VICTORIA Police has called for sweeping changes to the way Melbourne’s Catholic Church deals with sex crime allegations, as The Age reveals that only one priest has been defrocked for abuse in the past 14 years.

Nearly 300 allegations of sexual abuse have been substantiated by church investigations since 1996, when the ”Melbourne Response” was set up to deal with complaints. It is believed the abuses were perpetrated by approximately 100 priests, a figure the church will not confirm. Just one priest has been defrocked as a result. Some other priests lost their role serving a parish full-time.

Church sources say police are pushing for change because they do not want accused priests told about covert criminal investigations. Last year detectives feared the church’s independent commissioner, Peter O’Callaghan, QC, may have compromised two covert investigations when he told two priests, through their lawyers, that they were being investigated. He did this without the consent of detectives, who had not yet interviewed the priests. Mr O’Callaghan’s investigation is suspended when police begin theirs – and he argues that priests have a right to know.
The Age can now reveal that in August last year Mr O’Callaghan told an alleged victim that his alleged groping by a priest was unlikely to constitute a crime. In a letter he said: ”Without seeking to dissuade you from reporting the matter to police if you so desire, I must say that the conduct you described is unlikely to be held by a court as criminal conduct.”

What an utter disgrace.

  1. The0ne says:

    If anyone is more curious look up the Pope’s previously held position. That’ll give you an idea of how things things are NOT being address, still.

  2. LDA says:

    #31 Theone

    Yep, Grand Inquisitor.

  3. Gildersleeve says:

    A lot of anger here. Yet we have criminals here in the USofA whose actions have destabilised the world economy, impoverished millions and helped cause massive and global unemployment. Yet I hear no great outcry over this or the fact that these bastards are STILL getting away with it. I don’t mean to equate crimes here, but what’s been happening concerning the church is ancient history, compared to the ass-fucking we’re ALL taking right now by our banks and, through lack of action, our own government. If you don’t like what’s happening in the church, get out of it. You’re going to have a tougher time getting away from the government and the economy. Place your angst, anger and action where it belongs. Much bigger things are going on around us than a few sick priests, who aren’t exactly ‘on the loose’.

  4. honeyman says:

    #33 gildersleeve

    If your kids are being molested or you are a kid that’s being molested, the world economy doesn’t mean shit.

  5. Grim says:

    Those who cover up for the molesters are as guilty as the molesters themselves.

  6. LDA says:

    #33 Gildersleeve

    “Yet I hear no great outcry over this…”

    I think they are scum too and we bitch about them constantly here. I don’t see the relevance. I have enough anger, angst and action (and love) to go around.

    Should we let all the single murderers and rapists out of jail to free up resources too? I would gladly let Bernie Madoff out in a second if we needed room for child rapists.


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