• Google finds credit card numbers in it’s search. It finds Blippy accounts!
  • McAfee in full damage control.
  • Hubble now 20 years old.
  • Lost iPhone now under criminal investigation. Lufthansa offers free plane ride for the guy who lost phone.
  • MSFT taken apart in Marketwatch column.
  • Bing appears to be losing a ton of money.
  • Lenovo may buy Palm. Hoo Hah.

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  1. sargasso says:

    Palmovo? Lenovalm?

  2. qb says:

    Microsoft lost $700 million in the quarter in it’s online business (up from $400 million last year). That means their burn rate is $3 billion per year for that division. Meanwhile Twitter has more searches than either Bing or Yahoo. (OK, there are some provisos around the numbers but you get the drift)

    JCD is right. Office and Windows will keep plugging along, their enterprise business is stable and healthy, and they are milking Xbox for every cent they can get. However, when I tell 20 somethings that everyone in the tech industry used to be scared of Microsoft they look at me funny.

  3. deowll says:

    The one thing I know Palm has that might be worth something is its patents some of which might actually allow them to take Apple and the other Johnny come lately touch screen users to the cleaners. At the least they would give a battle steel defense if sued.

    Apple was going to sue Palm and that seems to have gone nowhere. Nuff said.


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