1. bobbo, just call me spiritual says:

    Isn’t it just awesome that the earth has a molten core giving rise to plate tectonics causing moutains to grow, rivers to flow, and yes volcanoes?

    Its all part of that “Universe by Exquisite Design” where some 45 different characteristics of the universe/earth are “just right” for earth to support life.

    Some think this is a very convincing proof of God. I think it is very convincing proof of multiple univeses–operating either thru time or in parallel.

    Wash over me Oceanic Feeling and cleanse me from thoughts of angels and demons.

  2. WmDE says:

    Iceland is using up everyone’s carbon credits.

  3. Dallas says:

    #1… or…. it can be that Iceland made a pact with the devil.

  4. Simon Zerafa says:


    Actually with all of the flights grounded Europs CO2 emissions are down even allowing for the Volcano.

    However with the lack of aircraft contrails then overall temperatures in the last few days might be up. This happened post 9/11 in the US when aircraft were grounded there.

    SO2 might be up also so this might counteract the lack of contrails; it’s all a very fine balance and tricky to work out without actual figures.

    Kind Regards


  5. I think volcanoes are the opposite ends of black holes in other universes.

    Gimme my Nobel Prize.

  6. sargasso says:

    It is a small volcano, and a minor eruption. Think of it as a practise run for when a super volcano turns itself inside out.

  7. Jopie says:

    @ sargasso

    You mean the Katla that is about to errupt?

  8. sargasso says:

    @ Jopie

    Katla will be violent, but short. A very large bang, lots of rock and lava, but not a lot of ash.

  9. JoaoPT says:

    The big one is Yellowstone.

    That’ll be a sight to see…

  10. Pierre Roberge says:

    Goodbye Global Warming!

    With such a blanket over the earth, the temperature will sink!

  11. Cursor_ says:

    And then we will have the global temps dropping due to the ash in the atmosphere.

    Hope there are no famines because of this but it is possible if it continues much longer.


  12. ECA says:

    Nature at her Finest..
    we are fleas on the Back of a camel, compared to what the Mighty Nature can do to this world.
    Some day, I think she will DELOUSE this planet, and I HOPE you understand what that means..

  13. joaoPT says:

    This will blow over, people and in a fortnight you’ll have no memory of this incident.
    Except for the usual year reviews come December, this is as good as non-existent, that’s the impression it will leave in your minds…

    Move along… nothing to see here…

  14. The0ne says:

    I see God in the ashes/smoke, and wait a minute here…he’s fingering Jesus! WTF…

  15. deowll says:

    Even a small volcano is impressive.

    Now let’s see. They wouldn’t let them fly choppers or prop planes with engine air filters in Britain, Germany or France but this guy is flying next to the volcano.

    Sure, that computes.

    Adam had this one right. Most of the groundings were groundless. Nanny state nut case do gooders who are to ignorant to do more good than harm.

  16. DLBeard says:

    Am I the only one that sees this and is reminded of the Brady Bunch episode where Peter builds the volcano?

  17. Uncle Patso says:

    #1 bobbo, just call me spiritual:
    “Its all part of that “Universe by Exquisite Design” where some 45 different characteristics of the universe/earth are “just right” for earth to support life.

    Some think this is a very convincing proof of God. I think it is very convincing proof of multiple univeses–operating either thru time or in parallel.”

    I think it’s an indication that life on this planet has had approximately four billion years to adapt exquisitely to local conditions…

  18. Dallas says:

    #19 I think it’s an indication that life on this planet has had approximately four billion years to adapt exquisitely to local conditions…

    Careful use of words! Species don’t adapt very well and are usually around in a proverbial instant. It does say that life is persistent, in wanting to newly form around changing conditions.

    I give humans zero chance of being around for even 1% the Triassic Period that dinosaurs were around. (note: I don’t believe Sarah Palin’s research that humans rode dinosaurs to work).


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