Some days you just can’t figure out what to wear!

Thanks, Daylife

  1. Personality says:

    That is some shitty cammo.

  2. Improbus says:

    It is the new fall line of Man-burqas! You sexy, sexy gents.

  3. Dallas says:

    This is far cooler than the Tea Party uniforms with the pointy hats.

  4. The0ne says:

    If we fight these guys, guess who’ll win? 🙂 Utter ridiculous outfits that makes you stand out lmao.

  5. Benjamin says:

    #4 To be fair, these are probably just parade uniforms. Still the ski mask makes them look really creepy. I bet they have a sand colored variant for the actual fighting.

    I bet these guys will not just role over and surrender with unfired guns like the Iraqis. We will actually have to fight these clowns.

  6. nyc2malibu says:

    the ski mask & monochromatic uniform is bad enough …but rifle condoms ?

  7. chuck says:

    #3 – do you have an image supporting this claim?

    #5 – As for the uniforms – when on parade, most soldiers are proud enough that they don’t want their faces covered.

    OK, when the ATF is kicking in the wrong door they all wear ski masks, but that’s because they don’t want to be identified later.

    I’d say any soldier who is scared to show his face in public, in uniform, is probably likely to surrender asap.

    Note also, the complete lack of medals, badges, rank, etc. I’d say the Iranian leaders wanted to show a big parade, so they rounded up a few thousand “volunteers”, gave them all black (or white) overalls and told them to march in a straight line or they’d have their balls cut off.

  8. sargasso says:

    They’re the Republican Guard suicide troops, not the Iranian regular army. Hence the masks. The Mullah never entirely trusted the army to do as told, so they started their own paramilitary. They are country boys, uneducated but loyal and answerable only to the Iranian president. Iranian Army totally hate these guys.

  9. Animby says:

    Are those umbrellas?

  10. Luc says:

    @5 Still the ski mask makes them look really creepy.

    Makes them look like faceless/lifeless dummies, therefore easier to kill without remorse.

  11. stopher2475 says:

    You think any of them ever show up in the wrong color as everyone else. “Doh, I thought this was Wednesday!”

  12. Angus says:

    Anyone have an origin behind the whole “wearing a mask” thing? It seems to be a traditional “partisan” thing, but the bulk of the Islamic world has taken hold of it. It’s rapidly become a stereotype.

  13. They remind me of Republican tea party idiots wearing their white sheets and hoods.

  14. Jopa says:

    Iranian Regime & Armed forces = KKK & SS

  15. Rick Cain says:

    White is the color of purity and death, indicative of suicide teams.

    Black are probably just those of the volunteer religious police. Black is cool to wear in any country.


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