Al Gore refuses to answer any questions about climate change. At least you can say that he’s consistent.

  1. bobbo, ...whats good for the goose.... says:

    After a life in politics and trying to make another fortune in Green Futures/cap and trade Algore would be an idiot to speak to any ambush predator.

    Algore is many things, but unnecessarily exposing himself and his fortune ain’t one of them.

    BTW–I think ambush journalism is a good thing. Not pretty, but good. Those in power really do need more scrutiny than the Lame Stream Media is up to giving.

    Ahhh—there’s Palin on the tube again===speaking of Lame Stream failing to do their job.

  2. KMFIX says:

    Cap/Trade is a workable solution. Those who disagree don’t understand it.

  3. bobbo, ...whats good for the goose.... says:

    Workable Solution?==for whom at what cost to other issues?

    I understand similar programs have “worked” on much smaller scale issues.

    Cap and Trade is artificial and totally suspect. Any “easy” way/link to give us your thinking?

  4. Al Gore says:

    Sorry, I was in a hurry meeting with important people.

    I don’t want to go on Fox News because O’Reilly is a douchebag and don’t like it when he rubs his foot against mine during the interview.

  5. bobbo, ...whats good for the goose.... says:

    Algore–you “sound” just like sister hand grenade.

    Any valid description of the “benefits” of C&T will have to identify the downside and who gets hurt to even be considered.

    “Some” people benefit from any program you wish to name. That doesn’t mean it “works.”

    I recall some newsbit about a year ago some analyst comments C&T was already a failure before launch because the “credits” rather than being sold by the government were to be given freely to the corporations. “Little things” like that before all the sequalia are even addressed.

    Yes, I’m sure its a fine program.

  6. clancys_daddy says:

    “Algore would be an idiot”, Would be? I would change that to is. I don’t even particularly care about his opinion on “global warming” I am just considering his politics in general.

  7. bobbo, dogs-good, people - not so much says:

    Clancy–I know that knee jerks pretty quick and pretty hard, but can’t you even read an entire sentence and comment within the context of that sentence and this thread?

    No? Too bad. Carry on.

  8. Alf says:

    I am not a fan of the global warming issue.


    Once you have been assaulted by a jerk with a mic, you have to do everything you can to not hit them in the face.

  9. Hmeyers says:

    Al Gore is doing a great job expanding the conversation whether or not he is wrong, right or partially right or “Not Even Wrong”.

    Let’s say you believe Gore is wrong, it still has you thinking about the subject matter.

    Someone who is opposed to the idea of man-made global warming still has to go to the effort of thinking how they explain their position or why they believe it is wrong.

    And this means thinking about the environment is back on the map after a bit of a slumber in the 1990s.

    I don’t trust Gore to be unbiased and I wouldn’t take anything he says at face value because he is “compromised”. But I will trust him to be an unreliable source of facts and information that might sometimes be true but often isn’t quite true. And in that — you can find reliability.

  10. jman says:

    Ambush? I love it. The Goreacle won’t answer any questions EVER about his BS “global warming” or the scandal it’s caused and so when somebody tries to get him to answer ANY questions….they’re ambushing?

  11. atmusky says:

    The reality is that politicians with the support of the American voters have been providing more government than either has been willing to pay for, for over 50 years. The last year of the Clinton administration was close with only about an 18 billion dollar deficit (when lending from social security trust fund is factored in). We are now running over trillion dollar per year deficits. Anyone that doesn’t think taxes are going up ALLOT is living in a fantasy land.

    What ever taxes are raised will hurt our economy as will spending cuts. We have been driving the economy with deficit spending for those same 50 years ending that will be painful.

    At least if they raises taxes on fossil fuels it might drive adoption of alternative solutions and free us from needing to secure foreign oil.

    If it were me I would put a tax on oil in place that continues to rise $.50 a gal every 6 months for the next 10 years. I bet the market would find solutions and we would be using something else in no time.

  12. Benjamin says:

    Al Gore has no credibility to address global warming. He has a vested interest in selling carbon credits from his companies. If global warming is not man-made, his carbon credits are just worthless pieces of paper.

  13. Rabble Rouser says:

    I am still amazed that people don’t understand that climate change is a FACT, even though Fox Propaganda, and the fossil fuel industry state that it is not.
    The only scientists who still deny climate change, are those who are funded by the fossil fuel industry.

    Al Gore may have a vested interest in selling carbon credits, but it’s a better alternative than the fossil fuel industry, who are still getting corporate welfare, from the government, to drill for fuels that will only add to the problem. This is going on while corporations who are pioneering alternative, renewable sources for energy, are getting orders of magnitude less funding from the government. This is only due to lobbyists doing their job, and paying off the politicians.

    I think that Al did a great job is stifling the
    little wiener. If it was me, the kid would have gotten a fat lip.

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    jman…what that O’Reilly producer does is the definition of an ambush. No matter what Gore says, O’Reilly will spin it to fit his needs, as he did here.

    Real journalists rely on appropriate opportunities for interviews.

    Should CNN be out trying to ambush Bush or Cheney?

  15. bobbo, dogs-good, people - not so much says:

    OLo==you are a reasonable guy. Algore does not give interviews. For 14 years now, all he gives is set speeches with no Q&A.

    The role you propose for the Media boils down to being stenographers and regurgitators.

    Rethink your position. The forth estate is there to nettle the comfortable===or have you become too comfortable to remember/advocate that necessary check and balance?


  16. LDA says:

    #14 Olo Baggins of Bywater

    Yes, O’Reilly is a disingenuous douchebag.

    Real journalists research and report. Entertainment Tonight waits for a nice sit-down opportunity.

    Probably CNN should have been, I think it is more a job for the FBI now.

  17. MikeN says:

    Didn’t Michael Moore win an Oscar for stuff like this?

  18. Buzz says:

    This young reporter has a great future in sophistry.

  19. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    Scene Nine: Algore moves behind Terra and stabs it with a credit of carbon. “Et CO-tu Algore? Then fall, Terra!”

  20. Carcarius says:

    It is the context in which people discuss climate change that is the issue. Whether it is Anthropic or not is the question. There isn’t sufficient evidence that it is anthropic in nature, yet there is overwhelming evidence that Earth conditions change over time, which has an effect on weather patterns. Therefore, it is simply a phenomenon we must adapt to and not blame on our own actions over a period of time.

    One must be aware of the motives of those who declare incorrectly that Earth changes are the result of human activity. One should question why one group would find it appropriate to tax another group based on their output of an arbitrary substance (carbon) which is actually a necessary component of a tried-and-true, working ecosystem.

    In short, plants “breathe” carbon and release oxygen into the atmosphere. Mammals breathe oxygen and release carbon (CO^2). This has been a harmonious relationship from time immemorial. Attempting to create a profit engine from the ecosystem we all rely on is both genius and diabolical at the same time. It all depends on your personal philosophy. Do you believe in slavery or don’t you?

  21. bobbo, everything new is old says:

    Carcarius==well written but repeatedly logically fatally flawed.

    The climate scientists say it is AGW. YOU start by saying the evidence is not sufficient and then move to say that it is incorrect to say so. THAT is running down the slippery slope uncaring about the terrain.

    Likewise, the fact that plants breath carbon and exude oxygen is untethered from cause and effect. Have you read the recent articles about the decrease in world oxygen which also increases co2 and that we hoomans are critically affected at very small percentages of this gas??

    CO2 output is NOT ARBITRARY. It is the consequence of burning coal and oil our primary energy sources. How silly to be COMPLETELY WRONG.

    Cap and Trade as currently designed, or as it could be modified, is an approach that I also am highly skeptical of but not for ANY of the nonsense you scribe. What notion are you a “slave” to??? Rhetorical diarrhea.

    Surely you “can” do better??????

  22. Guyver says:

    22, Bobbo,

    The climate scientists say it is AGW. YOU start by saying the evidence is not sufficient and then move to say that it is incorrect to say so. THAT is running down the slippery slope uncaring about the terrain.

    No it’s not. The AGW theory is being pushed by people with ties to the IPCC which does nothing more than push a political agenda. There is no consensus and there is NO EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE of proving the theory true.

    AGW also ignores other possible theories such as dare I say sun spot trends on the Sun? What about the climate change on other planets that are also happening at the same time? Is this due to AGW as well? 🙂

    CO2 output is NOT ARBITRARY. It is the consequence of burning coal and oil our primary energy sources. How silly to be COMPLETELY WRONG.

    How silly it is to assume something is causal when you have no proof of it. Let me guess, the self-serving computer simulations based on the assumption that CO2 is causal is somehow “scientific” proof? 🙂

    Cap and Trade as currently designed, or as it could be modified, is an approach that I also am highly skeptical of but not for ANY of the nonsense you scribe. What notion are you a “slave” to??? Rhetorical diarrhea.

    It’s a tax scheme to advance certain people’s agendas to regulate something that is a byproduct of every living creature on this planet.

  23. clancys_daddy says:

    actually again I don’t care about his thoughts on global warming I just think he’s an idiot. period.

  24. clancys_daddy says:

    Then again I think most people are idiots political party doesn’t make a difference. Evolution keeps proving that I’m right.

  25. clancys_daddy says:

    PS again I think oreilly’s an idiot as well. I vote independent.

  26. Greg Allen says:

    >> Al Gore refuses to answer any questions about climate change. At least you can say that he’s consistent.

    Are you kidding me? Gore has answered UNTOLD ZILLIONS of questions about climate change!

    O’Reilly wouldn’t know real science if it hit him in the face like a wet luff. Gore was smart not to talk with that liar.

  27. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    Rabble Rouser,

    “I am still amazed that people don’t understand that climate change is a FACT”

    Are you referring to Global warming, AGW, or the climate changing, as it often does?

    “The only scientists who still deny climate change, are those who are funded by the fossil fuel industry.”

    I would provide links to scientist who do not believe in AGW who have to connection to the oil industry, but somehow I think my efforts would be in vain.

  28. Animby says:

    Gee, Al looks like’s really slimmed down! Must be the effort of carrying that Nobel medallion and his increasingly heavy bank statements. Good exercise.

    By the way, Al: I don’t blame you for not going on O’Really. He’s a douchebag and two douchebags talking would be ludicrous.

    Another thing, Al, concerning cap and trade. There are two newly active volcanoes up in Iceland spewing out CO2 like crazy. Like you, I have no proof of my assertions, but I suspect they have exceeded their caps and are currently trading with China and Brazil. What do you think of this? Shouldn’t natural sources of CO2 be taxed even more. I know Iceland is bankrupt but surely they could find a few kronurs to buy some credits from one of your associates.

    One last thing. Is it true you’re producing another movie to explain all the inaccuracies of your last film? And is it true the title is to be An Inconsiderate Ruse?

    Thanks, Al. Lookin’ good my man.

  29. Uncle Patso says:

    One giant glaring fact is almost entirely ignored in the whole debate about global warming or climate change or AGW, “cap & trade” and other alternative energy strategies.

    For the last century and a half, more or less, human society has come to rely more and more on fossil fuels, mainly petroleum and coal, to fuel its economies. (Some of) Human society has gotten quite wealthy from this. But now most of the petroleum is gone, and the easily obtainable reserves are almost completely exhausted. No matter what, unless giant breakthroughs in fusion power happen _very_ quickly, the entire world is about to be quite a bit poorer. The shift has already begun with the rise in the cost of oil and its byproducts.

    Try to remember that. Try to keep it in mind. Other than market fluctuations, for the foreseeable future, energy will never again be as cheap as it is today; human society will be quite a bit poorer. This is causing a lot of people to make trouble, trying to “get theirs” before it all goes away, especially including energy companies. Trying to maximize current profits, they fund and support all kinds of “research” and PR to try to convince people that there’s no problem (“it can’t happen here”), if they could just get the government off their backs. This will only get worse from here, so be vigilant: large numbers of people are lying to you and others are merely taken in. Don’t fall for it. Be skeptical.

  30. Uncle Patso says:

    Oh, I almost forgot: Bobbo, way back in #5, I think the word you wanted is sequelae. (Please excuse my geeking out on Latin.)


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