The offensive image above

The radical Islamic Web site is going after the creators of the TV cartoon series “South Park” after an episode last week included an image of the Prophet Mohammed in disguise., based in New York, was the subject of a CNN investigation last year for its radical rhetoric supporting “jihad” against the West and praising al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Its organizers insist they act within the law and seek to protect Islam.

On Sunday, posted an entry that included a warning to South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone that they risk violent retribution – after the 200th episode last week included a satirical discussion about whether an image of the prophet could be shown. In the end, he is portrayed disguised in a bear suit. The posting on says: “We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them.” The entry on goes on to advise readers:

“You can contact them [the makers of South Park], or pay Comedy Central or their own company a visit at these addresses …” before listing Comedy Central’s New York address, and the Los Angeles, California, address of Parker and Sloane’s production company. Contacted by CNN, the author of the post, Abu Talhah al Amrikee, said that providing the addresses was not intended as a threat to the creators of South Park but to give people the opportunity to protest.

Over still photographs of Parker, Stone, van Gogh and others, the Web site runs audio of a sermon by the radical U.S.-born preacher Anwar al-Awlaki, who is now in hiding in Yemen. The sermon, recorded some time ago, talks about assassinating those who have “defamed” the Prophet Mohammed – citing one religious authority as saying “Harming Allah and his messenger is a reason to encourage Muslims to kill whoever does that.” U.S. officials say al-Awlaki is on a list of al Qaeda leaders targeted for capture or assassination. The clip ends with a warning on a graphic directed at Parker and Stone, saying “The Dust Will Never Settle Down.”

Sounds like a death threat to me…so when do we start the deportation process?

  1. Buzz says:

    Well, this certainly proves the maturity of Islam.

  2. Improbus says:

    Is it their religion or their genetics that make them so stupid?

  3. don quixote says:

    Why do we accept these assholes as anything other than a cult using a branded superstition for attention. Is it perhaps that the real destroyers of America over at Fox News need their Rupert the leader who has made sick politics the norm in America, deported back to Australia.

  4. rob says:

    Islam is an intolerant religion so why should the rest of us bother to tolerate it?

  5. Aaron_W says:

    The world would be a better place if Islam were annihilated.

  6. sadkins76 says:

    I am not surprised by this. These are the same morons whose cleric leaders in Iran have said that women not dressing completely covered from head to toe, are going to cause earthquakes. Oh Islam, you are so confused.

  7. MacBandit says:

    Come on people you are acting like this is the opinion for all Islamist. This is a self proclaimed radical sect! I’ve known and worked with a number of people that practice Islam and I can tell you without a doubt that as a whole Islamists aren’t any more crazy then any other religion.

  8. The0ne says:

    And yet we think ourselves better because we say stuff like above? 🙂 LMAO

    Gotta love free speach and ignorance…FCK you all!!

  9. SparkyOne says:

    Hey that’s Oski !

  10. sadkins76 says:

    Oh…I looked at their cached version of their website, since it appears to be down. They have their phone number listed if anyone wishes to make a call??


  11. bobbo, the Constitution is not a suicide pact says:

    *Any* group that advocates “the targeted assassination of US citizens” (sic!) is a terrorist group. Oh—they may be other things as well like Muslim or the US Army but our enemies are our enemies.

    Reminds me of the old expression: if you lie down with snakes, you will get bit.

    Stilly to defend an extremist group because the larger group that supports them has a few judas goats to provide them with cover.

    fine line between “loyalty oaths” and “recognizing an enemy while they are still weak enough to deal with.”

    Democracies fail when they become too civilized to defend themselves.

    I could think of some more, but I’m not Angie Dickinsome.

  12. a says:

    I wonder when Tea Party will protest, looks like somebody is taking over their tolerant christian country …

  13. Airsick says:

    Extra! Extra! Some hick misreads the Koran and we report it as news!
    Besides, I’m pretty sure these two guys are used to receiving death threats already. They go out of their way to offend everyone – that is why it’s so funny!

  14. FRAGaLOT says:

    It’s only the radical Muslims are intolerant douchebags who can’t take a fucking joke. A real god can take a joke and shrug it off, a god doesn’t need any help from a mere mortal. God isn’t your BFF.

    Matt Stone, and Trey Parker KNEW they would get a reaction of this anyway, just to prove a point. And they were right.

    Plus no one can show an image of Mohammed since NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK HE LOOKS LIKE anyway! probably looks like Jesus wearing a bear suit, for all we know… let alone CARE.

  15. bobbo, the Constitution is not a suicide pact says:

    Just for grins:

    Does make an interesting read. right up to the boundary of free speech vs call to insurrection and jumps up and down on it.

    Exact same words can be taken with suffrage from those isolated from other threats of the Muslim religion, but harder to do when surrounded by other like minded Muslims?

    Well, with the crumbling energy resources of the world, it won’t be too long before our oceans may once again protect us from external adversaries since we are too peace loving to see them ourselves.

  16. One should note that on their website they showed a distasteful picture of the dead Theo Van Gogh…seems like a genuine threat to me.

  17. Improbus says:

    We should air drop marijuana on the Middle East so they could just chill the frak out. To paraphrase Jon Stewart in Half Baked, “Ever seen the Holy Land? Ever seen it on weed?”

  18. sargasso says:

    Today’s comments cover a representative cross section of reactionary opinion. “Revolutionmuslim” is as representative of Islam as the Ku Klux Klan are to Christianity.

  19. yankinwaoz says:

    I think the bigger story is that Viacom allowed this to air. American Corporate TV is notorious for being afraid to broadcast anything offensive.

    Remember how so many US publications refuse to print the Mohammad Cartoons as a newsworthy story because of threats against their staff?

    And if memory serves me, Viacom stopped South Park once before. They broadcast a rerun of previous episode rather than the controversial one. I think, and please correct me if I am wrong, it was the one that made fun of Tom Cruise.

  20. bobbo, (pointing)===its right THERE! says:

    Hey Sargasso==good point. So if we target Revolutionmuslim the same way we target the KKK you would consider that sound social policy right?

    “We shouldn’t target x who is also y, because there are some good people in y.”

    Makes good sense, but what about those people in x who are not good people? In y or otherwise?

  21. GigG says:

    The revolutionmuslim site seems to be down. Proabably a DNS attack from South Park fans.

    #19 And that is what this two part SP is all about. They start the show with all the kids calling Tom Cruise a fudge packer and bot does he get pissed. Even though when they are calling him that he is in a candy factory packing fudge into boxes.

  22. Benjamin says:

    #14 Fragalot” He looks much like this.

    It’s a good thing that South Park never made fun of Christians or they would be dead by now. Oh wait. South Park makes fun of everyone and know one tried to kill them before.

  23. Jorn says:

    “nothing to see here… hey look at that…”

  24. The0ne says:

    Pedro and consequently Bobbo,

    How can I make this any clearer, FCK YOU. I’m advocating my right to speech here, same as you, bobbo and everyone else in this thread.

    And while 2 lives are threaten, it goes unnoticed that some of you here want the “annihilation” of Islam. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry because of the sheer ignorance. The way I see it you guys aren’t any better when you’re voicing your “threats”, ops..i mean “concerns.”

    So best I could do here is to say FCK YOU ALL which would make more sense and is actually less cruel, although most of your wouldn’t see it this way.

    All of this is, you know, sarcastic 🙂 I don’t wish anyone a FCK you, it’s just sadistic to read the comments here in response to the threat on 2 guys.

  25. clancys_daddy says:

    pedobear? Look out its fatwah time.

  26. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and Disaster Relief expert says:

    Eric the Red==FSM has a fringe group??? Thats hard to believe, and who doesn’t dress up like Pirates? Arggggh!!

    “Eventually, cooler heads prevail.”—yea, but what about all the one’s chopped off until that state of insight evolves??? Sounds more like a statement of faith than reality. Seems to me that many fringe groups are simply “taken out” for the safety of humanity.

    And therein is the challenge of Islam. How should it be known? If your tolerance leads to your own demise, what is the value in showing that good christian love????

    And as god designed the universe, Darwin controls the outcome.

  27. chuck says:

    BoingBoing did an interview with Matt and Trey:

    They point out, that long before the Danish cartoons and all the Muslim riots, they had an actual depiction of Muhammad in an early season of South Park — and no one noticed!

    [Please either leave out the www in links or use TinyUrl – Thanks, “The Management”]

  28. Mikey Twit says:

    Mohammad(death be upon him) is a dickhead and Islam is religion for the ultra stupid!

    There, jihad declared on me in 5,4,3,2…

    If criticism of your faith gets you this worked up, maybe your faith isn’t as true and strong as you think. Normal people secure in their beliefs and thoughts don’t give a flying f@#k enough about what other people think about it to respond.

    Oh, I forgot, “turn the other cheek” is a Christian thing. My bad!

  29. chuck says:

    BTW, Adam Curry gets it right about the war in Afghanistan being about opium and heroin. But, it’s not for us — the largest increasing numbers of heroin users are in Afghanistan and Iran.

    We’re turning them all into junkies!

  30. jccalhoun says:

    I guess these guys aren’t real big fans of south park since one of the points of episode 200 was that south park ALREADY showed Mohamed. Here’s a link to the uncensored scene (for some reasons without the www. the link just redirects to the front page of their website so I have to paste it here with it.)

    [Please either leave out the www in links or use TinyUrl – Thanks, “The Management”]


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