Being that Maher is 54 and white, he’s probably right on this if he’s pointing the finger at himself:

  1. Mac Guy says:

    The problem in “American?”

    I am America… And so can you.

  2. chris says:

    This is the best statement of the problem I have ever heard.

  3. bobbo, we think with words says:

    His point is there is a generational gap. And the older generation, the one that votes, is in majority old and white. Lots of issues that the MSM pushes as left v right, dem v pub, are actually old v young===and the young are loosing.

    The LIEberTARDIANS better horde as much as they can because their grandkiddies won’t even BE ABLE TO give them presents on their birthdays.

  4. Godfish says:

    This guy is Jewish? so can’t this be considered hate speech?

  5. Dallas says:

    Bill Maher is the best at mixing humor with facts. This one show was great.

    Cletus ? LOL. The PERFECT tea bagger name.

  6. SN says:

    Let’s assume he’s right. The problem in the US is old white people. So let’s all force old white people to leave the US.

    If we do that, who will be around to pay taxes to support all of his social programs that he loves so much?

  7. Cletus says:

    That one guy on the show sure has a perrty mouth.

  8. Kittyburgers says:

    Touché, Mr. Dvorak!

  9. qb says:

    Cletus, he’ll squeal like a fax machine

  10. Max Bell says:

    Naw. Let’s just deport all the old, white people to Arizona.

  11. qb says:

    chris, thanks for the link.

  12. qb says:

    Max Bell, done.

  13. chris says:

    #11 You’re welcome!

    I do think that demographics are important, but the retirement of the baby boomers is a circumstance. That hasn’t happened, in large measure, yet so it can’t be the ultimate cause.

    There’s a lot to do with badly designed incentives. That is also a symptom. This presentation gives a better system view than anything else I’ve seen.

  14. qb says:

    I had never seen or read Richard Wolff before. I highly recommend following chris’ link and watching the video.

  15. ECA says:

    Maher needs an opinion NA, and FOX.

  16. Floyd says:

    #10: “Naw. Let’s just deport all the old, white people to Arizona.”

    Old white people (well, some of them) already go to Arizona, voluntarily. Their revenge is to block money for schools used by the younger families that live there.

  17. TThor says:

    I simply cannot stand this guy!!! Sorry… he epitomizes everything I despise intensely. I know, “keep your fiends close but keep your enemies closer” … but I feel unwell the way the rhetoric goes and the way he do his power games… A pitiful and despicable Wesley Mouch – big time!!!
    Stop showing him, please!

  18. TThor says:

    Oh dear Bobo…! “LIEberTARDIANS” that is a real LOW from you!

  19. Grandpa says:

    Oh listen to the rich people complain because there isn’t enough money to make. If you want money to make, bring the jobs back to the USA. Otherwise, watch the investors in China walk away with all your cash.

  20. deowll says:

    The problem is my fathers generation failed to pass their values along to the current generation.

    My generation wouldn’t make a decent patch on their generation and as for the next…Some of them are okay but a lot of them need to be traded out for people from third world countries that aren’t spoiled rotten brats who expect to be cradled and coddled from birth until death with somebody else picking up the tab.

    You can educate a man or woman but I’ve never seen any one have much success turning a forty year old dependent child into an adult. Truth be not much luck even with an 18 year old child. There seems to be a time in life for growing up and if you miss it you miss it.

    The one good thing about these people is they largely failed reproduction and the immigrants aren’t as corrupted yet.

  21. qb says:

    Grandpa is right. The Onion is reporting that by 2020 China is set to overtake the US as the world’s biggest asshole.

  22. Greg Allen says:

    _CONSERVATIVE_ old white people — to be specific.

    They got their’s… SCREW THE REST OF YOU!

  23. Oxymoran says:

    Man the LIEberals sure love their hate speech. There should be a law against that.

  24. brm says:

    When can I expect Bill Maher to kill himself to help fix this problem?

  25. qb says:

    Oxymoran. So you’re advocating that Bill Mahar should be censored?

  26. America is not doing enough for its rich. Where can I go to contribute?

  27. cloewe says:

    deowl,I deal with GenY on a daily basis having to hire and fire it seems constantly. About five years ago, I started having parents call me, explaining how i made their little gift to the world feel bad. Grow some stones!.Heck, I’m not even a harsh SOB boss, just ask they come in and work.
    Maybe America can keep taxing the producers so the whiners can live and complain.

  28. bobbo, we think with words says:

    To all the nay sayers: ok, “we” (liberdrools) get it==you don’t like Bill Maher.

    So here is the challenge: rather than restate your conconclusions, for our education, what exactly did/has Bill Maher said that you disagree with and why?

    Whatever you think of him, he’s no Wesley Mouch and that kind of private reverie is irrelevant in reasonable discourse.

    This blog ain’t talk radio, so defend yourselves. If you are any good at all, rational at all, not a ditto stamped LIEberTARDIAN you should be able to come up with 2-3 that most here will even agree with.

    I personally won’t defend him with the lamest excuse I most often see here: I was kidding. At least, I blame it on typos. Thats one step up.

    As a matter of fact, I know I often disagree with Bill, perhaps more by the length he takes his position and that may indeed be the comedy part. But I’ll let you guys go first.

  29. ECA says:

    Maher has ‘Yes’ persons, and those that can PLAY/agree with his comments..

    Feed him the line and away he goes..

  30. Metals721 says:

    It seems to me that Bill’s guests are the real teabagers. All they do the whole show is agree with all his bull sh*t. Stereotyping white people as redneck, white trash, ignorant f*cks is racism but nobody says sh*t about that. Independents like myself will decided the future of this country thanks to the information age and the internet.


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