“The Other Obama? Click for larger version”

  1. Micromike says:

    Maybe Malcolm would have given us change that made things better instead of another dream to believe in.

    Too bad the Post can’t tell them apart.

  2. DavidtheDuke says:

    That couldn’t have been a complete mistake, unless there is a “black leaders .jpg folder” that they just pull stuff out like from a hat.

  3. Barack McCain says:

    What? Is there something wrong here?

  4. John E. Quantum says:

    I’ll bet they got a chuckle out of this in Kenya

  5. ECA says:

    I wonder how many times this happened to a WHITE LEADER??

  6. zybch says:

    So this must be the other OTHER Obama

    [Thanks, I can use that – ed.]

  7. 'Droo' says:

    Wow, freaky.

    I was listening to No Agenda 66 – 69 today (Jan 09) and there was a lot of talk about the 2nd secret Obama. And now a year later, the press has caught up.

    More interesting was the first references to ‘Crackpot & the Buzzkill, in the morning’.

    But yeah, Obama Classic won’t be happy about his clone getting photo ops.

  8. Comacho for President says:

    So, what? Obama’s change disease is infectious. At least, Malcom was born in the U.S.

  9. Steve says:

    I’d be willing to bet that a lot of people would think this is a picture of Obama. It’s an old cliche that black people all look the same to some white people, but it’s rooted in reality. Combine that with the fact that a lot of people have no idea who Malcom X was, the whole thing becomes a very believable oversight.

  10. sargasso says:

    Totally hilarious. Malcolm X’s assassin was released from jail that day, they probably have President Obama’s photo heading a caption that his assassin has been released from jail.

  11. Faxon says:

    How did this guy learn to spell his last name?

  12. deowll says:

    I seem to recall reading the autobiography of Malcolm X while I was in college. The man impressed me more positively than Obama does and Malcolm was a real Muslim.

    Of course Malcolm was calling for people to go around killing people either. He seemed to be more into all people are the children of Allah.

  13. deowll says:

    My major bad Malcolm _wasn’t_ calling for people to go around killing people. He seemed to be more into all people are the children of Allah.

  14. chuck says:

    Big deal – so they ran a picture of Denzel Washington by mistake.

  15. MikeStrong says:

    This is the danger of filenames which don’t describe the subject. Pubs seem to create a lot of these generated file names.

    I did a couple of properties checks on the WaPo site pictures and they look more or less like this one: PH2010042804206.jpg

    Probably someone looking at the filename and having several lined up (or even just two) and turned them around.

    One story on Malcom’s killer Thomas Hagan being released after 44 years and the other on Obama. Even if some youngster really didn’t know what Malcom looked like I can’t imagine someone confusing Malcom for Barack.

    One of the comments on another site said they wished he (Barack) were indeed that radical. Ha!

  16. Dallas says:

    Unacceptable to misrepresent the President of the United States in that form.

    I’m sure thumpers would be upset if La Pope was similarly misrepresented or someone even more highly worshiped like say, Rush.

  17. jman says:

    it looks like a slideshow of pics above a headline and the pics do not necessarily go with the story below it. Some moron takes a screen cap as the shown picture makes it’s round and tries to make a big deal out of nothing. must be another media matters fabrication

  18. Phydeau says:

    I’m with jman (#17)… you can see the back/pause/forward buttons at the bottom of the picture. Just a clever juxtaposition.

  19. Rabble Rouser says:

    To these bigots, all people of color look alike.

  20. MikeN says:

    #15, that’s probably a name change after publication. Their internal database is probably better.

    Really, the editors of the Washington Post and the rest of the media are a bunch of racists who can’t tell black people apart. One of them labeled James Earl Jones as James Earl Ray.

  21. Buzz says:

    Their excuse: All Muslims look alike to us…

  22. Rich says:

    I just had the thought today- I don’t think President Obama is a black man. Malcolm X is. A quick glance at both graphics could have solved this confucion.


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