1. jescott418 says:

    We all know it has to go up! Nobody wants their programs and benfits cut. So taxes have to go up!

  2. ECA says:

    That is corp tax..NOT individual.
    Even tho they are passed onto the Customer..CORPS know how much their product is worth, and what it will sell at.
    IF’ they are smart, they will Jump out of the stock market(it will kill them) and Start NOT making profits.

  3. Father says:

    The implication is that money is worth more than the paper it is printed on.

  4. Faxon says:

    Read Atlas Shrugged. The WHOLE book.

  5. Zybch says:

    #5 okay then, please suggest a way to dig the budget out of the huge hole Bush excavated that doesn’t involve the top rich bastards finally paying their fair share in tax.

  6. JimD says:

    Back in the “Glorious ’50s that the Repukes pine for – Eisenhower was Prez – Elvis Presley paid something like 91%, and still became a Millionaire !!! How are these Wall Street SLEAZES ANY BETTER ??? In fact, they are WORSE, HAVING ENGINEERED THE “Financial Meltdown” !!!

  7. BigBoyBC says:

    Nixon to Reagan, umm… What happened to Ford and Carter?

  8. ± says:

    #6 —- throw out the 20,000 or whatever pages of the slimy tax code and implement a flat tax on new purchased items only. The only way you can hide from taxes then is not buy anything which is OK since your heirs will go on a spending spree. No corporate taxs either. 100s of thousands of people (accountants and IRS employees) will have to get real jobs which contribute to making stuff. see fairtax.org — our country will have a Renaissance.

  9. deowll says:

    Nothing actually wrong with Ford other than people wanted a change. Carter was another story. Fourteen percent inflation will grab your attention.

    The tax isn’t just 40%. That’s just _one_ Federal tax. The Feds are finding ways to keep adding in taxes and fees all over the freaking place plus mandates that companies and everybody else has to meet or else. Then you get to pay state and local taxes and fees. You have to work at least six months a year just to pay your taxes before you actually get to keep anything.

    The biggest trend I think I’m seeing is to squeeze as much work out of employees as possible even if what is being demanded, like 78 hr work weeks, is insane of the face of it to avoid paying for the perks for new employees.

    In the past the two tricks were temps and part time workers but once they are covered under perks the 78 hour work week will be back.

    Of course hiring contracted self employed labor might be possible if a little more complex and contracting with small businesses would be another options since the smallest of those are exempted from some of the mandates.

  10. BmoreBadBoy says:

    Let’s just call a spade a spade: a 1% tax rate is still extortion.

  11. McCullough says:

    Lets just find the missing trillions of dollars…and we can solve the problem. It’s that simple. We don’t need to raise taxes..we have already covered this expense.

  12. Friendly_ear4u says:

    No matter How high taxes get or how broad – revenue & behavior limits the grown to around 18% max real income to the fed. It is time we get rid of the crap and complexity (and red tape) and go to a flat tax with exemptions for the poorest of the poor only. 15% for income, 18% for corp/cap gains… With reductions as our debt drops until we reach 10% income and 15% Corp.

    No sales/Vat/Cell Phone/ Cap & Trade/ Soc Sec etc. Just 1 tax Federal. that is it. The rest you can all fight out in your states respectively.

    BTW – I believe we COULD get by on a 3-8% tax and 10% corp if we stopped giving public funds to private use & cut gov in just more than 1/2 IMHO.

  13. Sea Lawyer says:

    #6, what’s exactly is the rich’s “fair share”?

  14. Curious George says:

    #13 – I found your comment interesting. Do you have links to any research or articles that support the %18 number?

  15. GaryM says:

    Near to 50% of my check is taken by assorted Government agencies and I don’t have the right to vote! But everyone one who can vote seem to be screwing up just fine without my help!

  16. ECA says:

    min wage in Australia?? ($18?)
    Avg price of gallon of milk?? ($5)

    Have fun here.. as most of these are inflated to IMPRESS other nations.
    Iv talked to a few persons..and they are very close.

  17. brm says:


    “okay then, please suggest a way to dig the budget out of the huge hole Bush excavated that doesn’t involve the top rich bastards finally paying their fair share in tax.”


    for starters.

  18. Angry says:

    I want all of those who earn more than me to be taxed the maximum. It’s not fair that their intelligence and hard work (i.e., “greed”) led them to success.

    I want a more fair and just world in which individual achievement is punished and corporatism reigns.

  19. Angry says:


    What the hell are you babbling about?

  20. brm says:


    “Of course, if you prefer living in a fourth-world dictatorship where you definitely wouldn’t be paying for healthcare, feel free to leave.”

    I’d prefer living in a country where the price of health care wasn’t so inflated that I can’t pay cash for routine care.

  21. Uncle Patso says:

    Who the heck are those guys on either side of FDR supposed to be? The one on the left looks like Truman, but that’s out of order. Coolidge? Hoover? The one on the right looks like Benito Mussolini! Is it supposed to be Eisenhower?

  22. jescott418 says:

    You cannot increase any tax Corporate or personal if you want to stimulate the economy.
    The fact Obama has hinted at not renewing the tax breaks the Bush adminstration implemented that will expire at the end on 2010 is going to provide more problems in job creation.

  23. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and Red Baron says:

    #25–Hey Jescott==you are just the most recent idiot posting “straigh line model” of simplistic thinking.

    Tax policy relateds to Societal Productivity in a bell shaped curve. Tax too little, and the infrastructure/control is not possible, tax too much and the goose gets killed.

    Really STUPID to post as you do.

    The only valid issue is “how much to tax” for what reason given the mix of taxes and fees, desires and wants that exist in a society.

    Why don’t you join the conversation?

  24. NelsonOH says:

    “Figures often beguile me, particularly when I have the arranging of them myself; in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply with justice and force: ‘There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.'”

    -Mark Twain

  25. chuck says:

    #29 – agreed, but…

    We have health care, but when we need it in a hurry, we can drive to the U.S. and get it.

    We don’t go to war every 5 years, but that’s because we’ve not needed a standing army to defend ourselves (thanks, U.S.). Besides, our army has been in Afghanistan over 5 years and there’s no sign they’re leaving.

  26. Jason says:

    True on the Afghan thing indeed but at least Harper told Hillary to stuff it the other day regarding staying past what we said.

    On the in a hurry thing, I guess it depends on what province you live in. Some are admittedly worse than other…

  27. Mextli says:

    #29 Jason

    Well aren’t you special. What’s Canada’s population, 1,000,000? 😉

  28. BmoreBadBoy says:

    Who can spend your money better, you or the government? Think about it…

  29. The Warden says:

    It’s always fascinating as how the leftist blowhards on here demagogue an issue.

  30. Gildersleeve says:

    Never mind the gimmicky tax rates – bring back the usury laws, and you’ll prop up the economy in no time. Taxes are basically a penance for a large complex economy. 30% credit rates are essentially slavery.


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