They just don’t make them like they used to. ;)
Video – So You’re Driving Around In Your Formula 1 Racecar And Then This Happens…
By Gasparrini Friday April 16, 2010
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Can’t see it on my crappley Apple iPhone-OS device! Bummer city!
We are now searching for a mechanic in the employ of competitive driver, Dick Dastardly.
Actuall, I thin yo mean t sa, “them like theY used to.”
Didn’t know Toyota was into Formula 1.
#4 Toyota pulled out last year.
Looked like the carbon brake disks blew, locked the wheels and then the suspension broke.
Adrian Newey (the car designer of red bull & torro rosso) is known to make fast but ‘fragile’ cars. But its good for the show tho :o)
I like his attempt to steer …after the wheels were gone. 🙂
>They just don’t make them like they used to
No and one of the things they are meant to have is some steel cables to stop the wheels coming off in an accident – after a track marshal was injured by a flying wheel a few years ago.
#7-i think that was with indycars and not F1 cars. if i was an F1 driver i wouldnt drive until they figure this one out. luckily that was was quite a ways away. had this been at say monaco or something without a large runoff for the car, this would have been tragic…
As fragile as F1 cars are, the driver’s seat is a strong metal cage and always stays intact. In a lot of accidents there is nothing left but the seat.
#7 How would a steel cable on the wheel work. The cable would wind around the axel and the wheel would stop turning.
True enough. In the good old days, the car would just have gone up in a fireball. F1 crashes are so dull these days…
The fia rules are a bit long, but the retaining cable requirements are here.
The f1 rules were introduced after a track marshal at the 2001 Australian GrandPrix was killed by a lost wheel.
NASCAR introduced the same rules a little later – it’s less of a danger in Nascar since the rear wheels are generally solid axle and the crowd are a little more distant from the cars than f1.
I hate when that happens.
Benjamin said,
How would a steel cable on the wheel work. The cable would wind around the axel and the wheel would stop turning.
Here’s a video explaining the wheel tethers:
This site seems to have removed my comment because I had a link scribd with the FIA regs.
[No, just caught by the spam filter for some reason. It’s been rescued. — UD]
A track marshal was killed in the 2001 Australian grand prix by a flying wheel. F1 required wheel restrain systems, how you make them work is upto the engineers.
NASCAR introduced the rule a couple of years later – NASCARs have a solid rear axle so those wheels less likely to come off, and the spectators are generally further away.
And the winnder of the “First Douchebag to mention Toyota in a car related video” award is…Truthbetold!
Congrats buddy!
Your lack of wit and your weak sense of humor have been noted!
Let’s have NASA investigate after they get done with Toyota. Obviously they have so much more time on their hands with the Shuttle being cut. Maybe cutting down the lug nuts from 5 to 2 to save weight was not such a good ideal?
Engineers pushing the boundary. I would think that the weight savings in these parts would be minimal. Just very expensive inexperience.
F1 cars have a front wheel hand brake.
This looks just like how the Democrats will look their wheels come off in November.
New definition of a “Wheelie” ?
Engineer: “See, I told you that wheel jettison button idea was stupid!”
“That’s not what we meant by ‘Drive the wheels off it!'”
Actually, the uprights failed. They tossed the new batch and went back to a previous set. F1 cars do have wheel tethers that secure the wheels to the uprights. Since the upright was the point of failure, the tethers didn’t do any good.
That’s what you get for buying a Chinese F1.
That’s the problem with carbon fibre. Its EXTREMELY strong, until it fails, and when it fails, it fails BIG.
Lucky driver to end up in the gravel!!! WOW!
I’ll be interested to find out what failed!
Obviously Chinese made parts were used :-0
Several years ago there were no onboard cameras, but now, WoW! Isn’t that something.
Hey, I almost got to see the race, too bad the metro train doesn’t stop at the race track station. Haha! It slows down so you can see how well designed it is, but no stop. A good example of the genuine Chinese stupidity: They can build it but there is no guarantee that it will be used or there is anybody who knows what it is. Haaaaah!