Admittedly I’m trolling for comments. But seriously, did you pay less in ’09? Don’t forget all the “hidden” taxes.

Next Up: Bipartisan effort to raise fuel taxes.

The tax, which according to early estimates would be in the range of 15 cents a gallon, was conceived with the input of several oil companies, including Shell, BP and Conoco Phillips, and is being championed by Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. It is shaping up as a critical but controversial piece in the efforts by Graham, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) to write a climate bill that moderate Republicans could support.

But, before you accuse me of being an anti-taxer, just tell me where the missing trillions are. When it’s been accounted for, I’ll be happy to pay my fair share.

  1. damontsar says:

    I paid less taxes this time around..

  2. SparkyOne says:

    In California we got no break. If you lost your home that is. The “grace” is you get taxed for the loss as regular income. Folks, I had no job therefore no money. That is why I lost my home. Stick with me here, but how the fuck am I gonna pay that tax?


    Where are the charges against the banks that committed a multitude of crimes when they took and kept TARP money?

    I know the punishment, I lost my home. Please allow my spotter and myself to be the jury of their “peers”.

    Don’t believe them, don’t fear them, don’t ask anything of them.

  3. JScott says:

    Nobody wants higher taxes. But as an American living in Europe I can state definitively that you guys have NO IDEA how good you’ve got it. I pay $4.50 a gallon here and my price is half what a European pays because I get gas tax free.

    I mean the Autobahn is nice but it’s not THAT damn nice!

  4. Gildersleeve says:

    I definitely paid MORE taxes this year. But that’s mainly due to my kid being recently married. OK fine. But here’s the kicker; the recent “health care” reform laws say I can continue to leave her on my medical insurance as she’s under 26 and going to school. Heh, is this an accounting trick or what?!

  5. ray says:

    I paid less taxes. In fact, I got a refund of 500+ dollars back from the government.

  6. ray says:

    I paid less taxes. In fact, I got a refund of 500+ dollars back through special deductions.

  7. JMRouse says:

    Did Obama give tax cuts to a large percentage of Americans? Yes.

    Are hidden taxes now, and under every administration in memory a real issue? Yes.

    My opinion is people in the Tea Party are grossly misinformed. Obama gave a majority of them tax cuts, not a hike. All these hidden taxes are nothing new and I find it disingenuous to blame them on Obama.

    It would be great if we could do away with hidden taxes and have one clean, transparent, tax for every American (as high as it may be), but that’s not gonna happen anytime soon.

  8. ECA says:

    After WWII, corp tax went over 70%..
    In the 70’s they were down to about 30%.
    NOW, most of them dont even pay 10%..

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    By my reckoning I paid more in taxes this year than last even though my gross income was about 10-12 % less. The only reason I have been able to fathom is that mortgage interest was less. I saw all those tax cuts but as I am not married and no children and not attending college and could not afford the solar powered water heater,I guess. I am just S.O.L.

  10. Lou Minatti says:

    The teabaggers (leftists who hate the tea partiers) still haven’t figured out that the tea partiers are alarmed about the mind-blowing debt loads created by the Obama administration and congress. The tea party people have a legitimate grievance. You know they have a legitimate grievance, so all you can do is make up juvenile names and petty sexual slurs, which really accomplish nothing except display your own mindset.

  11. Mextli says:

    I paid a LOT more this year but it was due to a chunk of income with no withholding (1099).

    #3 “But as an American living in Europe I can state definitively that you guys have NO IDEA how good you’ve got it.”

    Spot on! But during the health reform discussions we were frequently compared to “all other civilized countries” that had national health care.

    I think it won’t be long before we get something else those countries have, a VAT. Then we will know what taxes are.

    It’s been reported that congress is already querying the CBO about it.

  12. Father says:

    On the federal side, I owed about $2000 more than withheld, which I haven’t figured out why yet. On the state side, I owed a lot, and also don’t know why.

    As a percentage of income, don’t know if I paid more this year (maybe).

    I didn’t receive “new” deductions. Turbotax software almost said it was sorry it couldn’t find any juicy deductions for me.

  13. deowll says:

    The speaker of the House travels home on weekends in what at what cost? They went to Copenhagen in what with how many friends at a cost of What? Their hotel bill was what? The booze bill for the diplomats was what this last year? The green zone fortress in Iraq for diplomats cost what? How much has the pay of Federal government workers gone up in the last 18 months? We gave how much money for two bankrupt car companies? We spent how many hundred million dollars on T-shirts made in China with wording on it to support the Census? I think they did a super bowl add as well.

    Just a few minor things I can recall off hand.

    I’m torn on TARP. A huge amount of money went out but it looks like almost as much money is coming back in from those banks that have paid off their loans with interest but none of that money is being used to pay down the national dept.

    While I’m not a Bush fan (I tend to call him shrub.) if the loans he authorized got repaid then I don’t think it is fair to claim that run up in the deficit is Bush’s fault long term but rather the fault of those who failed to use repayments to pay down the national dept even though I don’t see how they actually have the legal right to use it as a huge slush fund the way they are using it now.

    YMMV but I like to give everybody credit for the good and the bad they actually did.

  14. nicktherat says:

    i got laid off in march. made like 150 on federal and had to pay the state 250… yup, i had a slooooow year. i gotto donate to NA so i get a fuckin job already

  15. Dallas says:

    Far less taxes because of capital gain losses. Still, I wrote a check for 11,500 dlrs with my extension to pay far above the National average. Unfortuneatley, I don’t have the option of filing married because of the religious taliban.

    Local city taxes of $8,000 of which more than a third goes to schools. I have no kids and never will.

  16. Greg Allen says:

    Everyone acts patriotic on July 4th.

    But you can tell the REAL patriots on April 15.

  17. You Don't Know Jack says:

    #16. Really……? Please enlighten.

  18. BigBoyBC says:

    “Fair Share” easy to say when you’re not the one affected. As for cutting taxes on 95% of Americans, well my 2009 taxes were less than my 2008 taxes, so was my income. Strange my 2007 taxes were about the same as my 2009 taxes, yet on a higher income. Hmmm, wonder why…

  19. sg says:

    I think many people leaving comments here have no idea if their taxes went up or down. They seem to think that if they get a refund that they paid less taxes and if they owe money, they paid more taxes. I don’t think they understand that the total amount of taxes they paid is the sum of what was withheld during the year and the amount they owe or get back on the 15th. Many people had smaller amounts withheld last year automatically in anticipation of the lower taxes. Who cares what your refund was? Or how much you owed. What matters is the total amount paid. I’ll bet most paid less. I did.

  20. qb says:

    #Lou Minatti said “The teabaggers (leftists who hate the tea partiers) still haven’t figured out that the tea partiers are …”

    Wow, you really fucked that up, didn’t you?

  21. scottpenton says:

    I started a business, we’ll see where it goes 🙂

  22. Hmeyers says:

    Who gives a shit to the answer?

    The reckless government policy since the 1980s has been to rack up big debts not paid for by our taxes.

    Only a dumbass thinks the taxes he didn’t pay today is a good deal compared to the gigantic mountain of debt our government is offering on our behalf.

    In a sane system, we’d require a balanced budget or a nearly balanced budget. And we have a massive trade deficit and huge corps paying no taxes.

    Our current system is fine if you are so myopic as to believe tomorrow never comes.

    And you if you believe tomorrow never comes you are either very old (so it is literally true) or a complete idiot.

  23. Derek says:

    I paid more definitely. Plus, thanks to the wonderful health care “reform”, I’ve got to lay off 5% of my employees to make up for the cost increases. Thanks Obama. You really care about small businesses and jobs. Well, at least you protect government jobs.

  24. Grandpa says:

    Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti, Banks

  25. brm says:


    “Only a dumbass thinks the taxes he didn’t pay today is a good deal compared to the gigantic mountain of debt our government is offering on our behalf.”

    Thank you.

    Me? I bought firearms with my larger tax refund.

  26. ggore says:

    I paid 25% less in federal taxes this year and 5% more in state taxes. I’m a small business owner, so that is where the savings came from, as we took advantage of the new vehicle deductions and bought a new business truck in December. Thank you Obama!

    The economy here is picking up noticeably with $600m in wind farm construction set to begin in the next year in this county alone, and oil/gas on the rise. The market is ripe in Oklahoma for some entrepreneurs in depressed areas to come in and start restaurants, grocery stores, other small businesses, etc for the workers and the people who will remain to maintain these new facilities.

  27. KD Martin says:

    ggore, #26, that wasn’t Obama, that was Congress.

  28. Uncle Patso says:

    Did you know that unemployment benefits are taxable income?

  29. cloewe says:

    I paid more this year as the business is doing better. Believe me as a CPA people get screwed all year long and so do I.
    But then again I think a flat tax of 12% and if that doesn’t cover the bills the feds will cut back.
    This fuel tax is just another nail in the coffin of what used to be the conservative party.

  30. Cursor_ says:

    I had more withheld this year than last because I made more money than last year. Stands to reason.

    #3 JScott

    I guess I am the rare breed of cat as I don’t care about higher taxes. The citizens of the U.S. are not paying the correct amount to balance the budget anyway. If they had all along NO ONE would notice it. Because it would be the NORM. Thanks to all the tax cutting since Reagan we are NOT paying our fair share.

    I would rather have correct amounts of taxation and use that for repairing the infrastructure, securing our ports and borders and improving our communications.

    But people belly ache that there are pot holes and people dying in bridge collapses and slow, expensive broadband but not PAY for it.

    Whiners. If you want less taxes then don’t expect any services, security or maintenance of anything.

    Basically you want to live in Sub-Sahara Africa. Good choice. Morons.



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