If this passes, Adam can travel to Georgia and sleep in peace knowing he won’t be chipped. He still will have to worry about two to the head, earthquake machines, anal probes by space aliens, …

Last Wednesday, the [Georgia] House Judiciary Committee entertained SB 235, the bill sponsored by Sen. Chip Pearson (R-Dawsonville) to prohibit the involuntary implantation of microchips in human beings.

In Gov. Roy Barnes’ stump speech, the bill has become a routine example of the Republican tendency to attack problems that don’t exist, and ignore the ones that do. Besides, Barnes argues, if someone holds him down to insert a microchip in his head, “it should be more than a damned misdemeanor.”

Three states have instituted bans, and others have considered the legislation. In Virginia, a bill supporter declared microchips to be the “666″ mark of the beast referred to in the Book of Revelation.

Pearson has said his motivation isn’t biblical or religious – that he is simply working in advance of technology’s next assault on personal privacy. Not unlike limiting the uses of DNA testing by health insurance companies, he argues.

  1. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its Dogma blinds them to the rising threat of Corporations that can only be held in check by Government thru the will of the people says:

    As you note, this law simply does not go far enough. Surely it will prevent aliens from involuntarily chipping your anus?

  2. Dallas says:

    ..the bill has become a routine example of the Republican tendency to attack problems that don’t exist, and ignore the ones that do..

    Good article and excellent point.

    Surely this bill if for the sheeple to see how Republicans are protecting citizens from the government.

    It is hollow, stupid and a waste of legislative time but the GOP knows it plays well to the voting sheeple.

  3. Lou Minatti says:

    Would Uncle Dave like to talk about Dennis Kucinich? He tried to pass federal legislation that would ban use of the following on US citizens:

    * chemtrails,
    * particle beams
    * electromagnetic radiation
    * plasmas
    * extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation
    * or mind-control technologies

    Need I remind you that he is a prominent figure in the national Democratic Party, a key liberal and a presidential candidate?

  4. Lou Minatti says:

    Regarding Kucinich,

    Surely this bill is for the sheeple to see how Democrats are protecting citizens from the government.

    It is hollow, stupid and a waste of legislative time but the Democrats know it plays well to the voting sheeple.

  5. bobbo, an avid studient of film and other arts says:

    Seriously though, I can see an appropriate use of these chips for what some would consider involuntary chipping: all prisoners, then for parolees, then for those under arrest, hmmm==then for the military, cops Yes, the list could grow under certain mindsets. Trying to stretch this to a non-governmental provocateurs. What businesses have an overriding interest in where their employees are? Long distance truckers?

  6. bobbo, an avid studient of film and other arts says:

    Lou==you don’t see the application of technology that is external to the target as any different than technology that is implanted?

    A difference without a distinction?

    Just politicizing everything????

  7. zybch says:

    #1 Didn’t you hear. Involuntary chipping of anuses can lead to a high incidence of Pink Socks.

  8. chris says:

    Sen. Chip Pearson aka Chip Person. Really?

  9. Pikachu says:

    Georgia is pushing back, but the New World Order nuts wants everyone chipped so they’ll respond to Georgia overwhelmingly.


  10. chuck says:

    Do you think any of the Senators will read the bill before they vote on it?

    What’s to stop an aide making a slight change to the wording, so “prohibit” becomes “mandatory” ?

  11. Dallas says:

    #4 I commend you on your excellent “neener, neener you do it too” response.

  12. Ron Reagan says:

    You say legislating the banning of involuntary chipping is a waste of time? Perhaps. But then isn’t considering budgetary expenses a waste of time too? After all, the federal government and particularly the “dummycrats” can always just PRINT more money. They can even increase taxes too! After all, it’s all just a never-ending source of revenue. Right? So who needs to “waste time” considering budgets either? YOU MORON!

  13. Benjamin says:

    To all those who are saying this bill is a waste of time: are you saying you support the involuntary implantation of chips into citizens?

  14. Ronnie Reagan says:

    Yes dad, but a few subtle yet important points.

    While the Repug strategy of BORROWING money from China (shhhh not many people know) and cutting taxes on the rich may look like a grand idea, the interest on the debt is starting to be worrisome.

    How about you STFU and decay a little more and let the us dig ourselves out of this shit hole. When we want your ideas, we’ll call Dick Cheney.

  15. Dallas says:

    #13 No Benji.

    Like the article says, we’re saying it’s a waste of time and there are better things to legislate – like wallstreet regulation.

    We don’t like the idea of the government slipping a chip in us without my permission. However, this isn’t exactly on the top to do list for people in government making 150K a year. Follow?

    I’m also concerned about rising shark attacks in Kentucky rivers but we should let that one slide for now.

  16. MikeN says:

    I’d be OK with this if they first overturned being fingerprinted to get a driver’s license, which Georgia has had since Zell Miller was governor.

  17. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its Dogma blinds them to the rising threat of Corporations that can only be held in check by Government thru the will of the people says:

    Say Mike==whats wrong with fingerprinting?

  18. Benjamin says:

    #15 “here are better things to legislate – like wallstreet regulation.”

    Wallstreet is in New York. The State of Georgia doesn’t rule New York, as far as I know. Interstate Commerce and all that. State Legislatures have to do something since the Federal government ignored the Constitution and rule and make laws on a Federal basis things that should be ruled on at the state level.

    #15 “people in government making 150K a year.”

    State Legislators in Georgia make $16,200 a year. Source: http://stateline.org/live/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=136&languageId=1&contentId=14244

  19. zybch says:

    Apparently they can fingerprint people using a sperm sample now.
    What was wrong with using ink?

    And whats wrong with this proposed legislation? I’d rather live in a state where I can’t be involuntarily implanted to one where I can, even if such a thing might be some years distant.

  20. Buzz says:

    First recipients of involuntary ID chips: all public officials, judges, elected office holders and bank employees. Second recipients: all pets.

  21. GoGoGadget says:

    It’s interesting how people usually criticize the gov’t. for being slow moving and bureaucratic, but now that it tries to look ahead and anticipate technological change it is also being criticized. Sometimes you just can’t win.

    Also, kinda funny that the Senators name is “Chip”…it’d be even funnier if his nickname was “the Terminator”.

  22. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its Dogma blinds them to the rising threat of Corporations that can only be held in check by Government thru the will of the people says:

    You “think” they are looking ahead huh and not as people so often say being a total waste of space pandering to the worse in their electorate?

    You sir have the government you deserve, the rest of us want competency at a bare minimum.

  23. Dallas says:

    #18 Benji – Your point appears to be the Georgia House has no influence on the Federal government and they only make $16,000 a year so back off.

    If that’s your point then I agree that’s up to Georgia citizens to judge.

    The article, I believe, is an examination of legislative waste of time on ridiculous “issues” for political gain purposes. Debating if Wall Street is in new York or if politicians make $16K or $150 is what I call a red herring argument on the bigger issue brought forward.

  24. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its Dogma blinds them to the rising threat of Corporations that can only be held in check by Government thru the will of the people says:

    Hey Benji–you are right, Dallas is wrong.

    Make your best argument if you even deign to argue with someone who is obviously unwilling to admit to a mistake.

    Whats that smell?

  25. Benjamin says:

    #23 “Debating if Wall Street is in new York or if politicians make $16K or $150 is what I call a red herring argument on the bigger issue brought forward.”

    You didn’t do your research when you said Georgia politicians make $150K a year. Suggesting that the Georgia Legislature should be focused on Wallstreet just suggest a fundamental lack of understanding of how government works.

    #23 “The article, I believe, is an examination of legislative waste of time on ridiculous “issues” for political gain purposes.”

    So I asked again: After taking in mind how the US Congress has taken over whatussed to be state issues, what does that leave the Georgian Legislature left to do? Not really that much except funding the schools and the roads.

  26. Dallas says:

    #25 You’re right Benji, I’m wrong. Georgia politicians do not make 150K. That settles that mystery.
    Also, Georgia legislature has nothing to do with Wallstreet. I’m wrong again.

    I guess that settles what this article was conveying.

    Note to self:
    Choose my arguments more carefully with someone who can see the forest.

  27. Dallas says:

    #24 Yes. Bobbo. You were won that other argument of opinions, whether the soldiers on the Apache helicopter were on the right.

    I did not mean to leave you hanging. Clearly it was a murder. What was I thinking !

    Really, you won. Really.

  28. sargasso says:

    I am personally in favour of electronic tagging of people. But facial recognition software is now so very good, that it is quite possible that tagging is unnecessary. They can ID you from 200 ft away while you’re driving your car on a freeway at 60 miles an hour. At night, while wearing glasses and a false moustache.

  29. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its Dogma blinds them to the rising threat of Corporations that can only be held in check by Government thru the will of the people says:

    Well, its not about who wins but how the game is played. Honest disagreement is fine, but not accepting the logic of an argument really isn’t.

    I was basically with you until Benji made his first hint about the limited role of State Legislatures. The State was still wasting its time by not attending to other important STATE issues===but now I’m preaching to the pennant. Sorry.

  30. deowll says:

    In time everyone will be wearing one of these things however in the short term people under house arrest and sex offenders are likely to be the first targets for involuntary chipping.

    If you get a peace warrant sworn out against you or you are convicted of stalking that would serve as grounds for a chipping.

    Of course if you haul around a cell phone that is turned on the government can track you anyway.


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