This Episode’s Executive Producer: Dame Margaret George
Associate Executive Producers: ESC Inc. Simon Oxtoby, Edward Beerthuizen
Artwork by: Randy Asher –
Knighthood: Black Knight: Scott Rodriguez.

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  1. Dallas says:

    I’m a donor and look forward to your special episode! Maybe a video episode?

    Like to see if that heart throb Adam Curry is still as cute as he was on MTV back when.

  2. deowll says:

    One issue is valid. The farmers that were feeding the locals depend on being able to sell their crops to stay in business/keep producing food.

    It’s a nasty fact that free food shipments, once government surplus, to Africa reduced food production in much of Africa to which free food was shipped because the locals didn’t have the market they needed to upgrade production. A nasty catch 22 for which I have no solution.

  3. Sea Lawyer says:

    #2 has it exactly correct. Flooding Africa with our own agriculture surpluses has hurt local farming in many areas. The better policy is to give monetary aid to help local production than to give food aid that just depresses local prices.

  4. ECA says:

    Only nation that keeps OLD money WORTH something.
    Other nations bring out NEW bills and destroy the OLD ones..

    If you devalued the OLD bills, and exchanged them for NEW…you would learn how much is being HELD by those RICH folks.

  5. TThor says:

    I found Adam’s rant against the explanation why flooding Haitians with food is not good, strange. It’s simple Economics 101 that value creation is impossible where access to goods are free. #2 got it completely right. This has been seen i Africa over many decades, where the aid organizations good intentions results in a nation/areas total dependance on the aid – like heroin to an addict – and nothing develops except for the aid organizations own raison d’être, meaning increasing presence, careers and salaries and all the fun that comes with it.
    People in need should of course be helped. No doubt about that. It is however a huge dilemma that aid organizations does not seem to grasp the consequences of of their presence. The Red Cross lady actually presented very relevant points. Wether this was the reason or some cover up is another issue…

    BTW, the new twist to the cover art, strange and sinister. I liked the colorful and humorous ones much better. Represents the NA ‘spirit’ if I may 🙂


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