(CNN) — Authorities in several Midwestern states were flooded Wednesday night with reports of a gigantic fireball lighting up the sky, the National Weather Service said. The fireball was visible for about 15 minutes beginning about 10 p.m., said the National Weather Service in Sullivan, Wisconsin, just west of Milwaukee.

“The fireball was seen over the northern sky, moving from west to east,” said the NWS in the Quad Cities area, which includes parts of Iowa and Illinois.

“Well before it reached the horizon, it broke up into smaller pieces and was lost from sight,” the service said. “Several reports of a prolonged sonic boom were received from areas north of Highway 20, along with shaking of homes, trees and various other objects including wind chimes,” it said. There has been no official determination as to what caused the fireball, the NWS in Sullivan said.

It’s obviously an omen.

  1. SimonSezz says:

    This happened on the night of the 14th and they’re saying it’s apparently a meteor that could have been up to one thousand pounds in weight.

  2. BAMF says:

    Nothing mysterious about it, it was just a meteor.

  3. KarmaBaby says:

    Of course, no one thought to take pictures.

  4. qb says:

    It’s obviously a sign of the Apocalypse, or that the Cubs will win the World Series. Whichever comes first.

  5. wetback says:

    #3 qb

    my money is on the apocalypse is first

  6. madison resident says:

    I saw it – it was one of the most awesome things I have ever seen. I just can’t believe it still says 15 MINUTES on cnn and not seconds. Who are these idiots that not only publish an error of that magnitude, but still have it wrong after a day?!?!?

  7. madtruckman says:

    i think that was actually a misfire of adam’s earthquake machine…..

  8. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    Street light, move along people.

  9. Benjamin says:

    It is a fireball from a meteor. It is not an omen or anything supernatural. I wish I could have seen it. I live in Iowa.

  10. FRAGaLOT says:

    It’s either a meteor, or probably some old man-made space junk that burned up in the atmosphere. There is a lot of crap in orbit in the short time we’ve had a space program.

  11. Hmeyers says:

    I figured we lost another space shuttle.

  12. spsffan says:

    In Wisconsin? Undoubtedly a beer fart that got loose near an open flame.

    Move along.

  13. Just Fat Bastard lighting farts again …

  14. nolimit662 says:

    It’s a casualty of the space war. Somebody’s satellite just got blasted back to earth.

  15. chuck says:

    Kal El has arrived.

  16. The0ne says:

    Yes! my God has arrived and he’ll surely kick God and Jesus’s butt! Take that all other religion! My religion (Superman and Hulk) are more real than yours!

  17. yankinwaoz says:

    A similar fireball light up northern Alberta on 20-Nov-2008. In that case, they found the meteor.

  18. Animby says:

    #5 Madison Resident. Thanks for clearing that up. I didn’t understand how it could possibly be a meteor if it was visible for 15 minutes. I checked the original article to see if there was just a typo in transferring it to the blog. Nope. Just good old CNN fact checking.

  19. corvettelady says:

    I wonder if it’s related to this:


  20. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    God is flashing his balls again. Perversion starts at the top.

  21. #17 – Animby,

    Just good old CNN fact checking.

    They were way too busy fact checking SNL sketches to get to this.

  22. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    #17, Animby… at CNN, it was visible for 15 minutes. Then they took their video off ‘pause’.

  23. UncDon says:


    Sarah Palin and/or the New York Yankees (again).

  24. Sir Elmer says:

    Calm down people. It’s just Adam Curry returning from dinner with the Aliens. It’s okay people, nothing to see here, move along.

  25. Jon says:

    Obviously the phenomena was caused by anthropomorphic global warming! Waiting for the Prophet Gore to verify this for us.

  26. Floyd says:

    #25: Serial hookup.

  27. Dallas says:

    Thank you President Obama for exploding the apocalyptic meteor and saving the world. We know you wanted to keep this one quiet.

  28. honeyman says:

    At least no audio on the clip was a blessing.

  29. BubbaRay says:

    Technical term for this is “bolide.” And it was a nice one. Estimates I’ve seen seem to agree it was the size of a Volkswagon. Looks about right to me. I’ll bet small pieces of the meteorite will be found, maybe as large as a brick.

  30. Animby says:

    #21 & 22: Scott and Skeptic:
    Thanks for a morning chuckle.


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