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Found by Jeff Milton.

  1. honeyman says:

    Argh! The cloud’s swirly tendrils will engulf us all!

    Well not me actually. It safe down under.

  2. interglacialman says:

    According to this animation I’ve been under the most intense part of the cloud. However, the only dust i’ve seen are yellow specks of pollen on the windscreen of my car in the mornings and the cloudless blue sky has never appeared clearer.
    Who to believe? Computer models or my own lying eyes?

  3. amodedoma says:

    Yesterday on the news they said the eruption was giving off much more vapor than dust. Apparently the first few days of the eruption melted the surrounding ice. Water pouring into the volcano caused the explosions, hence the launching of all that particulate dust. On the 19th at least the dust content of the volcanoes plume was greatly reduced. Let’s hope it stays this way.

  4. Tippis says:


    Do you live at 30,000 feet?

  5. pwuk says:

    Is this cloud computing?

  6. Dallas says:

    Impressive how one volcanic eruption can impact the environment like that! Yet, burning 50 million of barrels of oil per day, 24x7x365, has no impact on climate change!

  7. GaryM says:

    A few months ago all we saw were stranded polar bears on disappearing ice, between the harsh winter and now Iceland. I can’t find any doomsday updates to push the carbon credits agenda “we all need” so much.

    So any real ice cap data out there and /or truthful predictions on what the effect of the volcano’s will be?

  8. andycatus says:

    Is that spread of toxic ash or toxic debt? I guess the effects are just the same.

  9. jim says:

    # 4
    Well, I can get sand on my car coming up from the Sahara here in Ireland. But, so far no ash. Nothing but beautiful blue clear skies here.

  10. Tippis says:

    Btw, is there a source for that image? Attribution is nice, after all…

  11. Benjamin says:

    How many carbon credits does the volcano have to buy to offset its carbon footprint? I use less carbon than a volcano. I am not paying for carbon until the volcano pays its fair share.

  12. Tim says:

    We must put an end to Volcanoes. They must be stopped in out lifetime. Please send your cash to Help for Eyjafjallajokull 1-800-VOL-CANO

  13. SpeedBump says:

    Damn you Iceland! 😛

  14. pblonsky says:

    That is just crazy. Just the perfect wind speed to mess with Europe. If someone wanted to mess with the airlines in Europe, they could not have done a better job, gotta love nature!

  15. ethanol says:


    I agree with so many of your posts, but I’ll partially disagree on this one. As I posted in the video comments section, a single volcano like this will spew more sulphur, for example, than all of humanity will in an entire year. Remember Mt. Pinatubo? That eruption actually cooled global temperatures as much as 1.5°C –

    Volcanoes can change the world much faster and much more effectively than we can.

  16. Luc says:

    Damn neighbors and their barbecue!

  17. bobbo, some people only read half a formula too says:

    #15–ethanol==you’d have a point if volcanoes erupted 24×7×365, and had an impact on climate change!===which they don’t.

    Your disagreement only highlights how and why Dallas’s point is so correct.

    Sloppy thinking like yours is why we are going to drown in our own effluent. Disgusting when you think about it.

  18. Tadpole says:

    Oh my god it’s coming right for us!

  19. bobbo, (pointing)===its right THERE! says:

    Hee, hee. Pedo said “Where’s the impact?”

    You can’t buy humor like that in a tin can.

  20. deowll says:

    The dust is so thin it just doesn’t matter as for as vehicles go. Adam had it right.

    Impact on the weather? Dallas do you know something the rest of us haven’t heard? The only impact I’ve heard about is a nice sunset.

  21. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and World Traveler says:

    #21–Pedo==most of the “concern” regarding AGW is not in the FACT of the occurrence which goes to your posting, but rather the proposed responses to it that indeed are worthy of your sheeple concern==but unfortunately you conflate the two.

    And that indeed is humorous, without the can.

  22. BullVon says:

    Looks like Iceland farting.


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