1. Winston says:

    Uh huh. Just add a little catnip to the stew and _any_ cat will love it that much.

  2. McCullough says:

    Kitty Crack

  3. The0ne says:

    Is someone here at DU into Cat and Squirrel fetishes? Awful lot of threads on them. Just curious.

  4. pwuk says:

    Kitty needs a good kick!

  5. Go play in the street, cat, and stop shitting in my garden.

  6. Buzz says:

    “really loves curry.” Have you tried the cat with Adam?

  7. chuck says:

    I don’t want to see the follow-up video where cat shits streams of curry for 20 minutes.

  8. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    Re: chuck… LOL!!

  9. sargasso says:

    Kitty has worms. Dogs and cats taking an interest in hot spicy food, is a tell tale sign that they have a full bus.

  10. Benjamin says:

    #3 TheOne, everyone loves cats.

    #7 Chuck, LOL

  11. denacron says:

    Mmmmm! Curried Goyangi-tan stew! Kitty cat just recognized its cousin Fluffy is all.

  12. Cephus says:

    No, the cat loves rubbing on a warm plate. Nowhere did the cat actually eat any of the curry, it just rubbed all over the plate.

  13. zybch says:

    Cats have scent glands under the chins, which is why they like being scratched there. They are essentially marking you as their property.
    As every cat owner knows, THEY own YOU, not the other way around.

  14. I says:

    My parents had a cat when I was little.
    One evening while they were having a dinner party, one of the guests accidentally knocked a whole bowl of curry on the carpet. The cat noticed this, and was in like Flynn, and polished it all off. Mum tended to make fairly hot curries, so I presume that cat had a fairly cast iron stomach on him, as he didn’t seem to suffer any ill effects.
    So yeah, I can believe a cat chowing down on a curry, but that one in the clip was just marking everyone and everything as being his, with his scent glands under his chin.

    {Old joke}
    Dogs have masters, cats have staff…

  15. kaspercat says:

    If I was the cat, I would act the same way. That curry looks yummy!


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