Al Gore refuses to answer any questions about climate change. At least you can say that he’s consistent.

  1. bobbo, never took latin, just read too much says:

    Hey Uncle===thanks. Yea, its been so long since I last used that word, I was going phonetically and only aiming for the ballpark. But I did have it wrong, not a typo as is my most common error.

    Please correct me at will, but don’t wear yourself out?

    Also===to return the favor===what do you think the odds are that technology will provide clean renewable energy cheaper than todays burning of carbon? I’m just wag-ing that the odds are pretty good?===Maybe some discomfort before the cost curves are reached = but the future is so bright, I gotta wear shades.

  2. Animby says:

    #33 Bobbo – I know it doesn’t bother you one way or the other, but I agree with you about the future being bright. Personally, I think fuel cells are about to hit the big time. A physicist friend of mine really thinks cold fusion is just around the corner. I’m not so sure about that I do think we’re about to see a revolution is small nuke plants. And, as soon as the aliens arrive and hand over all sorts of new tech … oh, wait. Sorry about that last one. I think I was channeling Curry.

    (P.S. all sarcasm was confined to the last sentence.)

  3. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes Dogma says:

    Animby–I don’t know what the “it” is that you refer to but in the spirit of no sarcasm I do “care” what every pin head on this blog posts. As that great mental health expert said (forgot his name) we all have to care, just don’t care too much. I think I still have things a bit lopsided because indeed I don’t take offense where others do. Makes for an off center collision. What I think is 90% funny, others take as 90% insulting.

    I do look forward to each post you make and the majority of my non-direct responses come from general approval. Half of my actual responses are half made up—but not all the way.

    The two douche bags was accurate and funny. Each drips vinegar sourced from different bitter fruit.

  4. Wretched Gnu says:

    “Climate Gate”…? Er, doesn’t Fox read the news?

    “Climate Gate” has been proven to be a climate denier fiction.

  5. Dexton7 says:

    Cap/Trade is a lie… just like Al Gore and O’Riely are both liars from different camps. I can’t believe that some people on here would willingly pay a carbon tax to the carbon criminal Al Gore – based on fairy tales.

    The climate data was cooked up by the IPCC and the tons of leaked Emails and documents from ‘Climate Gate’ prove it. Many of the authors of the leaked materials even confessed to it.

    Want real environmentalism? How about being concerned about the plastics, vocs, mercury, and other pollutants that are released into our air, water and food? You almost never hear about these. It’s all about the scary carbon dioxide that plants breathe..

    I’m all for protecting the environment – but not at the cost of having some a-hole getting rich from a national or global scam and still not actually doing anything for the environment.


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