says:

    Well, I guess you believe what you believe. I am not sure from the description that proves anything. Except maybe a time frame for its existence. Not sure how many boats were around back then. But I am thinking if their was a flood probably quite a few.

  4. Benjamin says:

    The ark didn’t look like the above picture. It was much bigger. How else do you think it held all the dinosaurs and other animals?

    Also with dinosaurs:

  5. chuck says:

    #3 – exactly.
    Wouldn’t it be funny if the evangelical explorers has also dug up some dinosaur bones, carbon dated them to 600 million years ago.

    Then they’d immediately have to believe in evolution.

  6. qb says:

    Well, whatever floats your boat.

  7. Faxon says:

    Fine. Let them enjoy their belief. Just like liberals believe in Obamacare.

  8. bobbo, science and religion are not inconsistent, no really! says:

    How come modern genetic science doesn’t show all our genetic code coming from Mrs Noah about 4800 years ago.

    Seriously flawed science not to show that fact from the bibble.

    But, sargasso FTW. Argument by convenience.

  9. bobbo, science and religion are not inconsistent, no really! says:

    Speaking of the Father of Science, ie Mathematics, here is a gem from Benji’s second link:

    “Come see our sixteen foot scale model of Noah’s Ark (one thirtieth scale, the real Ark was 27,000 times bigger). /// for those enthralled with religion, and not with math, 1/30th scale should result in the “real” ark being 30 times larger. Saying it is 27,000 time bigger is why religion can be ignored by anyone with an 8th grade education.

  10. Personality says:

    Some douche said he found it many years ago and brought a piece back, after his friend died on the “mission”. Saw a special on it like 13 years ago.

  11. PMitchell says:

    so what are all of you liberal atheists going to say if this is`true and they find a giant boat on top of this mountain

  12. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    PMitchell==well I don’t know what other liberal atheists would say but I’d say my religion does not permit me to admit of any facts inconsistent with my beliefs.

    But to your point–big boat on mountain top==ok. Now prove it is Noah’s Ark. Now prove it had lots and lots of animals on it. Now prove the earth was covered with any more water than we have now. then prove there weren’t other survivors ((to get past the genetic key-hole)), then prove it wasn’t all caused by the devil while god was on vacation, or not by Thor

    and if everything is proven true: I would still ask: “Why can’t god just leave me alone?”

    But other atheists of all political stripes should respond on their own. What if some flavor of god really exists??? I can’t see how it would change anything. We still have the universe to understand, and those in our way to defeat.

  13. Angus says:

    Some people theorize that the Ark story has its roots in a post ice age warming, the melting of the glaciers then, and the inundation of the Black Sea region, which is theorized to have been a rift valley.

    They were apparently having Global Warming Issues 10,000 years ago as well…

  14. Skippy says:

    #12, let’s say for the sake of argument that it is somehow proven that this is the real deal. Don’t know how that could possibly happen, but let’s assume it’s real.

    That STILL doesn’t prove there is a God or that the Bible is all true.

  15. Gilgamesh says:

    #12 – PMitchell.

    I’ll revisit my working hypothesis that boats back then couldn’t fly. Then I’m going to wonder why Noah built such a big ass boat that high on the mountain waiting for a flood that never came.

  16. robs says:

    Given the choice between a boat never found anywhere on the planet and a village at that altitude in the region they could only figure it was a boat…WTF over…11000 feet is not that great of impact from an a human (other than climate in the region). I’ve hiked higher than that in south america, starting in villages near that altitude. Perhaps the simplest answer is the right one…if only I could find a razor sharp way to express that…

    “The group of evangelical archaeologists ruled out an established human settlement on the grounds none have ever been found above 11,000ft in the vicinity”

  17. bill says:

    Those ‘timbers’ look like they were sawn on a bandsaw…


  18. Glass Half Full says:

    Oh for f**ks sake grow up. It’s a metaphor, not a real life event. The stories of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Greek, Norse, Aztec, Chinese god/goddesses aren’t real. I know, if you believe in one of them, you’re upset, how dare I question your god(s). Whatever. Grow up.

  19. chuck says:

    Considering the fact that this planet goes through ice ages every 100,000 years or so, it’s surprising that our mythology doesn’t have many “ice world” stories.

    Do evangelicals not believe in ice ages too?

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    I don’t know what’s up there, but Noah’s ark or not, I sure am interested to find out what it is from a credible source.

    While it being an ark would be very cool, I’m betting it’s an abandoned monastery, if anything at all.

    I guess I’ll have to wait till the Discovery Channel does a special…

  21. Benjamin says:

    #10 bobbo, who doesn’t know anything about geometry said, “Come see our sixteen foot scale model of Noah’s Ark (one thirtieth scale, the real Ark was 27,000 times bigger)”

    I think he means volume.

    450 ft * 75 ft * 45 ft gives me 1,518,750 cubic feet

    At 1:30 scale
    15 ft * 2.5 ft * 1.5 ft gives me 56.25 cubic feet

    I can fit over 27,000 1:30 scale model arks in the real ark. I did the math here. Cubing 30 also gets you 27,000.

    Sorry, but 8th grade is not good enough for you. You need to get to 10th grade to learn geometry.

    #9 bobbo, who doesn’t know anything about mitochondrial DNA said, “How come modern genetic science doesn’t show all our genetic code coming from Mrs Noah about 4800 years ago.”

    Mitochondrial DNA comes from the mother. Noah had all sons who married before the Flood. The son’s wives would not share Mrs. Noah’s DNA unless they were rednecks.

    Remember bobbo, Math and Science is your friend.

  22. jman says:

    it seems Bobbo doesn’t know anything

  23. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Benji==you got me fair and square. good job. The idea of “volume” did flit cross my mind, but my dismissive bias led me to an objectively provable wrong idea.

    But let me quibble==I was unfairly shocked by the discussion of genetic types of dinosaurs that were loaded onto the Ark. I think I should be forgiven all kinds of partial think throughs after an assault like that.

    On the mitochondrial dna, your superior knowledge of the bible got me there. I think I confused it with Adam and Eve which really raises the same question 1000 years earlier.

    I think this demonstrates how some arguments are quite powerful. You see your argument, you see the opponents arguments, strengths and weaknesses of both, and the superior position is self evident within the boundaries of such things.

    Again, well done. ((I would have stopped at 30 cubed, so I assume you figured that out after the harder math?==smile!))

    jman–don’t kick the Philistine when he’s down and don’t generalize.

  24. stoopidflanders says:

    This is wonderful news for liberals; they now have a place to take refuge when global warming comes to drown the rest of us.

  25. Dallas says:

    I bought a Noah’s Ark on ebay and now very concerned I got robbed.

  26. cherax says:

    #23 Benjamin

    Yes, mitochondrial DNA does come from the mother, but it comes from the mitochondrial genomes in the cytoplasm of her oocytes, NOT from her own nuclear genome. As such, all of of her children, male as well as female, get that mitochondrial DNA, because the cytoplasm of that first, fertilized cell comes from the mother.

    So, if you’re going to be supercilious, at least get your facts straight. Unless you’re trying to use them to support religious beliefs, in which case, you’ll need to bend them to fit your fantasy of choice.

  27. clancys_daddy says:

    “Evangelicals Find Noah’s Ark!!!!!”
    Doubt it.
    Clancys Daddy found boobies

  28. Buzz says:

    The same folks claimed to be in excess of 99.9% certain that the phrase “Trust In Moses Blood” held meaning and that it was within the laws of probability for water to transmogrify into wine, given the right provenance.

  29. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Cherax==thanks. I’ll take that as a correction to my apology. Another flit threw my mind. I’m coming face to face with not quite having forgotten as much as I know, but not having confidence in it anymore and not wanting to take the time to look it up.

    For some reason, ribosomes is knocking in the back of my head right now too. Do I have time to look that up?

  30. zybch says:

    I still can’t see how the dinosaurs would have fit in the arc, as we all know, they were around in Jesus’ day.


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