1. Derek says:

    And the stereotypes are reinforced again…

  2. Joe says:

    The bride is enormous.

  3. bobbo, once again missing the whole point says:

    So whats wrong with throwing dollar bills on the dance floor? Better than Uncle Buck on SNL letting the kiddies look for dimes in his pockets!! ((yuck, yuck–always did crack me up.))

  4. The DON says:


  5. sargasso says:

    Waiting for those wedding photo magic moments.

  6. Floyd says:

    The photographer probably took off with his camera and ran. It’s what a sane person would do…

    I have been to at least one wedding years ago in Indiana where a fight broke out, but one guest just happened to be a sheriff’s deputy. Lucky…

  7. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    It was knee grows, not surprising. Plus you know they were drinking, I’m amazed someone didn’t get a cap popped in their ass.

  8. SparkyOne says:

    Sounds like something in black and white with Grocho Marx in it on board a steamship…

  9. FRAGaLOT says:

    Funny how the bigots here act like this is nothing new and makes perfect sense to these elitist losers whom look down at everyone different from themselves.

    But even to everyone else, this makes no sense. There must be more under the surface going on with this family than what was reported.

  10. Derek says:

    Yay! Let’s defend violence at weddings as a cultural difference!

    It’s a wedding for crying out loud, I don’t care if you’re Mongolian. No matter what your differences are, it can wait till after the wedding. Two people slugging it out is sad. The whole wedding in a knock out drag out fight, that’s pathetic.

    If it were rednecks, it would be the same stereotype being reinforced. If an entire wedding breaks out in a huge fight, then it’s a wedding full of idiots.

  11. zybch says:

    #1 Stereotypes become widespread for a reason you know.

  12. zybch says:

    #11 You can be black and be a redneck as well.

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    I can sort of see why the local TV news covered this story, but why is it here?

  14. Dannythedog says:

    Quite a lame report. Only pics of a reception hall and hotel? Someone must have caught action on camera, where is that footage?

  15. Cletus says:

    This ain’t no happen over here where there ain’t no neegro and homosexual gitten hitched.

  16. deowll says:

    Dealers living high on drug money?

    I just don’t see a family in a ligitimate business having people show up with a stolen hand gun to take part in a family brawl.

  17. arpie says:

    Why is this news? Seriously, how does this affect anyone else (except maybe in the immediate vicinity)? Stupid people — makes no difference where, who or what race — doing stupid things. Nothing to see here.


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