The offensive image above

The radical Islamic Web site is going after the creators of the TV cartoon series “South Park” after an episode last week included an image of the Prophet Mohammed in disguise., based in New York, was the subject of a CNN investigation last year for its radical rhetoric supporting “jihad” against the West and praising al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Its organizers insist they act within the law and seek to protect Islam.

On Sunday, posted an entry that included a warning to South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone that they risk violent retribution – after the 200th episode last week included a satirical discussion about whether an image of the prophet could be shown. In the end, he is portrayed disguised in a bear suit. The posting on says: “We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them.” The entry on goes on to advise readers:

“You can contact them [the makers of South Park], or pay Comedy Central or their own company a visit at these addresses …” before listing Comedy Central’s New York address, and the Los Angeles, California, address of Parker and Sloane’s production company. Contacted by CNN, the author of the post, Abu Talhah al Amrikee, said that providing the addresses was not intended as a threat to the creators of South Park but to give people the opportunity to protest.

Over still photographs of Parker, Stone, van Gogh and others, the Web site runs audio of a sermon by the radical U.S.-born preacher Anwar al-Awlaki, who is now in hiding in Yemen. The sermon, recorded some time ago, talks about assassinating those who have “defamed” the Prophet Mohammed – citing one religious authority as saying “Harming Allah and his messenger is a reason to encourage Muslims to kill whoever does that.” U.S. officials say al-Awlaki is on a list of al Qaeda leaders targeted for capture or assassination. The clip ends with a warning on a graphic directed at Parker and Stone, saying “The Dust Will Never Settle Down.”

Sounds like a death threat to me…so when do we start the deportation process?

  1. Mohammed says:

    Look you bunch of inbred morans, it’s a BIG CUDDLY TEDDY BEAR. I am NOT OFFENDED . Now get back on your knees and worship me.

    Cripes Almighty!!!!

  2. Killer Duck says:

    I heard that in the original script of the episode that mohammad was going to be an uncle fucker.

  3. Improbus says:

    South Park Marketing Department … genius.

  4. deowll says:

    #1 It’s pretty much what the Koran says to do. If they belong to the correct faiths and don’t get in the way and pay the tax you can let them live….If they don’t…You figure it out. There aren’t a lot of other options left.

  5. atlascott says:

    Why do we tolerate this?


    Why isn’t a politician or cop arresting these a$$clowns?

  6. honeyman says:

    Hang on. I thought it was forbidden to represent GOD, not the prophet Mohammed. He was just a man, after all.

  7. verycheeky says:

    islam is a very weak religion..

    if you convert to Christianity or make fun of the false prophet of the pegan religion of islam who worships the pagan moon god allah… they go afta ya.. weak!!!!

  8. yankinwaoz says:

    #39… nope. You can’t represent Mohammad.

    I’m no expert, but the purpose of that decree was to prevent the type idol worship you see in the Christian church with Jesus (and Mary). The idea was to focus on God, not the man.

    However, in execution, it has been taken to absurd extremes.

    In Islamic culture nature can not be copied or illustrated. Somehow that is how the religion was interpreted. That is why there is a distinct style of art and architecture in the Muslim world with intricate man-made designs. Tile work, in particular, is well known for this.

    On the other extreme, every word and action of Mohammad is considered perfect and sacred. It is almost like his followers said “OK… no statues or pictures. So we will make up for it by acting JUST like him.”

    The “other” sacred book of Islam, a companion to the Koran so to speak, is called The Sunnah. It is sort of a journal of his life. And because the Sunnah is considered a template on how to live as a proper Muslim, it is used to justify many of the behaviors that the west considers backwards. Things such as child brides, multiple wives, etc. It set into stone the culture of Arabian nomadic life from 1700 years ago.

    I’ve never bothered to read either book because I’m certain they are an enormous waste of time and about as interesting as reading the White Pages.

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    HA. The joke is on the idiots who declared Jihad. The Prophet Mohammed was not in the bear suit. It was Jerry Springer. The Prophet was in Atlantic City opening for Sinbad.

  10. jccalhoun says:

    [Please either leave out the www in links or use TinyUrl – Thanks, “The Management”]

    As I wrote in the actual post, the southpark website redirects the link to the front page when you leave out the www. your “correction” just proves me right…

    As I said, they already showed Mohamed:

  11. TruthBeKnown says:

    Next time I take the grand daughters to “Build-A-Bear” I’ll see if they have the Allah Bear!

  12. clancys_daddy says:

    I just checked my ten commandments, “8 You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.” so does that make an image of jesus on the cross grounds for a fatwah from the xtians, what about the cross itself? Or a church building, or a pope? Yes I should really go to bed.

  13. Milo says:

    With each outrage, the Muslims get more worn down. Compare Rushdie to this.

    Let’s keep it up!

  14. Benjamin says:

    Pedobear is not far from the truth. Muhammad had a wife who was nine years old.

  15. James says:

    South Park strives to give equal opportunity in showing people’s stupidity. And they certainly allow the equal opportunity to change the cahnnel.

  16. right says:

    There are so many pictures of Muhammad online it’s crazy. All over the place.

  17. The oz says:


  18. amodedoma says:

    Those muslims better watch out or Matt and Trey will call out Team America on them.
    Speaking of which I thought for sure the ‘Team America’ flick would get them some death threats for the negative cultural stereotypes.
    In any case this is not going to back them down – hell no! Watch future episodes – the Prophet Mohammed will defintely come out of the bear outfit, and who knows what else they’ll do with that character. I’ve seen what they’ve done with Jesus – I’m sure they’ll out do themselves.

  19. Thomas says:

    That SP episode was fantastic. A one point they have the “Super Best Friends” debating how they’ll move Mohammad:
    1. Put a mask on him? No you can still see parts of him
    2. Put bag on his head? No you can still see parts of him
    3. Put a sheet on him? No, you can still know he’s under the sheet
    4. Put him in U-Haul trailer and let him bark out from it? Perfect!

    The Muslims need to get it through their head that people will make fun of them. If you cannot stand to be the source of humor, then there is something wrong with your religion (shocker I know). Frankly, I’m pissed at Comedy Central for appeasing these Muslim idiots in any way shape or form.

  20. chris says:

    #18 “Today’s comments cover a representative cross section of reactionary opinion. “Revolutionmuslim” is as representative of Islam as the Ku Klux Klan are to Christianity.”

    I would agree entirely. Both religions teach intolerance and hate, and the preachers use the scent of legitimacy to get away with crimes they couldn’t as individuals.

    The only difference is that christianity has been marginalized in the west by secular civil society. Whatever beneficial social cohesion religion provides to some groups is outweighed by the transfer of public money to buy silly dresses and huge palaces. Once you count all of the people killed by god loving nitwits the positive arguments for religion are laughable.


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