Found by Bryan Roley.

  1. Martini says:

    Fair and balanced as we would expect from Al Jazeera.


  2. EvilPoliticians says:

    Walter Bishop said

    Why is Al Jazeera the conduit for this story? Is it a good ‘West-bashing’ story? What has the Arab world done for Haiti?

    Because no MSM would bash Sean Penn. Even with his helping hand, the government cannot take care of the basics due to the waste, politics and corruption. That would go against the Obama public agenda after he pledged the full support from the good ol’ USA.

  3. bobbo, having been roundly taken to task says:

    Pedo–I can’t believe you are de-humanizing me after a direct request to stop. Somehow I feel like a Haitian Refugee living in my slum of a trailer park while you are a jack booting UN fascists living down the road at the Motel 6. OH THE HUMANITY!!!

    t-1==I thought wisdom started by admitting your own ignorance? Or was it Pedo’s ignorance???? I gotta start buying a different brand of bubble gum.

    Skeptic–I apologize. and thanks for going back and reviewing that video again. I just couldn’t bare the images again of destitute people with nothing but the shirt shirts on their backs needing free clothing, food, water, shelter, medicine, security, electricity being forced to live miles from where they preferred to be. It certainly is disgusting when volunteers to these disadvantaged people choose to live in any condition better than those they are volunteering to serve. Pure Hypocrisy.

    Back off on the direct insults huh? Why do I take the posted studpidity of so many as the same type of insult to us all collectively??? Ah well…. live, love, learn, grow.

    Make choices.

  4. Lou Minatti says:

    Heckuva job, Barry. Haiti mission accomplished.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    # 10 jescott418:
    “[…] As one reporter put it. They do not even have construction companies to tear down and remove destroyed bildings let alone rebuild them.”

    What kind of place with nine million people doesn’t have any construction companies? The rulers of Haiti should be dragged in front of the International Court in The Hague for crimes against humanity.

    = = = = =

    # 30 pedro:
    “[…] Usually, extreme muslims (and their spokespersons) are loyal/allied with western lefty loons. […]”

    I sincerely doubt the radical Islamists make any differentiation among us of “the Great Satan.”

    = = = = =

    Anyone, corrupt or otherwise, trying to make a difference in Haiti is doomed to at least partial failure. Such a large fraction of the population living in poverty even before 3/4 of their homes were destroyed; no usable seaports (hopefully they’ve gotten at least _some_ of those working again); no usable local social infrastructure — the entire country is a black hole of need. It’s a worse problem than the Gulf hurricanes of a few years back, and we’ve seen how well “the richest country in the world” dealt with that…

    At least they’re doing _something_.

  6. faustus says:

    geez john you have some real weirdos commenting on your blog

  7. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    Re bobbo, re: “Back off on the direct insults huh? Why do I take the posted studpidity of so many as the same type of insult to us all collectively??? Ah well…. live, love, learn, grow.”

    I just got my panties in a knot when you called me a liar. I don’t lie. Brain farts? sometimes. Just being wrong? sometimes. Flawed logic? sometimes. Dishonesty? …never. It always bites back. I also don’t hold a grudge with anyone willing to meet halfway. 😉

  8. Rick Cain says:

    The problem with Haiti is that its full of Haitians.

  9. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and Red Baron says:

    #43–Ha, Ha—Skeptic.===You are well on the way to being wise. Insults that aren’t true “should” mean nothing to you.

    Live, learn, love, grow, change.

    Make choices.

  10. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    re: Bobbo, #46…”Insults that aren’t true “should” mean nothing to you”.

    If, say, Pedro called me a liar… I would just laugh. Where an insult comes from matters somewhat. (I guess that’s a compliment, bobbo)

    On that note, you made me chuckle…
    Do you consider yourself wise? 😉

  11. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    Re: #48, hahahahahahaaaa…

  12. bobbo, I'm no wise guy says:

    Na–it is a journey though, with a path. You can tell this by when you meet wise people and see the distance from yourself. And – – – look!!! – – — – there’s Pedo off in the weeds.

    Actually Pedo is a good guy and helps where he can. Just doesn’t happen that often.

    The fact that you maintain some humor while complaining about name calling shows you are on the path to wisdom. The fact that you care at all shows you are not there yet. The fact that I can read these facts says nothing about myself. We often see our own faults more clearly in other people, doesn’t mean we don’t still have those faults though.

    On insults, I always trip to that comedy routine by the Marks Brothers about Being Men of Honor==or maybe it was the Three Stooges, or a quote by Voltaire. As my insults draw only a distraction from the point being discussed, obviously I am not wise. I do not consider myself wise. I have learned a few tricks, I am on the path. But not yet, if ever, wise.

    Pedro!!!!—don’t call me a liar!


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