Police chased reporters away from the White House and closed Lafayette Park today in response to a gay rights protest in which several service members in full uniform handcuffed themselves to the White House gate to protest “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
People who have covered the White House for years tell me that’s an extremely unusual thing to do in an area that regularly features protests.
A reporter can be seen in the YouTube video above calling the move “outrageous” and “ridiculous.”
Freedom of the press seems to be just a fond memory. Wouldn’t it have been great if the press had put up a tiny bit of resistance, instead of just being herded away to the sheep pen. Bahhhh!
Hey, I like how you indented your quotes…how can one noob do that? I don’t want to have to resort to what Bobbo does…
The0ne-the almighty son-of-a-bitch that likes to have fun at DU
======== and love to use these dashes because I know it’s stupid but continue to do so anyhow.
======== so for the record I am again stupid for using the dashes, thank you.
Oh you guys want more I see…well… ===== you can have ==== more ==== if you like === but I think ===== I am ===== definitely ===== infringing on ===== Bobbo’s right ==== or ownership of the === use of the retarded ==== dashes.
@bobbo, #23
Unlike you, I don’t derive my liberties from what is allotted to me by some higher power, be it god, the government, or some other fictional entity. My liberties follow logically from the fact that I OWN my body. No one else can tell me what I can SAY, DO, GO, etc as long as I don’t infringe on someone else’s person or property.
Tax policy is government sanctioned extortion. Pure & Simple. You can take your laffer curve and shove it. Everyone has “theirs”. They are born with a body and mind and the capacity to use those things to acquire property and sustain themselves. True, some people are born into rich families. But there are others, like John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, who came from meager beginnings but built empires with hard work and intelligence, without firing a single bullet or forcing a single person to purchase anything. Instead, they mastered their craft, producing a better product at a cheaper price, and thus lifting the standard of living for all. Not to mention the vast amounts of money they gave to charities.
You reveal your fascist nature too easily bobbo. Your own quote,” I’ll bet you are one of those LIEBERTARIANS who think of taxes as involuntary servitude? And it is”. So, according to you, taxation is involuntary servitude-aka slavery, and it’s ok since it falls on some curve? Are you kidding me? You strike me as a pseudo intellectual d-bag who would justify slavery for the good of the masses, so I guess I shouldn’t act so surprised!
Public education is beneficial? That is the biggest load of bull that is forever perpetuated! If you’re poor, you live in a poor district, which has low funding for education, with high drop out rates and high illiteracy rates for those that do graduate. In middle income districts, those who can afford it send their kids to private school because everyone knows public school sucks! In high income districts, they can afford to have good public schools, and they still send their kids to private school. So to whom exactly is public education beneficial, pray tell?
Public health? What a joke. You want to let a bunch of lawyers make health policy?
Pragmatic Libertarian = Double Speak. Man, you sound like you came straight outta “1984”!
@bobbo, #33
A society of libertarianism would succeed with everyone dealing with each other voluntarily. Kind of like you do 95% of the time. You go to the store and buy something if you want, or don’t. Unlike government, which functions via coercion. Without the gun and jail, government is powerless.
The US Constitution was constructed to limit the amount of power the Federal government had over the individual States, so you’re the one that’s wrong. Why don’t you get yourself a copy and read it sometime, bobbo? Of course, a bunch of lawyers wrote it in the shadows where it wouldn’t be scrutinized until after it was done and away from freedom lovers who would’ve fought it tooth and nail, so naturally they riddled it with so many loopholes it is basically a dead letter today for all intents and purposes. That’s why you have a Bill of Rights, which was insisted upon by several states before ratification of the Constitution, to further make clear that the federal government could not infringe on the sovereignty of each state. Of course, words on paper don’t make it so, and lawyers and lawmakers are slick SOB’s. Not to mention the Supreme Court, who rule according prior judgments instead of the Constitution.
According to your point #5 – so if slavery is “deemed appropriate by the consent of the governed” aka, the majority, than it is ok to use tax money to purport it then, right? Democracy stinks. I’d rather vote with my dollar every day with the decisions I make whenever I enter the marketplace, than to have to wait every 2,4 or 6 years to vote out a so called representative and replace him with some other shuckster who doesn’t have all my interest as his sole priority. Democracy is a rip off and a mirage and a false justification for injustice.
You cannot force people to give charity. It spits in the very face of its intention. Besides, private charities are always more efficient and help more people than social government programs. It’s a lot harder to defraud a private charity because their funds are limited. Government is full of fraud because it can always tax more when its funds are depleted.
Finally, I will conclude by saying it is sad that the free market has led us to a society of coercion and extortion. The majority of people have been brainwashed into believing government is not only good, but necessary, and at worst, a necessary evil. Hopefully, more and more people will open their eyes to the lies and shed democracy much like our forefathers shed monarchies. People like Frederick Douglas didn’t spout “Give me liberty, or give me death” for health’s sake or because it sounded cool. They said it because without liberty, you are nothing but a slave, and that is worse than death. And attenuated liberty, which is all the myriad of laws do, is just a milder form of slavery, kind of like that period right after the abolition of slavery.
#34 What you preach is not libertarianism, its anarchy. If you want to see a country with no government, go to Somalia.
As for this story, it is nothing new. The Bush administration was very militant in its handling of protests and the press, regularly implementing “freedom of speech zones”. Anyone saying this is a new phenomenon has a very short memory.
#34–BBoy==what ArianeB said.
To the degree you recognize how out of touch, irrelevant, and out voted you are====must suck to be you.
Hah, hah. A new term in your honor: LIEberTARDIAN.
Whad a Dope.